Hogwarts AU: Mischief

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"Where is he?" I asked Dex angrily - Keefe should be here by now! Dex shrugged and grinned, flashing his deep dimples. "You know him," he chided. "Always fashionably late."

I sighed. "Fashionably late is an understatement! It's been one hour."
Dex only looked amused. Why did I ever decide to be friends with this annoyingly innocent Hufflepuff?

"If he's not going to show up, we'll just have to start without him," Tam, our Slytherin friend, stated matter-of-factly. When the boy had to put on the hat, he'd tried to threaten the thing to put him in Hufflepuff, since his sister Linh was in that house. He'd only made the hat throw up dust on his head. Turns out hats aren't scared of hitmen.

"We can't start without him," Marella complained. "He's vital to the plan."

Tam snorted. "'Plan'. The description you gave us would hardly suffice as a plan." That was a pretty good point on his part, not gonna lie.

"Alright, Mr. SlytherClaw," I countered him. "But out of what Marella did tell us, Keefe seems pretty important."

Tam scowled but nodded. He doesn't really like Keefe. On that very thought, Keefe came bursting into the room. He was dressed in his normal Slytherin uniform, but held a big bin bag promptly by his side. All part of Marella and Dex's plan, of course. Yes, that strawberry headed little squirt is in on it too.

"So, are we all ready to go?" Linh asked mischievously. Just on time, too. I think Keefe was going to sing a song on his arrival.

"Yep!" Keefe said loudly.

I rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long night.


"Sophie, Deck!" Fitz hissed. He appeared out of nowhere, materielizing  from the shadows.

"Hey, that's my thi-" Tam started to say, but Biana interrupted him. "Are we all ready? Did you make the potions, Marella?"

Marella nodded and drew a glowing pearl pink potion from her robe pocket. "Is that-" Dex hissed. Marella covered his mouth with her sleeve and nodded. "And that's only one of them."

The potion smelt like my mother's cooking and my bed at home, but also of Prattles and butterbeer. It drew me towards it, but Marella pocketed it before I had the chance.

"Don't say it out loud, Deck. The teachers might have something to sense it." Dex rolled his eyes. I giggled, since he'd completely ignored Fitz calling him 'Deck'.

Biana placed her hand on my shoulder, making me flinch. "Since Sophie has the most powerful magic, she should take the lead." Thanks, Biana.

I took the lead, searching for the 'secret tunnel' Marella had told us about. Keefe was being really annoying. Every five minutes he'd start singing "Secret tunnel~" in the background. 

"Shut up!" Dex complained, which is why he's my favourite among the group. We swerved towards an empty corridor. A statue of a hag with one eye lined the wall. "What now?" I asked. Dex stepped in front of me. "Watch this," he said.


The hag moved to reveal a secret passage. "Woah. . ."

He nodded and ended up leading the way, until we reached the Honeydukes cellar. I was flabbergasted.

"Free sweets," Keefe whispered excitedly. Atleast he knew to keep his voice down. Marella shook her head. "That's not why we're here, remember?"

I nodded. "We're going to spike the sweets," Dex explained. "With the Amortentia. Chaos will ensue." He did an evil cackle but in whisper tone.

"Tomorrow, students will be flooding into this shop to buy sweets," Marella continued for him. "And let's just say they'll find things... attractive. They're  each enfused with a different person. We just collected them from random people." Keefe nodded. I honestly don't think he was listening, because if he had he certainly would have not done what he did that night.

While everyone had spread out across the shop to spike the sweets, Keefe just hung around watching. Every now and then he'd fling an old sweet from the floor in Tam's direction. It really freaked the poor boy out. At one point he'd jumped on top of Dex, saying he'd seen a rat on the floor.

When Keefe got bored with torturing Tam, he picked his favourite sweets from the shop and started to eat them. "Keefe, don't eat the sweets," I complained. "We need to spike them." He shrugged without looking at me and stuffed a few more in his mouth.

"Wait-" Linh hissed. "Where did you get those?" Keefe shrugged and said through sweets, "Near the counter."

Linh's eyes widened. "I.... already spiked that corner."

Keefe giggled. I think the effects were starting to work. "Hey- Tam~"

Tam cringed. "Ah, shoot..."

"I think he likes you, Tam," Marella said, giggling. Tam scooted as far away from the blonde boy as possible, which was right beside me. He clutched my shoulder. "Sophie, do something," Tam whispered.

I shrugged. "This is pretty entertaining. I might watch." What? It was in all fairness. I almost considered snacking on a bag of sweets near me until I remembered they were spiked with Amortentia.

Keefe did another drunk giggle. "Tam~ come here..."

Tam shrieked. Marella snacked on some sweets in the far corner. "Uhm... Marella?" Dex hissed. Marella stared at him. Then her eyes fell on Biana.

"Holy- since when were you so... beautiful? Ahaha, what am I saying?"

I laughed. She almost had us fooled.

"You were always beautiful, Biana~"

Shoot. She wasn't joking. Dex clutched at my shoulder. "Sophie, maybe we should take them away." I nodded. That was probably for the best. Besides, we'd spiked most of the sweets already.

"Marella, come on." Biana grabbed her hand, which was pretty brave, and led her back down to the basement.

I gestured for Tam to do the same. It was clear Keefe wouldn't go down on his own. He shook his head desperately. "Fine," Dex huffed. "Keefe, if you follow me down to this cellar, you can hang out with Tam for the rest of the ni-"

Tam's eyes widened. He quickly ran over to Keefe and grabbed his hand. "Yay!" Keefe giggled. "Me and Tammy hold hands~"

I quickly followed them downstairs. I'm never going near Amortentia again. I really hoped we could find a cure for this. If not, me and my friends were about to deal with two lovesick idiots.

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