seven pt.2 | wont you take my hand...

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Fear. A rare feeling I have felt. But with this fear, comes rage. That hot burning anger that seeks to harm. When we see something that frightens us, a primitive chemical in the brain is activated to produce aggression. Rage destroys us from the inside, corrupts our sense of humanity and reasoning. It is this burning fire that pushes you past your own limits, and makes you feel at dismay and act out in accordance to it.

My fear, is the fear of failing to protect those around me that are of importance. I had always made an oath to protect those around me especially more so now since I am strong enough to do so. But it wasn't like that when I was younger. That day that still haunts me till this day.


"Keisuke! Are you okay? How deep is the wound?" I panicked, as I began to inspect the area he was shot to see that it wasn't too deep, but he did need to get help to stop the blood loss. "I'm fine sis, don't worry. It may look...bad but I used my ability to slow the effect of the injury for as long as it takes to get to the organization. I nodded, still trembling with fear. He has to survive this, or else I don't know what I'd do.

"By the way, you should probably check up on Ahmya, and the other thugs as they obviously are eager to continue the fight though I can't tell where they are right now as my vision is blurry". Ahmya, that's right. I looked around to see where the other three men were, to find that they were gone. But not only they were gone.....but they weren't the only ones that were gone. Ahmya was nowhere to be seen either...

"Ahmya, I know your drunk but come on out now...there is no reason to hide. We are safe now" I weakly shout, still shaking from the sight I had just witnessed. There was no response so I got up and continued "Ahmya....".

A few more calls out to her name and all that could be heard was the echoes of my voice and the distant music from inside the club. Starting to panic again, I look around the abandoned alley way trying to see if she was hiding. "Ahmya this isn't funny now, your starting to worry me now".

Behind me, Keisuke was slowly readjusting himself only now hearing my pleads "(y/n) what's going on...?"

"It's Ahmya I can't find her may-" I uttered before laying my eyes on a piece of paper, pinned to the wall by a used dagger, blood dripping from it onto the page. Grabbing the piece of paper, looking over it there was a message poorly written on it.

'If you want your dear old friend back, call this number and follow said instructions. Once you've done all of that then your friend shall be returned unharmed'

Your body went still, as if it had been turned to ice. Face growing dark, eyes widened in fear as you stare down at the note written in front of you. You couldn't begin to comprehend the whole situation. "She's gone...." your whispered, voice cracking.

"She's what?" Keisuke yammered, getting up from where he once laid on the ground slowly making his way towards you.

Your mind started racing. What was their purpose for even following, and attacking us. Why take her out of the group. Did she have some value? No....It's because of your status in the underground world.

Keisuke who was now beside you grabbed ahold of your shoulders shaking them in frustration, eyes desperate for a response, "What?!?! What the fuck! How?" he yelled, bringing your senses back and taking out of your thoughts. You shove his hands off you, replacing his hands with the note that was now had the blood seeping through the paper in his hands. Reading the message, his rage only grew.

"She-she was taken by those thugs. We have to go get her! Let's get Fyodor and a team or subordinates to help us. We will storm their hideout, get Ahmya back and make sure they all suffer!" he shouted, venom in his voice.

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