Chapter 7

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Studio art was the most amazing experience I'd had in the longest time. My teacher was amazing, and the assignments that he outlined seemed so cool. For the first day they brought in some live models for us to sketch, and River and I chatted effortlessly for the hour and a half we had to complete our drawings. 

"I'm from just outside Vancouver, but I knew I always wanted to come here for school. I wasn't going to go for art but last minute I changed my mind and decided to do what I knew that I loved." he replied after I asked him where he was from. 

River was quick to answer my questions, he had no troubles disclosing information about himself, which I found strange seeing as I had just met him today. It made it easy on me though because I didn't have to do any of the self disclosing. 

He told me about his dog, his parents, and the friends of his that had all decided to come here for school too. 

"You should hang out with us sometime" he asked, putting down his charcoal to turn and measure my reaction. 

Taken a little off gaurd, I managed to get a response out, 

"Uh yeah, sure I guess that could be fun" I responded. 

"Awesome, why don't you come chill at the café after this, a couple of us were going to meet up and have a coffee."

Surprised and flattered by his invitation I decided I might as well. We finished up our drawings and handed them into the Prof, and exited the studio together. 

"So where are you from then?" he asked. 

"I live here in Vancouver actually. I have my own apartment and stuff" I replied, trying to avoid anything prior to my Vancouver life.

"Nice, you live by yourself? How old are you?"

I laughed, "You shouldn't as a lady her age!" I responded with fake offense, "I'm 23, so yes I do live alone as a matter of fact. I'm a big girl!" I joked. 

"Why are you starting school so late? I took a year off, which makes me 20 by the way, but you've taken more than a few" he asked, puzzled. 

At this point we had left the building and were headed across campus to the café River had mentioned earlier. 

"Change of heart" was all I gave him with a sweet smile. He didn't need to know I'd dropped out of high school and had to get my GED, or anything else for that matter. Although he did seem nice, he was pretty charismatic. 

"Don't you get lonely living by yourself?" he asked, persistent with his questioning. 

"No, I'm usually at my boyfriends house to be honest. He's away though so I guess I'll have to find some other way to entertain myself" I laughed, suddenly remembering it wasn't very smart to tell anyone, let alone a man-stranger that you lived alone. At least he didn't know where I lived. 

"Ahh yes, boyfriends are good way to pass the time. Mine is waiting for us at the café actually" he said as he read what must have been a text from him off of his phone. 

I couldn't do anything but widen my eyes in shock, my gay-dar hadn't been anywhere near going off! 

"Yeah yeah I get that a lot" he said jokingly, lightly shoving my arm. 

"What his name?" I asked with a grin, still surprised by his latest disclosure. 

"Andrew" he replied, "You'll love him! Now your turn, tell me about your boyfriend missy." 

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my camera roll until I found a picture that Carly had taken of Josh and I one night when we were all hanging out at Matt's place. I was sitting on Josh's lap making a funny face at the camera but Josh's photo-bombing skills took the cake. 

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