On the Subject of Cats [ ]

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It only took two years and a global pandemic to get writing, but hey! At least it isn't too terribly angsty! Ah right, this takes place in this same universe of Cat Videos, but just... w a y into the future-
Takes place sometime after Graduation Day, hope y'all enjoy~

Peter Parker

Patrols? Got that down-

Taking down bad guys? Nailing it.

Literally everything else on that list of being a superhero? Own it like a boss.

Over the many, many years Spider-Man's been actively fighting crime, almost nothing could surprise him anymore.

Emphasis on almost.

The sky was overcast and the clouds were grey and heavy. Not a star in the sky could be seen through the thick obscuration. Spider-Man could feel the creak in his joints and the pull in his muscles. He'd have to go to a chiropractor or a masseuse to get that checked out.

Eh, it's a problem for another time.

He entered through the rooftop door, having slung himself onto the Triskelion for quicker access. It was much easier than walking through the front door... when said front door was far on the ground.

He spared some energy to greeting passing heroes and SHIELD agents alike, making sure to project his confidence and raise morale for the others. Eventually, he did make it to his door. Letting out a relieved sigh, he pushed the door open, watching it slide to the side before walking in.

He had to take off his mask and rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

Before him, he saw a myriad of soft colours on furry texture: soft golden fur ranging to void black. Four appendages and a long tail to match the torso. He could count at least five to six felines wandering around in the room, what with his Web Warriors playing with every single one of them.

"Oh- Spidey! You're here!" came Miles' voice, "look what Cho and I found on our patrol route!"

Peter did turn to see Miles with a cat toy, raising it just a few centimetres above a brown tabby's paws. Peter stepped forward, chuckling somewhat amused. "Aww, there are so many of them!"

"Hush now, we are meditating-" came Scarlet's voice from below. The web head stepped back a few paces when he realised he was a few millimetres from stepping on him and the black cat sleeping on the other's torso.

He said nothing, only giving himself a mental reminder to take a photo of this.

In front of him, MJ was holding two twin kittens: they're both blonde in colour and look around three or four weeks old.

"We saved some for you-" she spoke, flashing a smile and gesturing for him to take one of the felines. As gently as possible, Peter took one of them in his arms. He made sure to support their stomach with the palm of his hand.

The kit purred the moment it laid in Peter's hands, mewling softly at the transfer. The sight was enough to send warmth sprawling through his gut, spreading pure joy through his veins. Simply, this was the most precious thing he's ever seen.

"Where'd you find them?" he asked, giving the pet gentle pats on the head.

"It started with one," Amadeus spoke absentmindedly, teasing a calico kitten with a laser pointer, "we decided to give it some food... and by our second round, the whole family was here."

"Cho wanted to keep them all-" Miles interjected, pulling the cat toy overhead... where the cat was already hanging from the string.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," the genius stated matter-of-factly, "point is... we have cats now. And by any second, Flash should be barreling through that door with kitty mix-"

Right on cue, Peter heard the door slide open. "Time to eat up!" came the enthusiastic voice, holding a bag of cat food over his head. Immediately, the felines had their attention caught.

The agent lowered himself onto the ground, opening the bag and letting the cat food spill onto the floor.

Was he allowed to do that-

Pushing aside the thoughts of the poor janitor having to clean that up later, Peter let his kitten down. A few other cats had joined it, eating up some of the kibble on the ground.

"We should get them actual bowls-" Peter suggested. Before he could move, MJ had taken his arm.

"Later, this is just precious."

Anyway! Happy CNY~
Hope to actually get a new part uploaded before... at least the end of the week TT

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