SoFitz: The Proposal

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A/N: So, as I said in the Introduction, I have included SoFitz in this book. I feel fans of the ship might like to read this. I personally have nothing wrong with Fitz, in fact I think his struggles are pretty realistic. I am also thinking of doing a Part 2 for this oneshot - like Kex or DexArella at their wedding. What do you think?


"Are you sure she'll say yes?" Dex rolled his eyes at Fitz's stupid comment. "Positive! Will you just shut up about it already? You've been at this for the past three hours."

Fitz wrung his hands nervously. "But-"

"Ltt mwe sweepppp!" came Dex's muffled groan as he slammed his head into his pillow.

Fitz lied down in his sleeping bag, staying quiet as per Dex's request. He couldn't sleep, though, so he just twisted and turned and rolled  over, anticipating the long days ahead. How was he going to keep his proposal a secret from his girlfriend?

Although, she was pretty oblivious most of the time, so that might help. But knowing Sophie, when something wasn't her business she would always find out about it, one way or another. Keefe, too.

Oh, gosh. What was he going to tell Keefe? Unless he'd found out already, of course. He usually did. 

As if on cue, Keefe burst into the room, shouting, "Dex, Dex! Fitz is planning to propose to Sophie!" 

"....UGHHHH!" Fitz couldn't help sympathizing as Dex tried to suffocate himself with his pillow.

"Fitz.... what are you doing here?"

Fitz turned to look at Keefe and flinched as bright light hit him square in the face. "Wah! Keefe, close the door!"

Keefe obliged. He walked over and plopped himself on the bed right above Fitz's sleeping bag, giving Dex an empathetic pat on the head.

"So, is it true?" That was Keefe's first question. Fitz nodded.

"Ha, ha! Tam totally owes me a hundred lusters."

"Yeah?" "Yeah."

"Well, if you really betted on me proposing then maybe you'd like to give me some advice. Do you think... do you think she'll say yes?"

Keefe was silent. Fitz couldn't read what he was thinking from his expression. The silence became so suffocating Dex peeked out from his pillow to gawk at what they were doing.

"What the fu- heck?"

Dex's annoyed voice managed to snap Keefe out of his trance. "Oh, um, sorry Dexy. Anyway, I was just going to give Wonderboy here some advice about his proposal."

Dex grinned at the nickname. Fitz rolled his eyes. Those two were chaos and discord on legs.

"Well, I'm sure he'd love to receive your comments," Dex said, sitting up. He'd presumably given up trying to get some sleep. Keefe did that to you.

"I think.. Foster would love for you to propose to her." Fitz sighed in relief. "But.. you have to wait for the right circumstances, so she won't be in an awkward situation or have any doubts. Try to get at her when she's in a good mood."

Fitz nodded, but Keefe's words of reassurance had somehow made things worse. His best friend left the room, leaving him with a restless Dex and his crushing thoughts weighing him down.


"Morning, Dex; Fitz." Fitz groaned and tossed over in bed.... his sleeping bag. Why was he in a sleeping bag?

"Come on Fitzy, get up. Sophie's waiting for you outside." Sophie...

"Gahh! Sophie?" He opened his eyes to see Keefe's smirking face. Keefe nodded innocently. "Yes, Fitzy. SO-PHIE. Your girlfriend."

"I know who Sophie is, idiot!" Fitz smacked him on the head with a pillow. Keefe yawned. "Whatever. Dex made breakfast, but since you didn't come downstairs on time I finished it all. It was delicious, too. He made butterblasts, and this human thing called pancakes-"

"Okay, I get it! Dex is an all powerful pancake machine and we should appreciate his cooking while we can, even if I don't get to eat anything because he gave it all to you."

Dex stood at the doorway, fuming. "You certainly should!"

That was how Fitz got kicked out of the house.

Luckily, Sophie was waiting for him. "Fitz!" She kissed him on the cheek, then immediately went a pleasing shade of crimson. Fitz chuckled and took her hand. "So, what brings you here this time of the day?"

"Oh, well, Keefe told me you were staying the night at Dex's house and were inviting me over." He had said that? Fitz made a mental note to push Keefe out of a window when he got back. But he was glad Sophie was here, on any account. He might get the chance to propose.

Fitz had slipped the ring into his pocket that morning, just in case.

"Want to go for a walk?" He asked. Sophie nodded, and took out a pathfinder. Fitz held on tight as they were whisked away in a flurry of light.


When they appeared again, Fitz was shocked to see where Sophie had taken him. They were on the beach, but surrounded by cherry blossoms and cypresses, all healthy and not showing the slightest sign of pollution. It was... beautiful.

"Wow," was all he could say.

Sophie dragged him to the pond and sat him down by the edge of the water. She brushed the hair out of his eyes and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. Fitz stared at her like the idiot he was. This made Sophie laugh. 

"So, are you planning anything this weekend?" Fitz did have something planned - to propose to her, of course - but he knew this would be a great opportunity, so he shook his head. Sophie beamed. "Would you like to hang out? Like, just you and me."

"It's a date," Fitz said happily. After that, they strolled a bit in the woods. Sophie said she could name all the trees, which was pretty impressive in Fitz's opinion. Then he realised that the only trees around were cherry blossoms, hazels and cypresses.

On their way back, Fitz tripped over a tree root and landed on the floor, banging his head on a rock.

"Fitz!" Sophie shouted. She ran over to help him. 

Fitz only had a small cut on his forehead, so he insisted he didn't need to go to Elwin's.

Sophie cleaned the cut (at this point she kept a first-aid kit around with her just in case) and sat him down on the rock, covering him with her jumper. "To keep you nice and snug," she explained.

Once Sophie had made sure Fitz was okay, she noticed a small hexagonal violet box on a carpet of leaves. Specifically, a box traditionally used for rings in elvin culture.

"Fitz? Is this-" Sophie gasped. Fitz sighed. It was now or never. He eased the violet box for her hand, and shaking and blushing from head to toe, knelt on one knee.

"S-Soph-" Fitz's  voice caught. He had never felt this nervous in his life. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"Sophie Foster, will you do... do the honors of being my beloved wife during any and every hardships that face us?"

Sophie's face was neutral, then broke out in a bashful grin.

"Yes! Yes, I will."

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