MarelLinh: A Day on the Beach

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A/N: I'm so sorry if I didn't quite capture their personalities right. I haven't read the books in a while and I'm currently in the process of re-reading them so I kind of need to refresh my memory.  All the credit for the picture above goes to catching.lightning_  on Pinterest.


Linh was having a good time. The sun was bright and shining, and the sand felt soft and warm under her toes. The sky was a picturesque blue and the cheerful chatter of families, couples, children and friends could be heard. She breathed in the fresh air.  The air was nice here. It was still polluted, but the humans had done an OKish job at keeping it clean. Linh turned to her friend and smiled. 

Marella was not having a good time. The sun was shining in her face, the wind kept blowing her blonde hair into her face and she was just downright miserable. She screeched as the hot sand burnt her feet. 

She hadn't wanted to go to the beach. But Linh had insisted. Well, not insisted. But it was hard to say no to your bestfriend. Especially if you've had a crush on her for almost two years. Yup.

To Marella's annoyance, though, Linh, being the ever so cheeky sister had forced Tam to come along with them, too. Marella had been salty about it at first but when she had realised all Tam was going to do was sit around inside the beachouse, reading, she didn't care so much.

"Marella, do you want to get ice cream?" asked Linh, clearly oblivious to her friend's pain. "I was talking to a human girl earlier and she told me that place over there is really good. Dare Quest's, I think it was?"

"Dairy Queen," mumbled Marella. "Can I put on some shoes first? And doesn't your brother want to come?" Marella had asked even though she didn't want him to come. She wanted it to be only her and Linh. 

"No, he doesn't. I won't bother asking but he's too busy sulking so he'll probably say no." Marella fought off a smile but it surfaced anyways. "Come on, let's go!" She could feel her face heat up as Linh grabbed her hand and dragged her onto the pavement.

"Slow down!" she cried as Linh sped up, almost crashing into a poor unsuspecting pedestrian. "If I step in dog poop I'm going to ask Dex to dye your brother's bangs-"

She crashed into Linh's back. "Hey, what - ?" Linh put a finger on Marella's lips and pointed to a child in a yellow t-shirt buying a baloon from a stall. "So, what about  it? Little boys can buy baloons if they want. It's not a cri-" 

"No," interuppted Linh, her voice shaking. "Her. The woman tending the stall." Marella squinted and saw a slender blonde woman with a wry smile talking to the child. 

Marella's eyes widened. "Gisela. What is she doing here?" Linh was struggling to breathe. "I don't know," she whispered. She squeezed her eyes shut, then hesitantly opened them again."Let's just go get ice-cream. We can tell the others when we go back to the Lost Cities." She swerved into Dairy Queen, pressing her back against the wall. 

"I'm glad Tam wasn't with us. Lord only knows what he would have done." Linh nodded in agreement. "What's wrong?" asked Marella. "You usually handle these situations so well."

Linh straightened up and looked at Marella, eyes unreadable. "She interuppted our date. I won't let her spoil it." Marella's whole face turned crimson at the word 'date'.

Linh smiled, slightly forced but determined. Marella looked at her, staring into her eyes. Her silvery blue- 

She leaned in, with one sole purpose. Linh realised what she intended and leaned in too, her eyelids relaxing. Their noses touched. They were going to kiss!

Just as their lips grazed the other's, their moment was interuppted by the voice of a worker from Dairy Queen. "Are you going to order or what? 'Cause if the only reason you came in here was to be all lovey-dovey,  then there's a very romantic beach outside you can lounge on."

"Seriously, dude?" Marella asked, her embarrassment fading. "Way to spoil the moment!"

He blushed. "Sorry. It's just, there's a big queue waiting and-" "What do you have on the menu?"


Linh and Marella sat side by side, slurping their ice cream and watching the sun set over the horizon. The waves lapped peacefully by their feet.

After their first round at Dairy Queen, they had decided to go back for seconds. And thirds! The fourth time, they had agreed it would be cute if they shared an ice cream together. A huge ice cream the size of someone's head. They had pestered the workers with their personal order.

"Today was nice," said Linh softly, giving Marella a big grin. "Mhm," Marella agreed, as she shoved a big spoon of ice cream into her mouth and swallowed it contently. She paused, wondering if she should say what she wanted to. 

"Uhm... you know when we were at Dairy Queen and our noses touched and uhm- what was that?" Linh smiled. Marella was sure she was imagining it.. but was that blush on her cheeks?

"I've always had strong feelings for you, Marella. But until today I didn't realise what they meant." She sighed and avoided Marella's gaze, staring at her lap. 

"The truth is.. I think I might be lesbian."

Marella gasped. "Seriously?!" Linh's eyes widened. She looked hurt. "Wait - no! That's not what I meant, Linh!"


Linh pressed her lips to Marella's. Silence. Then, something else took over. Marella couldn't explain what it was or how it got into her system but - for some reason, she knew it was love.

Linh pulled away, brushing her silver-tipped black hair out of her face. "I love you too, Marella Redek."

A/N: I'm sorry if this was short and a bit crappy, but I promise I'll try to get more work in. Updates will be on weekdays only, unless it's a special occasion. If you actually read this to the end then thanks for your support, as a new writer I really appreciate it!

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