DexArella: Ambush

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The ambush had come out of nowhere. Marella had been practicing her Pyrokinesis for some time now, and she was pretty sure it was close to perfected. Turned out, she was wrong. She hadn't anticipated the Neverseen's second attack in less than a week. The first time they'd attacked Foxfire. This time, they were making sure they hadn't left a single inch of the place untouched.

The Council hadn't been prepared. They weren't able to do anything without putting Eternalia at risk. The only people left to protect the school now were Team Valiant and Foxfire's prodigies. The first years were huddled inside with Elwin in the hospital wing.

Marella had seen so many casualties during the first attack. Now there was barely anyone left that wasn't injured, dead or too scared to return. She looked to her left, where Sophie was using her inflicting to torture an unmasked member of the Neverseen. Marella didn't recognise her, but if she was part of the Neverseen then she deserved every moment of the timeless torture she was receiving.

She looked to her right, where Tam and Linh were busy defending a smaller prodigy that had snuck out of the building. "I'll keep them busy, Tam!" Marella heard Linh shout over the noise of the fighting. "You bring this poor boy inside before his injuries get worse." She watched as Tam scooped up the twelve year old and started running towards the back entrance.

Marella looked around. Keefe and Fitz were in the infirmary, Wylie was busy fighting Gisella, Maruca and Biana were taking on two members of the Neverseen - Jensi was helping Elwin. Where - where was Dex?!

Panic flooded through Marella's body as she absent-mindedly deflected an attack. Dex was gone! Where was he? She instantly abandoned her post and scurried off to find him. Marella could hear Sophie's voice shouting her name. It only seemed like a distant murmur.

She was barely aware of it when she suddenly burst through the doors of the hospital wing. "Elwin!" Marella screamed in a high-pitched voice. "Where- where's Dex?"

Elwin was busy tending to Fitz, who had received a gash on his forehead. Blood oozed from the cut and trickled down his face. It smelt like infection.

"I don't know," Elwin said. "He's not in the infirmary, that's for sure. Didn't you see him outside?"

"No!" Marella shrieked. She coughed as her voice went hoarse. She didn't need to talk. All she needed to do was find Dex - the love of her life.

She sprinted out of the infirmary and back onto the battlefield. Chaos was at its highest peak. Blood slashes and screams of pain could be heard from all sides. Marella's head started to feel woozy. She didn't like the painful noises.

But as her vision cleared, she spotted a puddle of red in the distance. A peak of strawberry hair was only slightly visible under all of the red. Marella felt as if she was going to throw up. Please, please, please.... don't let that be Dex, Marella pleaded in her mind.

But it was clear as she approached the bloody mess that the maimed and broken body was none other than Dexter Dizznee's. Marella fell to her knees. Hazy and disconnected thoughts flew through her mind. She...  she couldn't save him. Maybe if she got him to Elwin on time, he'd be able to help.

"M-m-" The hoarse voice cut through the haze. "Dex!" Marella shrieked, pulling him close. "It's okay, buddy, we'll get you to Elwin and then everything will be okay; it has to be okay!" She took a deep breath as tears welled in her eyes. "P-please be okay..."

"M-ma-ella.." Dex seemed to have found his voice. It only confirmed by his weak throat and how much he struggled to say coherent words that he was dying. This wasn't a dream, or a hallucination. This... was real.

Dex was really dying. It was all Marella's fault. She couldn't do anything to help him. No - she could but she wouldn't. Why wouldn't she?

Panic flooded through Marella's body as she broke into a cold sweat. It almost felt like she too was fighting for her life. Dex would be gone soon. "Sophie!" Marella cried at the top of her lungs. "Jensi! Biana, Linh, Tam-"

Her voice caught. Tears streamed down her face in a never ending waterfall. "Anyone, please!"

She only stopped shouting when she felt a hand cup her face. Dex's hand. But his hand was cold, skin wet with blood.

"You don't- y-you don't need to sa- me..." The words cut into Marella's brain like a dagger made of ice. "What?"

"M-my... my abi-ity was use-ss..."

Marella's face creased. "It wasn't Dex, and it still isn't!" She pulled him in for a close embrace. To make sure he was at least warm when he died.

Dex  melted in the embrace. His eyes closed. Marella blanched. She thought he was dead until she heard a whisper from his cold, limp body. Dex seemed to have found his voice again. "Thank you, Marella. I... I love you."

That was the last thing Marella heard before...

Before she too was stabbed in the stomach and dragged to death. Not a painful death. A peaceful one.

She would soon be with the one she loved.

A/N: Ack, I hope I did an okay job! I don't really write angst often. I'm not  sure how this turned out. The readers are the critics, as they say. I didn't want Dex to die! Or Marella, for that matter.

KotLC Oneshots/DrabblesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz