what happen....

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Justice pov

I just woke up in the hospital i see Kj and Erin arguing. Then i see William laying on my stomach. Then we got Chrissy crying and Kevin trying to break the boys up. Darren pacing back and forth. I rub Williams head he sits up and was like she up. Darren ran over like dont be scaring us and Erin, Kj, Chrissy and Kevin look over. Im like get me up. They like you got shot in your stomach you should be glad it aint hit your organs. Im like i dont care right now im finna kill who ever did this and i need to get up. The like nah. Im like who am i Darren like not this again im like answer me. They like Just and im like what i do they like kill and make money i say doing what they like selling drugs. Im like what am i they said Queenpin. Im like okay so what i say goes. They like no we aint finna let you up. So i ring for my nurse she like how you feel im like i wanna leave she gone say we need one more day. Im like how long i been here she like two days. Im like man what she says i slipped into another coma. Im like wtf is life. Im like okay i just sit there. Erin grabs my hand and was like im sorry. Im like for what he like for not being there once again. I smile im like i gotta piss. He like really while im trying to apologize im like well i was going to say it before you even said anything and remember i helped you get up to piss when you was shot. He like cause i couldnt  aim with my hand. Im like so shutup i need help he like you got a nigga for that i was like ik but i wanted you to help me up. And Chrissy can help me go pee.  They like okay he helps me up and Chrissy helped me pee. Then i come out everyone silent im like what they like did you know that you had another baby in there. I laughed im like i aint do nothing since Erin they like we know. Erin like we were having twins. Im like hell nah im like is it still there and Erin was like no it was killed when you was shot. Im like oh my i fall to the floor crying it happened all over again. Erin runs to me and holds me im like i swear i need to get outa here. They like we know this hurts and you wanna get them but your hurt. Im like man idc once again all this shit is happening. Kj lifts me up and puts me in the bed. Im like first off what were yall arguing about. Kj like we was arguing over you whats new. Im like why they both say you in love with us. Im like i love you both but shit idk and im like Kj i need to be single. He like okay i understand. He leaves then Erins girlfriend comes in and was yelling so i get up hurt or not im finna beat some ass. Im like bitch you need to leave. She like no my man here so here i am. Im like take ya man with yah i need a break. He like man yall shutup he tells her what happen she gone say idgaf. So i reached over and clocked that hoe. Im like shot and all i beat your ass. Darren holding me he like stop you gone hurt yourself im like nah ima hurt this broad. He like stop and sat me down William pinning me down. She yelling and Erin like its over that was uncalled for shit me and Justice just lost are twins and you say that shit. He like when i get home dont be there. She pleading and shit im like bye hoe. Then Erin's mom calld she crying and is hysterical. Im like im fine and yeah we were having twins but they are gone now. She cries harder then she says come home im like i am. This was a bad idea but shit i had to do it. She like ik. I call my nurse in im like i really need to leave i need to get back to Cali. She says okay i sign out and leave. We get to the hotel and William wont leave me alone. Kevin silent he wont speak he just quiet. Im like whats wrong he says nothing. I tap him he looks dead at me and was like that nigga followed us all day. Im like how you know he like i remember seeing the same dude at everywhere we went. Im mad now he says that it was normal he seen alot of people all day multiple times. Im like oh okay. Then im like come so we can ho to my jet they here. So we get to the jet and it was a long silent ride even Kevin, Kj and Erin was there. We land 9hours later. Kj said he'll come check on me later. Kevin went to the trap with William. Darren, Erin and Chrissy plus Camille was all in my face while i was gone Camille watched my house. Camille cussed Erin out i was dead af. Darren trying to break it up but shit she going in. Im like could yall not argue damn. They stopped then camille big irritating self helped me upstairs and took a nap with me. She rubbing on my stomach wit her gay ass. She like awe you was gone cute prego. Im like no bitch i was gone be young, irritated, uneduated and big af. She like yalls babies was gone be beautiful. Im like im sure they were but whatever help me up. She does Darren was cooking so i sat on the counter waiting on him. He gave me a taste and Camille she was hungry i swear she prego. Darren like yall need to leave yall distracting. Im like who house this is. They like yours and im like okay then ima stay here. Erin walk in like can i talk to you. Im like yeah im finna work out he like no you not. Im like why he like cause your wound ad stitches. Im like so i worked out when i had the first miscarrage im going to now. He like no lets talk im like okay so i sit. We talked about the shit which made me irritated. All i can say to him is okay and uh uh i dont care about how far it would be to get here but that you came. He looks at me with nothing but sorrow like he wish he could have done things right. But idc like even if you had a new bitch your bestie and children are way more important. Like idk what it was im like was her pussy better or what? Cause shit it had to be to leave me. He like it wasnt even that he like i was trying to get over you. Im like nigga why we was together which is what you did the bet for.? He gone say yeah i did that but i really loved you but i knew you didnt want to be with me as much. Im like why you say that he like cause the way you cant look a Kj. Im like what that got to do with anything and he gone say the way me and Darren interact. Im like he helps me he always been close to me tho. He like ik but i thought it was gone be different for me and you. Im like i love you but we to young for the relationship we want.  He like okay well we back besties im like i guess we can lil boy. He hugs me and squeezes me until i scream in pain. He let go and said sorry. Then he touched my stomach he like we almost had two kids. I smile cause it was so cute how he said it. He like hope they were boys but i guess it doesnt really matter now. Im like yeah i guess and walked away. I went and sat  next to Darren. I laid on his chest while he played on his phone double tapping hoes pictures and getting likes himself. Im like hell nah hoes barely have any clothes on looking a damn mess get you some damn respect. Then he like lets take a selfie left hand. Im like okay i fix my hair and we take it. He makes the caption "Killing you hoes with real hair and natural beauty yup thats my lefty get like her." Im like awe  then i double tap and comment my insta name. All i know is that my page was getting followed out the ass bruh. But the Chrissy was like we need to take a selfie im like okay. So we take two i post one she does the same are caption was "Wifey always cute tho Get you one". We was so cute everyone double tapping. Im laughing and having a good time till Kj walk in like hey im like hello. He says hi to everyone and asks to speak to me. So we go to where me and Erin spoke and he told me something im never going to forget......

My Thug Love Boy version( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now