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Justice aka Just pov

Well yeah its been two weeks he wont look at me or nun. We be at the trap i only talk to him about buisness. But me and Darren have gotten really close. He stays over with me and his sister all the time. He stays in my room and i have moved Erin's stuff to his house while he isnt there. His mom is still wonderful. She says i should talk to him. But what  am i gone say to him i made sure im not gone have kids cause id want to.

Darren said i should to im like i will today at the trap. Darren like okay hun make sure you do. So i go to the trap im wearing a bodycon dress that is black and white. With some white strappy Jimmy Chos. I was looking bomb af. I had my hair curled. And my weave just got done with my new Burmese hair with a closer its 22 with layers. I walk in there they like dang boss looking good im like thanks get to work. Then i see Erin im like office bruh. He comes and is like what do you want. I get comfrotable put my shoes on the table. Im like why you mad at me? He gone say cause you might've killed are baby. I look at him like i just killed the sperm before it could get to my eggs. It didnt even fertilize. He like oh im like you read the name of the box not what it does. He like i see you moved my stuff from your house im like yeah im not finna have it here if you not. He like i seen you and Darren doing things we do im like unlike you he aint leave me. He like im sorry im like i accept but dont leave me again he like we together again im like yes but no sex for a while. He like okay bae. I get up im like im finna leave in a lil bit. He like okay he kisses me and leaves i go around and i check on everything.  They like you bad af miss boss lady. Im like nothing new boo. I leave and i get in my car and i see this resturant. I go in cause im hungry. I get service i order my food. This man like dining alone im like nah my .9 is here to plus a couple other friends why. He like my bad just wanted to talk. Then im like well i give you my boyfriends number for that shit. He like we cant be friends im like nah my nigga. I got enough friends but im finna leave. I left a 100 and went to my car i drive home. I get in Chrissy at home knocked out. Im like she stay sleep. Then i feel hands on my waist i turn around to my lefty Darren smiling im like what he like i got some cutty. I bust out laughing. He like dead ass bruh. It was bomb to just like you in this outfit. Im like i know then he like come with me to are favorite store. Im like Walmart he like yup. We get there and all the male employees staring im laughing .Im like they need to catch they lives they could never get me by the way they staring. We grabbed are snacks and we get to the cash register and the dude was like good job for bagging this one. Darren like she just my friend thats it. Im like right he aint my nigga he my right hand. The dude like sorry yall lool like it because how yall interact with eatchother. Im like we get that all the time. The Erin calls me like where you at im like Walmart with Darren why wassup? He like i wanna take you on a date im like when im like i just ate so how about we spend the day together tomorrow. He like okay bae im at your house im like be there in five minutes. So me and Darren get to my house i walk in he sitting on his phone liking every picture i have. He like yall have fun im like yeah then he showed me on his phone a picture of me and Darren kissing. I laugh im like that was for a fan picture. Erin was like a fan picture im like up we bot got 500,000 followers bruh. A follower stopped us and asked us to kiss for a picture. He like thats weird af im like right i was single so i did it. Darren like yup we had then tag us because it was actually really cute. Then Erin like okay but come here i kissed him and Darren was like finally. I laugh then Darren like im finna go wake my ugly ass sister. Im like quit hollin my baby bad af. He like whatever and mushed me and i ran after him until we fell on the steps and he laughs like really Justice. Erin recording it and im like really im finna beat yo ass bruh. Then Darren picked me up and he like you know you broke your foot. Im like you lying put me down i hit the ground and it hurt so bad. So i grab my foot. Im like hospital please. He like i got you and picked me up while Erin grabbed Chrissy. We get to the hospital and Erin is now holding me im mad af. Im like this all your fault Darren he like who chased who. Im like you shouldnt have been hollin on my baby. He like whatever. Chrissy like stop arguing. Then the doctor came and im like my foot broke. He like im finna look at it and he had Erin carry me to a room. Then he told Erin to leave so he does. And would you believe that he tried to push up on me. He was touching me and im like move. He like no you beautiful and you cant go anywhere. Im like ima tell my boy friend then he like you aint gone tell nobody and he gripped my foot. I screamed he like be quiet. Then i kicked me im hard as shit and i hopped on one foot out the room. To the nurse desk im like the doctor tried to touch me. She like where i tell her and she like oh my why are you hopping im like me foot is broke. Then she helps me and takes me to Erin. He like what happen im like i wasnt strapped and the doctor tried to touch me once you left. He like forreal where he at then he ran to the room so did Darren. Im sitting on Chrissy's lap cause it was packed in the waiting room. Then Erin came back with the nurse she said that she gone report him. And Darren was coming to Erin like can we stay in the room with the next doctor she like of course. We get to a new room the doctor came in he was nice and knew what happen so didnt touch me unless it was neccesary.  Darren was pacing and Erin was holding me while they were putting me cast on. He like you got 3months with this. Im like okay im like jordans for three months isnt bad. Chrissy smiled and Erin picked me up and gave them my information for insurance. Then we left Darren drove and we went to dinner. They like im sorry we shouldnt have left you im like its cool no harm done cause when im better its going down. They like you dont have to go and do something bad. Im like who am i they say Just and im like what i do they like kill and sell drugs. Im like okay so we know what ima do to him. They like of course then im like drop it. I finished eating and we went to my house im like i gotta work out. They like not with your foot im like im cool. I went and worked out but i couldnt do my twerkout. Then i went to my gun range and shot till i was tired  i crawled up the stairs grabbed my cruntches and i went to my room. I see all them on my bed im like why yall here. They like its sleepy time. Im like yup but all yall cant fit they like okay we'll leave you and Erin.

My Thug Love Boy version( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now