New Times

36 2 0


December 7th 1892


The soft orange glow peered around the tall gathering of trees, horses and sheep lazily grazed in their allocated paddocks. To the side of the large barn was a make shift riding school, a few barrels and poles littered the sand floor. The sound of hooves plodding against the soft ground was overshadowed by the annoyed grunts of the 17 year old on board.

She pushed the youngster over a set of trot poles, receiving a buck or two after, then calming herself and the horse below her before circling and heading round the first barrel. A hawk screeched after catching its third meal of the hour sending the chestnut mare into a frenzy.

"Katherine! Keep it's head up and keep your leg on," her mother shouted at her through the fence.

"What do you think I'm trying to do," she muttered back, focusing on the young five year old thoroughbred beneath her.

"I swear daddy picked the worst one out of the lot," Katherine moaned giving up, she walked over to the fence where her mother stood watching, "she just needs time you'll get her in shape just like the rest."

"I don't exactly have time though do I, John will be here in a few hours then I'll only have a couple days before he'll take her back," Katherine twiddled the mane by the saddle horn, waiting for her mother's helpful advice.

Annabelle dropped the basket of fresh vegetables and climbed through the fence, tapping the horses nose as it tried to reach through to the appealing carrots lying the other side of the fence.

"Just go for a steady trot, use your neck strap if you need. Try and weave in and out of the barrels keep the horse focused so she won't keep notice the noises," Annabelle headed to the nearest gun.

Standing to the side she proudly watched her daughter keep the agitated mare going nicely, unexpectedly she shot a single bullet in the air. The horse bolted momentarily before swiftly being calmed and focusing on the task at hand.

After a few more tries the youngster was at her limit so they called it a day. Annabelle took the saddle into the barn as Katherine quickly turned the mare out before following her mother inside, throwing the bridle on a nearby fence on her way up.

The sun had already begun to depart from the day, the nights getting colder and darker each time. "We gotta start bringing the youngster's in during the winter now," Katherine walked around her mother to wash her hands in the sink.

"Bring 'em in where love, the barn only holds 4 unless you fancy chucking Bear out," her mother smirked, stirring warm stew that's smell wafted round the house making it feel more homely.

"Ha, like I'm letting that happen, besides I'm taking the two shires to market tomorrow so that'll free up some space," Katherine popped a piece of freshly cooked bread in her mouth.

"Did you feel like conferring with me about that or your father seeing as he brought them to you," Annabelle raised her eyebrows un-amused.

"Well, I've been riding'em for 5 months now and there shit, completely bomb proof, but you can send an entire wolf pack at'em and they wouldn't even flinch. Not very helpful when your trying to escape the law nor when they chose to bronc you off outta no where. Daddy already has enough carriage horses as well."

"Right that's fair enough, but you need to communicate that with me and your father before making decisions like that, what if we could find a use for them. Hm," her mother continued finishing up dinner, setting the table while apprehending her daughter.

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