Chapter 8

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Josh's POV

Like I knew it would, the days started to fly by as we all got in the routine of the tour life. We'd already been gone more than two months and had played countless shows. There was nothing better than feeling the rush of adrenaline when the crowd was screaming our name for encore, or when we met the fans who were elated just to talk to us for a few minutes. 

Still it was hard to be away from home, sleeping on a tour bus was especially difficult but missing Alli was the worst. By the sounds of it she was having a great time at school and she'd met a group of friends that she was always with in the afternoons. 

As of on cue my phone began to ring, it was midnight and I was relaxing in my bunk. Seeing Allison's name pop up on the caller I.D made my heart race excitedly as I picked up the phone. 


"Hey Josh" she replied excitedly. 

"What are you up to?" I asked. 

"I'm stressing out, my art teacher wants to showcase a few of my pieces in an art exhibit coming up and I've been working for like 6 hours straight" she replied, "I wanted to hear your voice."

"You'll get to hear my real voice soon enough" I replied, excited that it was only about a week away.  

"I can't wait! Should I be bringing someone with me?" 

"That, or you can just give those tickets away. You don't really need a ticket because you can watch from side stage" I replied. 

"I get to watch you from the best seats in the house then?" 

"You betcha"

"Couldn't come any quicker" she said. 

"When is this art show of yours?" I asked, an idea in my head. 

"About a week before you get back I think, November 22nd, its at some fancy hotel downtown Vancouver." 

"And they're putting your stuff in the show?"

"Yeah, I get my own little section I guess, its so crazy! I guess the semester is almost over though, time is flying."

"I'm so proud of you babe" I replied sincerely, flipping through the small calendar that was next to my bed, trying to find the 22nd of Novmeber. 

"Thanks Josh, I guess I should let you go though and get back painting" she replied with a sigh. 

"I'll call you soon" I replied, finding the date and becoming even more excited when I realized it was Wednesday night and we didn't have a show. 

We hung up the phone, and although I tried my hardest to sleep I couldn't shut my mind off from making plans to surprise her. In the morning I would talk to the tour manager and see if there was any way I could make a short trip back to Vancouver. I fell asleep imagining the look on her face when she sees me there at her art show a few weeks from now. 


Allison's POV

"Allison!" I heard Matt's voice ring out across the hallway. I had just arrived at the venue from my boring plane ride and was on my way to where a polite crew member told me the dressing rooms would be. 

"Matt!" I squealed, quickening my pace and receiving a warm hug from the blue eyed boy. "How have you been?!"

"Great! It's nice to see you" he replied, pulling way and flashing me a heart-warming smile. "Josh's dressing room is just further down the hall, its marked on the door" he added. 

I could feel my heart racing at the thought of seeing Josh in person for the first time in what felt like forever. I nodded at Matt and smiled back, breaking away to follow the hall down to find him. When I came across the door the had the name JOSH taped to it, I slowly turned the handle and poked my head in. No surprise, he was lying on his back sleeping on the futon couch that was against the wall. He looked adorable and a smile broke across my face as I quietly crept into his dressing room and closed the door behind me.

Tip toe-ing over to him, I lightly started blowing on his face to wake him up. Being the light sleeper he was, his eyelids started to flutter open, trying to focus on the face in front of him. A smile spread across his face to mirror mine, and before I knew it he had pulled me into an extremely tight hug as I toppled over onto the futon next to him. My head was pressed against his chest, breathing him in and I could feel his lips on my forehead. No words were necessary as I lifted my head and easily found his lips, his warmth spreading over me like fire. 

"I miss you" he whispered against my lips. 

"I'm here now" I replied as I smiled into his. 

I turned so I could nestle myself in his arms comfortably. 

"How was your flight?" he asked, grabbing a strand of my hair and twirling it in his fingers. 

"Boring as hell" I replied with a laugh, "But worth it." 

I laid my head down on his chest and shut my eyes, enjoying this time with him as best I could before I'd have to leave him for another month. I hadn't even noticed we'd fallen asleep until a loud voice jolted me out of my nap. 

"Ramsay!" Mike's voice rang out. 

"Shit" he mumbled, raising a hand to rub his eyes. 

"Hey Alli!" Mike said with a smile and a wave when he noticed me, "Your boyfriend has to be at soundcheck in 30 minutes" he finished with a wink before closing the door behind him again. 

"Ten more minutes" Josh said in his sleepy voice, rolling over to face me, crushing me slightly between his body and the back side of the futon couch. 

"Josh" I gasped, feeling butterflies at how close we now were. 

"Shhh" he said, pressing his lips to my neck causing tingles to flood over my body. I brought my hand up to the hair on the back of his neck, tangling my fingers in it. He used a free hand to trail his fingers up my spine under my shirt and I arched my back into him in response. He let out a moan, and crashed our lips together. It felt so nice to be close to him after being apart for so long, it was like the rest of the world didn't exist. 

But then I remembered that the rest of the world did exist and Josh had to do sound check and meet and greet for his fans before the show. 

"Josh, you have to get ready for sound check" I said, breaking away from the sweet taste of his kiss. 

He just sighed and pressed his forehead against mine. 


In just a few hours time I was standing side stage watching the boys preform infront of a huge crowd of screaming fans. Seeing them do what they loved the most was incredible, the fans loved them and I couldn't doubt that they were incredible live; their records didn't even do them justice. But the show ended too quickly, just like the night. Before I knew it I was back on a plane to Vancouver, running over the weekend's events in my mind. 

I sighed, hating how hollow I felt inside. It wasn't like I'd lost him, we were still together, he was still alive, but I couldn't shake how I felt he was missing somehow. If I was going to be with him I'd have to get used to the fact that he'd be away touring more than he'd be home and it stirred a sick feeling in my stomach. I needed him so much, but he wasn't going to be there all the time. I got through 3 months now, but getting to the end of three months didn't mean the touring would end. Seeing him preform on stage made me realize he deserved that dream more than any one I had ever known. Still, I couldn't help but want him all to myself. 

I longed so badly to leave this weekend feeling on top of the world, but for some reason I couldn't seem to shake the pain I felt, the realness of our situation becoming more clear to me the more I thought about it. 

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