SophiAna: The Love Letter

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I've always been scared to admit  it. And rightly so. Match lists, talents, genders. Love is so confusing. I never know who to like or what to think. I think I used to like Keefe. But to be honest, I wonder... was it love, or just some silly crush?

I'm positive  he doesn't like me back. He likes Sophie. I used to get jealous whenever he hung around her - now I see, it really doesn't matter. I'll realise my feelings when I'm ready to. 

It's probably not a good idea to think while walking, because I crash straight into someone - there's a flash of strawberry blonde hair and blue tunic, and something crashes to the floor. A basket of some sort. "Ack, sorry, Dex!"

He smiles, picking up the basket. "It's okay. I'm just here to drop off something." 

"You're here to see my brother, right? I was just going to leap over to Sophie's place, so you won't  have to worry about me spying or anything. "

Dex looks surprised. He tilts his head like a curious puppy. "Oh, you're going to Sophie's, huh..."

"Uhm, yeah?" He rummages around in his basket and takes out an envelope. "Give this to her, will you?"

I stare at him. "That envelope has a love-heart sticker on it." Dex grins evily. "It's from her 'secret admirer'. Tell her it arrived at the door for her. Sophie's going to get such a shock."

I grin. I'm so in on this evil plan. "Hah, best cousin of the year award, am I right? Don't worry, I'll give it to her."

Dex walks away, probably to give Fitz another box of ripplefluffs that'll turn his hair bright teal - "now the girls can admire your lovely teal hair, too".

I walk to the Leapmaster and shout "Havenfield!" as the light whisks me away.


We're having so much fun. Iggy is just too adorable. He keeps nuzzling my lap. Although he smells.... interesting. It's funny to watch Sophie gag every time. I keep suggesting makeovers jokingly. I swear, she's just too cute when she makes those faces.

We're halfway through our hang-out when I remember the letter Dex gave me. I hesitate. Should I give it to her? It's not that cruel, but... what if Sophie starts... swooning.. over this 'secret admirer'?

Snap out of it, Biana! I hand her the envelope. She stares at it, confused. She blushes. "This has a love-heart sticker on it."

"It's not from me!" I say quickly. "It's from.... somebody." 

"Who?" I smirk. "Not telling you! Open it, maybe you'll get some hints."

She hesitantly peels off the sticker and opens the envelope. She pulls out a piece of paper with little drawings of her face on them. They're not perfect  and realistic like Keefe's, nor horribly drawn like Fitz's, or adorably chibi like Dex's. They're just the right amount of cartoon mixed with realism. Sophie has a beautiful air to her in the drawings. Her eyes sparkle.

 My heart pounds as I immediately recognise the drawings. No... it couldn't be..

That little- Dex must've snuck into my room and stolen my drawings! They do look like something a secret admirer would sketch. Or a stalker. Or me.

I must be sweating, or look hideously crimson, because Sophie notices and looks worried. "Biana, are you okay? You're not sick, are you?" Her eyes widen. "Oh, no - don't tell me - you didn't have a run in with the Neverseen, did you? After what happened at Nightfall..."

"No!" I shout, a bit too loudly. Grady peaks his head through the door. "You girls okay in there?"

"Yes! Yes, uhm.. we're fine, Dad." Sophie signals to him, nodding her head and gesturing towards me. "Ah..." he says, and mumbles something about "glad it's not 'that boy'" before closing the door. His footsteps reberate through the room as he heads to the Leapmaster.

After a minute, Sophie breaks the silence. "Well, I guess I better.. read this letter."  Her eyes scan the page, her face bright pink and sweaty. I start to wonder what horribly detailed unholy stuff Dex has written. 

"Biana?" Sophie whispers. "What?" I'm so confused. 

"You have a... crush on me?!" I reel back, which probably isn't a good idea, since I topple off the bed and on to Sophie's  flowery embroidered rug.  My ears are ringing. 

Why does Sophie think I have a crush on her? Realisation hits me. 

I do  have a crush on her. I always have.

That's why I didn't like her hanging around Fitz when we first met. That's why I was jealous when they got together. That's why I was happy when they broke up. That's why I envy Keefe so much.

So this is the real question: how does Sophie know?

Dex - the little gulon! He knew I'd look sketchy giving Sophie a love letter. He also knew about my little crush. This was all to embarrass me!

I'm so angry it takes me a second to notice that Sophie's smiling. Beaming, actually. There are tears in her eyes.

"So... you do actually like me!" 

"Did you- you just read my mind!" She stares at her lap, ashamed. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to find out.  But don't worry. I like you too!"

I climb onto the bed, and explain to Sophie about how Dex wrote the letter. "His impression of your handwriting is uncanny," she remarked. I nod. "I think Dex knew I liked you back. He has a knack for setting people up together. I should know - I'm his cousin."

"So what do we do now?" I ask, picking at my tunic. Sophie smirks, her eyes bright and mischeivious. "I think we owe Dexter Dizznee a little visit."


It always amazes me how beautiful Rimeshire is. Dex's mom is truly an expert in the art of Frosting. We head up the snowy path, and up to the door. Sophie gives it a firm knock, her other hand gripping mine in the cold wind. My hand is like an iceburg; hers like a radiator on full heat.

Juline opens the door. "Sophie! Biana! What an unexpected visit - why are you here?" Sophie nervously explains about our relationship and how Dex set us up. I was nervous at first, but Juline seems to totally understand and assures us she accepts our descision."Hmm, well, you better come in. Dex is upstairs."

When we get to his room, Dex is waiting. There's a sort of camera in his hand, and he's fiddling with the wires a bit. He smirks. "Well, well. If it isn't SophiAna."

"You set us up!" 

"Yeah, I did. But my efforts were pretty productive, don't you think?" Sophie nods, her expression distant. 

"Yeah, I guess..." I mumble, turning away. I'm still angry at him for earlier. "Come on, it was only a joke. Anyways, a kiss for the paparazzi?"

Sophie sighs. "Please don't tell me you're going to hang it on your shipping board."

He coughs. "Ehm, maybe."

Sophie grabs me by the waist. "What are you doing?"

"Just do it," she whispers into my ear.


Dex is happy with his photo. Overjoyed, actually.

Me and Sophie are in a relationship.

Keefe and Tam still hate eachother.

All is well (except for the looming threat of the Neverseen).

"Wait," Dex says, as we're about to leave Rimeshire. "One more thing, before you go." I turn, confused. 

"Tell Fitz I like his new hair. I always knew teal was his colour."

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