KotLC x PJO Evaluation - A/N

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This is not a oneshot - I just had a creative streak this morning and thus decided it was time to evaluate the Keeper Team as demigods from Camp Half-Blood. By evaluate I mean what cabin they come from and why I think this is the case.

Sophie Foster: Daughter of Athena

Now, I know Sophie can be a bit dumb - and some of her traits are hardly considered wisdom - but she still has enough wits to be in the Athena cabin.  I was really stuck on where to put her - I actually considered making her a Daughter of Aphrodite at one point, but then I realised it wouldn't work out since Fitz is in the same cabin and she had a big crush on him at the start of the series. Sophie was also a high school prodigy at the age of twelve, so I do take that into account (even though she's an elf). She could also be considered a genius because of her many abilities. Annabeth was also mildly oblivious during the PJO series - although not as much. I was thinking of Hecate, Goddess of Magic, because of her many quirks, but the traits are also something I took into account and it just wasn't a match. If you have a better argument for who you think her godly parent would be, tell me.

Keefe Sencen: Son of Hermes

I don't think this really needs to be explained, but oh well. Let's face it. Hermes: God of theives, messengers and travellers. Sound familiar? Keefe would definitely steal if he needed something (as demonstrated in the books many times), and his mother used him as an errand boy, or messenger when he was younger. He was also on the run for a bit. The Hermes kids are really playful and mischievous, but also kind of angsty - he'd fit right in.

Dexter Dizznee: Son of Hephaestus

Again, perfect fit. Dex is really techy and into mechanics and stuff like that, so he'd fit right in. The only down side is that he'd probably be scared of fire, since that was used during the Foster-Dizznee kidnapping to torture them and also played a big role in the Neverseen's many attacks. But Leo was scared of fire at first, and look how he turned out to be!

Biana Vacker: Daughter of Aphrodite

Biana is definitely a Piper-type. Like, pretty expectations but they're actually super brave and tough. The daughters of Aphrodite seem to have a trend running - Silena Beauregard risked her life to save her friends. Biana was also seen as a very beautiful child, and still people admired her after she recieved her scars in Nightfall. Like Piper, she's teasing and strong, and is truly a powerful female representation. 

Fitz Vacker: Son of Aphrodite

Fitz = Handsome. Sophie and basically all the girls at Foxfire = SIMPS

Marella Redek: Daughter of Hephaestus

The fire quirk. Marella, like Leo, was scared of her powers at first, but unlike Leo, who was scared of the fire itself, she was scared of the eyes of society.  Pyrokenesis was banned so she had every reason to be scared. I'm not suggesting Marella would have the  patience to go tinkering away at mechanics for hours and hours, but as an elf with average grades she'd certainly be able to. 

Tam Song: Son of Hades

His persona is pretty similar to that of Nico di Angelo's. They are both untrusting and likely to hold a grudge. Tam insists on reading others' shadodowvapor when her first meets them. Tam's powers also hold a dark and untrustworthy aspect. He is also, like the Hades kids (Hazel and Nico), as one would say, very handsome.

Linh Song: Daughter of Poseidon

Water powers. She also acts like Tyson. A lot.

Maruca Endal: Daughter of Zeus


Wylie Endal: Son of Zeus

They're cousins haha (Maruca and Wylie)

Jensi Babblos: Son of Hermes

Stina Heks: Daughter of Ares

A/N: (is this an author's note within an author's note?) I had no motivation to properly finish this chapter, but I might get back to it in the future when this oneshot book is finished.

Happy Shadow Thoughts, my friends!

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