SoKeefe: Facing a Legacy

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A/N: I'm just going to leave it with - enjoy, Team Foster-Keefe! (This one may be a bit angsty so prepare yourself). I got the fanart from Keeferina Sencen on Quotev, although ownership claims are not certain.


I usually enjoy butterblasts, but not today. Foster sent them to me personally - she even came up to the  room to deliver them. Usually, I would flirt with her and enjoy her state of Foster oblivion, but not today. Not any time this week, not ever again. I didn't even let her in, she just left them at the door. Nothing has appeal to me anymore. Except... 

Her face. I wouldn't admit it to Foster, but - I enjoy seeing her face. It makes me happy, in a way that Biana's, or Dex's or even Tammy Boy's stupid silver bangs could never. Although, there is some appeal to making fun of his bangs. Not that I want to, anymore. 

Besides, I feel bad for him. He was a victim of my mom's too, and it was kind of my fault. And... when I see him, I feel.. different. I see clearly how my mom has changed him. In an unrepairable way. I see clearly how bad Linh feels and how much she tries to help him, knowing it's all useless.

And I wonder... is that what I'm like? Has my Mommy Dearest changed me too, just like Bangs Boy? Has she changed me, not only physically but mentally, too? 

I picture the twins in my mind, using my photgraphic memory to pick up every little detail. Tam begins to fade away, and he's replaced by another. Me. Slowly, Linh disappears, too, and someone else is there, standing beside me, worrying about me. 

I expect it to be Dex, since he's done all he can to help me over these past few days. But it's not. It's Sophie.

That's right, Sophie. Not Foster, not Mysterious Miss F, not the girl with the freaky brown eyes or Fitz's ex-girlfriend. Sophie. 

The word reberates around in my head. Sophie is worrying about me. Sophie cares.  My throat catches and I realise what I've done. I've shut Sophie out.

That realisation is breathtaking and instead of facing the music, it's easier to fall into a restless sleep.


"Keefe! Keefe!" A moment passes before I recognise her voice. Sophie! I struggle against the black haze, thrashing around in a suffocating darkness. I try to call her name, but my throat is dry and broken.  Memories flash my vision - me, betraying Sophie to join the Neverseen. Me, standing there as Tam flees to protect his sister. And me, engulfed in inky black darkness as shadowvapor takes over my body. But what is my name?

"Keefe, calm down! It's okay, I'm here. Foster! Sophie Foster." Keefe. That's my name. I gasp, choking on air as I sit up. 

I'm still in the same place as yesterday, tangled in my blankets in my bed. Sophie stands over me nervously tugging at her eyelashes. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Better question - what happened?" 

"I don't know. Maybe it was an after effect of the shadowvapor...?" I notice tears in her eyes. "Fost- Sophie, what's wrong?" 

She dries her eyes, and looks away. "My lenses are just a bit irritated, that's all. I'm sorry about my visit. I meant to give you some personal space, but I found some of your old stuff at my house, so I thought..."

"No!" It comes out a bit louder than I expected, a bit more forced. "No... I uhm.. I don't mind. I actually kind of missed you. I'm sorry about how mopy I've been."

Sophie hugs me. I kind of tense up, but I slowly hug her back. It feels nice to have her arms around me. I hadn't realised how cold I was until I felt her warm grip on my back. Tears start leaking from my eyes, but I reach up my hand and wipe them before Sophie can notice. We stay cuddling for a bit, maybe a few minutes. 

It feels like hours before she pulls away. I don't want her to, but it would be embarassing if I argued. "How about we go on a walk-" "No!"

Sophie sighs and grabs me by the shoulders. "Keefe, you need to go outside. I know you're scared and everything but.. ugh! Stop being stupid,  will you?" I wrestle in her grip but she tightens it. She seems stronger. 

"No!" I shriek. "Fos- why won't you - LET GO!" She freezes. Slowly, her arms detach themselves from me, hovering over my shoulders, then falling limply by her sides. "Did you just... did you-" Sophie takes a deep breath. "You just used your powers on me." It's not a question.

I tear towards the door, but Sophie blocks me. "Keefe, snap out of it." I keep my mouth closed. I'm not talking. I took the risk, and now look what's happened. I used my powers on Foster. After the first time, I promised myself - no talking. Not until you figure out how to get rid of this stupid ability.

I try to maneuver past, but she's quick and blocks me with her hand. "Keefe, stop!" She grabs my hand. "Please." Something in Foster's eyes tells me to oblige. My shoulders relax and I lean against her. She helps me towards the door, one arm around my shoulder, the other around my waist. She starts to take me down the stairs, but I stop her. I point a shaky finger towards the leapmaster.

Sophie shakes her head. "I'm not letting you light leap. It's too risky." I want to argue, but I remember I can't talk, so I just let her half-carry me down the endless flight of steps. It seems like hours before we reach the bottom. Maybe it did take hours - I've never taken the whole flight of steps by foot before. 

By the time we're outside, I really want to take a nap, but  I just follow Sophie to the front of Candleshade, where Dex, Fitz, Linh, Biana, Wylie, Maruca and Marella are waiting. Suprisingly, Stina is there too. 

"You!" I say to Dex. "This was your idea, wasn't it!" He smirks, the way I usually do and looks at Sophie. "So, you got him to talk, hmm?" Dex laughs, flashing his deep dimples. 

The rest of the group isn't as cheerful. They look as though they've been to Foster and Dizznee's planting all over again. 

"Keefe," Sophie says, taking my hand and kissing my cheek gently, which makes me blush. "We need to talk." I look around at the group, ignoring the glares Fitz is giving me. 

"About what?"

KotLC Oneshots/DrabblesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя