FedEx: Do Periwinkle and Teal Mix Well?

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A/N: This is kind of all over the place, so please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I always love feedback. This takes place in a Hogwarts AU (Harry Potter).


I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. I rush down the hall, skidding and sliding towards potions class. My first day back and already I'm on the wrong path. I burst into the potions room, forgeting who I'm dealing with. Snape turns to face me, fire buring in his dark, menacing eyes. "Mr. Vacker," he says in his oily voice. "You've decided to join us after all."

I swallow. Everything's silent, and nobody looks up. The kids from Gryffindor, my house, don't even defend me. A few kids from Hufflepuff clear their throats. "Since you've decided to interrupt my lesson, a week of after school detention. You can help Mr. Filch clean the hospital. It can get very messy." I stare at the floor and nod. 

"Excuse me? How rude. Well then, since you don't feel the need to apologise, you can partner up with the new kid." I look around. "What new kid? Uhm... sir."

"Him. The Mudblood," he spat. Everybody in the crowd looks offended, defiant and shocked at the same time. The word Mudblood is not a commonly used phrase. It takes me a moment to spot him: a skinny boy about an inch shorter than me, with strawberry blonde curly hair.

It only occurs to me that I've frozen when Snape does a fake cough. "It appears to me that one week of detention is not enough to your liking, Mr. Vacker. One week and an afternoon of cleaning the broom shed." I groan. Swallowing, I close  the space between me and the new kid.

He looks up from his potions book and smiles. He's got very noticeable deep dimples. For some reason, my face starts to feel hot.

"Looks like you're in luck," he says. "I pretty much know all this already - my dad sells more advanced potions for a living." I nod and sit down beside him. "My name's Dex, by the way. Dex Dizznee." 

"Oh uhm, I'm Fitz.... Vacker." I smile back, not wanting to be rude. "You're a pure blood, aren't you? Your family is very valiant. You should be proud." I sigh. "Yeah, I guess."

Dex gives me a look of sympathy. "Anyways, this is a simple potion. All you have to do is...."


"All you have to do? Come on, man, warn me next time!" Me and Dex had only been talking for about an hour and a half, but it was like we were instant best friends. It was a bit awkward at first, but we soon acted like brothers - or something else.

Their's something itching the back of my head, but I can't figure it out. It seems important...

I'll think about it later. Right now, me and Dex have our free period. He wants to go down to the Forbidden Forest, so I'm going there, too. I feel sorry for him. Apparently, I'm his first friend. Nobody liked him - he was quirky, weird and muggleborn. Personally, I find nothing wrong with it.

His father was a muggleborn wizard, his mother a muggle. Although he refers to them as 'Mom and Dad'. 

"It wasn't that hard!" Dex complains, but he's smiling. "I did most of the work. I let you do the easier bits." We've reached the Forbidden Forest. Dex trudges down the path like it's nothing, but I'm hesitant.

"Are you sure it's... safe?" "Safe?" he laughs, flashing his dimples. "Of course not. Fun? Hell yeah!"

I just shuffle after him, careful where I step. 

It only takes five minutes until we're attacked. Something rams into me from behind. I'm not sure what it is, but I topple over into a tree, collapsing on the leaf carpet. "Fitz!"

Dex falls on top of me. He passes me a stick. "Defend yourself with this!" I look at him like he's crazy. "A stick? Dude, we have wands!"

Dex looks confused, then realisation comes to him. His mouth forms an 'O', but whatever he's going to say is interuppted. "What are ye doing out here all alone?"

I crane my neck to look at him. "Hagrid! Oh, thank you!" Hagrid looks confused. He looks between me and Dex like he wants to say something but thinks better of it.  He coughs.

"Well, I guess ye better follow me." He marches up to Dex and picks him off the ground like an insect. Dex is plopped down beside me. I soon follow. 

Hagrid leads us to his cabin, makes us some tea (which I discard into a plant pot, but Dex is kind enough to drink it) and listens to our story.

"So ye have no idea who attacked ye?" I shake my head. Dex just sips his tea thoughtfully.

Hagrid ecorts us back to the school, and we're dropped off to dinner. Dex has to go back to the Hufflepuff table, which leaves me feeling pretty lonely. I'm surrounded by friends, but it just isn't the same. I want to see his face.

"You lovesick or something?" Tam asks after dinner. "You were acting strange at dinner."

I shake my head and my head hits my pillow. "Just tired," I mumble into the sheets.


Everybody's asleep. Like most nights, I'm restless. But tonight especially. I miss Dex so much. I miss my parents, too. Alden and Della Vacker.

Suddenly, there's a bang and something comes tumbling through the door. It makes an 'oof' sound as it hits the floor. 

I'm too scared to move. "Who- why- what are you doing here....?" 

"Fitz?!" a very familiar voice whispers. "I was looking for you!"

My mouth drops open. "Dex?!" 

My eyes adjust, and sure enough, there's Dex, all clad out in his fluffy green pajamas. His hair is all ruffled up and he looks confused but sort of shy. 

"Why were you looking for me?" 

"I... couldn't sleep..." He suddenly seems very interested in pulling lint off of his pajamas.

That night, we fall asleep cuddling.

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