Chapter 5

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Josh's POV

"When are you planning to tell her man?" Matt asks, toggling on his big black leather chair. We're sitting in the studio discussing some of the tour details. 

"I don't know, I just haven't found the right time" I respond. It was true, Allison needed to know that we were leaving on tour in 2 months but I didn't really feel like breaking it to her right now. She seemed so fragile and I didn't know why. It's been about 2 weeks since the night her nose was broken, and it felt as though we were going downhill. It was like anything I said could set her off. I wanted to help her but she was starting to block me out again; the girl who lights up my world is slowly burning out. 

"Whats going on with you guys anyway?" Matt asked as if reading my mind. I'd known Matt for years and there isn't anything I wouldn't talk about with him. He knew when I needed to let it out. 

I rub my temples and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to figure out how to even start this conversation. 

"She's not letting me in anymore, its exhausting" is all I can manage to get out. 

"Josh. Did you honestly forget what happened at the party like two weeks ago? She's scared. Give her some time." 

"Its so hard to be scared for her all the time Matt. Every day I'm worried that Seth's going to come back, or that she's going to do something stupid to escape it all. Now she has the remains of a broken nose to remind her of all of the problems that I come with. I honestly don't even know what I'm supposed to do."

"Remember back in high school when you were dealing with all of your shit? The last thing that you needed was for people to walk out on you. Don't walk out on her, you're all she has. Literally." Matt responds. 

"I would never walk out on her" I reply sternly, meaning every word.

Matt was right, I shouldn't be the one feeling 'exhausted', she needed me and I needed to fight for her. Leaving so soon for tour made me nervous though, knowing that there is someone who wants to kill her  and not being here to protect her scared me more than anything. My stomach turns and I have to push the thought out of my head. I decide to text her instead, she never came over last night which suprised me. 

Hey babe, what are you up to?  I type into my phone, before stuffing it back in my pocket. 

"I know you wouldn't" Matt responds, I forgot that we were mid conversation.  "Also, I talked to Nicole about you know who, and she said she thinks she's calmed down. Hopefully you won't hear from her again." 

"Here's to hoping" I say and let out a sigh. 

"I think I'm going to take off man, we'll get back at this next week. I think everyone's meeting at the bar later tonight though, you guys should come" Matt responds. 

"I'll text you" I say as I watch Matt walk out the door of the studio. 

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I take it out, seeing that Allison responded to my message. 

Come over :)

I respond, See you in 10


I knock on the door and stand there with my arm up against the door frame but there's no answer, that's weird. I twist the door handle and poke my hand in, 



I step all the way in and close the door behind me, looking around until I see her dancing around the living room with her ear phones in and her eyes shut tight. I stand there and watch for a good two minutes, trying to muffle my laughter until she catches a glance of me. Startled, she takes a step back tripping over the coffee table landing backwards on the other side of it. 

Good to You (A 'Fix Me' Sequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon