They done fucked up...

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Justice POV

Okay so after last night I woke up in a good ass mood. Shit that's what bomb dick does to you. Dante was still sleep so I got in the shower. By the time I got out he was just getting up. I brushed my teeth then went to lotion up. After that I put my undergarments on. The I went to my closet. I grabbed my camo joggers and this black half shirt that says "I woke up like this". Then I unwrapped my hair it was all long and flowy and of course straight. I put it in a middle part and put my black and white black pyramid beanie on. I then put my concords on and some sliver jewelry. Then I put on a light makeup a winged eye and some lashes of course and a dark purple lip. It was cute. He came out the bathroom with a towel on showing his V line. Like damn he bout fine as fine can get. He put lotion on and got dressed. He had a Black pyramid black and white shirt on with a black and white beanie and some true. Plus his concords tryna match a nigga. He comes over and kisses my cheek and told me we gotta get to the trap. I'm like okay. Then he grabbed my waist I flinched a lil he like what's wrong? All I do is show him my scar he says oh I forgot it was there I'm like yeah it still freaking hurts. Then he like okay come on let's head to the car. We get in and I bet comes on. I just started singing like I can't believe two of the closet people did this but they just helped me find out who really was always down for me. I knew I shouldn't have gotten back with stupid ass Erin. But let my heart tell it.


Me and Darren walk in people look and went back to work. Erin walks past I'm like um you come here I need to talk to you and Chrissy. He says okay and we all go to my office. Darren took my guns so I would just talk cause I was bought to have to lifeless bodies in my office if not. They sat down then they just started saying sorry. I just laugh cause it can never be a sorry that'll make this better. So then Chrissy says it was by accident the had grown close and one day they decided to hang out and they kissed. And from then on they been fucking. Camille like I found out the day you did when they kissed I asked about it, and they said it was nothing. I'm like I barely believe you but the fact you are my bffl I believe you. Since they didn't denie it, it gotta be true. Chrissy says okay but me and Erin only been seeing each other for a few weeks. How about you and my brother I knew something been going on. Darren says we been friends was nothing going on till now. I'm like I still got hell a people after me and that dude wasn't working for Jake and them that was a different matter. So ima need y'all to not ask about me and Darren we been friends but now we are together he treats me well and I truly love him. Darren says I love you too and kisses me. Then you see Erin's eyes go from there usual color to a black and he walks out with Chrissy walking out behind him. Camille like hell nah I knew I should have noticed I'm like how couldn't you wasn't y'all all hanging together. She says nah that she been by herself. I'm like you could have came and kidnapped me and took me to the movies or mall. She like bitch I wish I would you would have prolly put me in the hospital. I just busted out laughing. She like now lie and say you wouldn't have. I'm like let me not cause I would. She laughs and Darren like let's go do something I'm bored. Camille pulls us to the door like let's go to  some for lil kids. I'm like okay how fun. So we went to the park and played all day. Till we were sent off the play ground cause we looked weird. But I guess parents are just protective. But yeah we went to dinner had hell a food just ordering shit. Then we went to Darren's condo to see Chrissy and Erin hugged up. I was pissed but what can I fucking say he ain't my responsibility. Then Chrissy says hi with and extra lil smile i think that bitch up to some. Guess what. I found out she not Darren's real sister she was a foster child his mom took in. Like ik I wanna kill this bitch now. But Darren wants me to be good. And not fight her to let it play out. She might have something to do with everything else going on. But anywho Erin looks up and says to call his mom. I'm like okay what she want he like idk ask her yourself. I'm like nigga don't get smart I just thought you would know. Shit don't act like you don't know I'm freaking crazy. Chrissy says why don't we all calm down. Then here comes Darren putting his hands on my waist. Making me chill cause yass he has all the power. Camille sits I sat next to her on Darren's lap. Camille making conversation we all having a great time other than Erin's slick remarks. Chrissy been asking if I'm trying to find out who tryna kill me and set me up. Im like I'm doing what I do just know when I see and find out who it is its over.

Anonymous person POV

This bitch don't know that I'm setting her shit up. I see she gotta new man but it don't matter she ruined my mf life. Shit everything bout a get turnt shit. She'll  see who the biggest in this drug game...

My Thug Love Boy version( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now