Stop Crying • Pt 1 [ ]

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Remember when I said the next chapter was going on be fluffy? Hahaha... Guess where that plan went--

[stares out the window, looking over a corrupted story draft]
So I went for the next best thing: angst! The next one would hopefully be at least a little fluffy, there's just a bit of stuff I need to write out before I do anything like that.

"Stop crying," the voice in his head was adamant about the phrase: stop crying. It wasn't that he was in public, or in front of his friends, or family, or anyone for that matter. He was alone.

In the dorm room, he was alone.

How that happened, even he doesn't know. Everyone was on their own mission, patrolling or just taking their classes, but Peter was stuck in his dorm room, trying to will himself to stop crying over a stupid little thought.

He really did think that he buried Uncle Ben's death those years ago. He was wrong. Oh, how he wished he was right. It would have made everything better. This present was the product of his uncle's death; it made him sick. So here Peter was, on the cot he woke up in, lying on his side and facing the wall to make sure no one would notice if they had walked inside.

"Stop crying," the voice whispered, as if watching that other tear roll down his cheek. Sobs wracked his fragile body, the tears that streamed down his cheeks dampened the almost healthy skin that lay beneath the mask, which was left forgotten on the other side of the bed.

He bit the inside of his cheek to the point it bled, but couldn't help but cry. Cry over a fact that had happened years ago. A death he wished had never happened, all because of a "gift" he never wished for.

Don't get him wrong, his family of supers were just... amazing. They were all the best, but his life would have been better if the bite never happened. The city's regular routine wouldn't involve the dangerous routine of possibly running into supervillains he created if Spider-Man had ceased to exist.

Hell, if Peter had ceased to exist, perhaps his actual parents would still be alive. His aunt May would live more happily knowing uncle Ben was still alive and well. Maybe they all would be living a life better than the one they lived. Or used to live.

With or without him, the world would still revolve. Time will still pass. The world would be a better place.

He should do something about that. Maybe it would benefit the world, he wouldn't be there to ruin anything else. They won't even notice his disappearance. Fury will find someone else. Maybe someone who has more potential than he would ever have.

Grabbing his mask, Peter pulled it over his face and walked out of the dorm room. He strolled around the hallways, greeting any acknowledgements of his existence with a faux smile that every S.H.I.E.L.D. agent bought.

Eventually, he found himself on the familiar, comfortable surface of the roof. He let his feet wander toward the edge, just a few millimetres shy of falling to a watery death. He set himself down and let his legs dangle from the edge.

He took the mask off, breathing in the fresh air and basking in the cool feeling the sky often provided him with. To him, the roof is an ideal place to find space to himself. Well, if it wasn't for the fights he had up here. It did invite unwanted memories.

Letting the cold breeze blow against his exposed skin and thin spandex, the wind felt inviting in a strange way. It was refreshing. It made him feel less dead inside. It felt like the wind was pushing him away from the edge, despite its fruitless attempts. Maybe because he picked just the right time to climb onto the roof.

It could really be anything, but Peter couldn't be sure.

But he knew that if he fell into the water, no one would find him. His name would be erased from history and played off as a hilarious story for villains to banter over. Only difference would be that he wouldn't be there to add to the pot of problems.

Just as Peter was about to push himself off the roof, he swore he heard someone walk up to him. Before thinking twice, his hands pushed him away from the ledge, far enough to hit the water and not the ground. Before he knew it, he touched the water. It ended with a bad thought. He remembered something he wished to have buried deep in the corners of his mind.

Water surrounded his entire body, his frame swallowed whole by the liquid. He didn't do anything to try and escape, but rather left himself sink. The light was starting to dim as he began to sink, leaving him as a corpse underneath the waters.

The last thing he saw was someone swimming down to him. Darkness swallowed his vision, and every single sense had lost its use. But his heart was still beating.

Inspired by OfficialUSMWriter

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