Tiana: He Is Your Boyfriend!

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My sister has decided it's a good idea to go to the Forbidden Cities today. Why, I have no idea. She talked about 'socialising' and stuff like that. Linh likes to call me anti-social a lot. Yeah, she's that type of sister.

Anyways, knowing humans, all we're actually going to do there is breath in polluted air, damage our lungs and commit arson. Normal stuff like that.

We set off at seven o' clock in the morning with Tiergan's cobalt blue pathfinder, which he lent to us for this 'important expedition'. He told the council it was Black Swan business.

We landed in a weird city. It looked like how Sophie had described Paris, so I took her word for it. "Paris," Linh confirmed, smiling widely. She steered me over to this big metal structure. It was a huge tower built from rivets and steel.

The human tourists roaming around were awestruck, but I wasn't impressed. We have lots of things like this in the Lost Cities.

After she was done blabbing facts, Linh suggested we get some ice cream in a nearby shop. I agreed. Finally, a decent idea.

As we were getting our ice cream, Linh had a chat with some 'old friend' she knew from the human world. It was up to me to order our dessert. I grumbled about it but I didn't really mind. Now I could use Linh's money to buy whatever the hell I wanted without her complaining about the price.

As I made my way to the counter, I spotted the girl who was serving ice cream. She was pretty, about my age - maybe a little younger? The girl looked too pretty to even be human - perhaps she was an elf incognito?

But I could sense an elf by the amount of shadow energy radiating in the air - she was definitely a human.

It took me a moment to realise I'd reached the end of the line. Embarrassed, I shuffled up to stand in front of the human girl.

"Hello," she smiled sweetly. "What would you like?"

"Uhm...." My mind went blank for a second. Then I replied, "Can I have a single scoop of hazelnut on a cone, and three scoops of cookie dough."

"Please," I added on second thought, because Linh would kill me if I didn't use my manners.

"Sure." The girl nodded and spoke to her colleague in French, then turned back to me. "It'll only be a second. So, are you a tourist?"

I nodded and smiled politely. Trust me when I say that it was killing me. Slowly. From the inside.

"Nice hair," she said awkwardly. I glanced at Linh. She was smirking at me and whispering to her human friend.

I rolled my eyes at her and turned to the girl. "Is that your girlfriend?"

She sounded disappointed. "Wha- HUH?! No, that's my twin sister... Linh."

The girl perked up. "Really? Oh, sorry for assuming." She turned away, obviously embarrassed.

"No.. uh it's fine. Sometimes people do think that." She nodded. "I'm Biana. You?"

"Tam Song." Biana laughed. "Really? Aw, what an adorable name! Song."

I was becoming a tiny bit uncomfortable at that time. Not because of the girl, but because of the amount of time it was taking for the ice cream to arrive. I bit my lip.

Biana blushed. "Your ice cream's here." I peeked over her shoulder to see that the ice cream, had in fact, arrived.

I took the two cones. Biana started to walk out from behind the counter, which I found confusing. "Where are you going? Aren't you at work?"

She laughed and patted my shoulder. "No, silly. My shift is over now."

"Huh," I said like a complete idiot. "Well, would you like to hang out with me and my sister?"

Biana looked uncertain. "Are you sure she won't mind.. your sister, I mean?"

"Nah," I said. "Not at all. She'll be bringing her human- other friend, so I doubt she'll care."

Biana looked happy, which I guess was a yes.

We headed over to where Linh was chatting with her friend. I explained about how Biana was finished with her shift and wanted to hang out, and Linh said it was totally fine.

We walked out of the store and around the square. "So, uh.. where now?" I felt a bit dumb inviting Biana to hang out and then having no idea what to do. "I know!" Biana smiled again. Damn, humans are pretty happy for a species that's actively destroying the planet.

"We can go to my house - if you want to, that is. My brother won't mind, since he usually just hangs around with this one girl that's way older than him."

I nodded, though I didn't really like the word 'brother'. It seemed weird to just be invited over to Biana's house and meet her brother. He would be like, "Who are they?" And Biana would reply, "Some kids I met ten minutes ago while I was serving them ice cream."

We walked for about two hundred meters until we reached Biana's house. It was a nice house, decently sized and squashed between some other houses in a row. Biana fished a pair of house keys out of her pocket and opened the door.

"Is that your boyfriend?" That was how I met Biana's brother, Fitz.

Biana blushed bright pink and smacked Fitz across the cheek, but he just grinned and chuckled, making his way upstairs.

We ate what humans call 'salad', since when Biana offered us spaghetti bolognese we politely told her we were vegetarian.

Then we crashed in her room and played this game called FNaF Security Breach. I swear that Gregory kid is so sassy.

Linh and her friend left to pick up some cake from downstairs, so me and Biana were left alone in her room.

We left FNaF and read the 'Newspaper' which was a human news recount. I found it really interesting but Biana was grumbling the whole time.

We ended up in a position with her arms wrapped around my neck and her head on my shoulder. I rested my chin in her hair, and I don't think she minded.

Our moment was interrupted when Fitz burst into the room, shouting, "I knew it! He is your boyfriend!"

And that was how I died from embarrassment.

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