Chapter 9

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Allison's POV

"How was your weekend Rock-star?!" River asked enthusiastically. 

"Good!" I replied, giving him a smile, not really feeling like elaborating. 

He came over so that we could work together to finish our pieces for the upcoming show; our studio art teacher also wanted to feature some of River's pieces as well. He brought his Yorkie Lucy over and it felt nice having company over to provide as a distraction from the uncertainty I was feeling. 

"I thought I'd be sitting here for like, 4 hours hearing about every detail! Is everything alright?"

"Yeah" I sighed, "I just miss him is all, seeing him again makes it harder" I replied, shrugging. 

"I can imagine" was all he said, swirling some paint around his canvas.

My phone vibrated, and I pulled it out, it was a text from Josh. Just as I went to open the message Lucy jumped onto the couch and took the phone right out of my hand in her mouth. 

"Lucy!" I called out, trying to take it back but she hopped off the couch, dashing away. "Fuck" I said, laughing a little at the mischievous puppy. I chased her all the way up the stairs, into the bathroom. 

"No no no Lucy no" I called as I watched her try and hop up onto the back of the toilet. 

In slow motion, I watched as my phone fell from the dogs mouth straight into the toilet bowl. River ran up behind me, wide eyed as I stood there in the doorway feeling defeated. Lucy just cocked her head to the side and made us both laugh, that little bugger. 

I walked over to the toilet and reluctantly pulled my phone out of the water, turning to look at River with a frown. 

"Come on lets put it in some rice" he said nervously, eyeing the dripping wet phone.

We tried the rice trick but it was no use, the phone was completely fried. I'd survive though, I could go a few days without a cell phone. I texted Josh from River's phone and told him it would be a few days before I had a working one again.

The next few days went by in a blur, and before I knew it, it was Wednesday night. I nervously got ready for the big show, there were going to be a ton of people there and the sick feeling in my stomach wouldn't quit. All of those people looking at my artwork. The local newspaper even put out an article featuring the artists in the show, so River and I had to go and get our picture taken and answer some questions. It was exciting, but nerve wracking none the less. 

I chose to wear a simple little black dress with a pair of nude pumps. I curled my hair and carefully put on my makeup until I heard River honk from the street below where he was waiting in his car to pick me up. Rushing down the stairs, I tried hard not think about how much I wished it was a certain blue haired boy that was the one down there instead. 


Josh's POV

Dashing out the door of the closest flower shop I'd been able to find downtown Vancouver, I rushed down the street toward the hotel where Allison's art show was. I walked quickly down the street holding the bouquet of roses I'd just purchased, my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I was nervous and excited for Allison, anticipating the look on her face when I walked in the door. 

My flight had just gotten in a few hours before, and I'd had just enough time to change into some nice dress pants and a button up shirt, a loose black tie hanging around my neck. 

I rounded the corner that the hotel was on when my phone started to ring. Glancing at the screen, my caller I.D didn't recognize the number but I answered anyway. 


"Hi Mr. Ramsay, this is agent Snow calling on behalf of witness protection. We spoke a few months back when there was a false alarm concerning Allison."

I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart now coming to what felt like a dead stop. 

"Are you still there sir?" the voice asked. 

"Uh.. Yeah, whats going on?"

"We've been trying for the past few hours to contact Allison but her phone doesn't seem to be on and she's not in her apartment. We've been tipped by an anonymous source that the man who we are attempting to protect her from is in the Vancouver area. Do you know where she might be?"

"Her art show, at the Four Seasons" I managed to get out pretty clearly, "I'm on my way there now"

"We'll meet you there, thank you Mr.Ramsay, I'm sure everything is fine."

Without saying goodbye I hung up the phone and started running toward the hotel. Bursting through the front doors, I followed the signs that lead to the art event, frantically searching for the person who I knew now was the center of my world. 

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