Stay together

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October 27th 1895

The morning was as peaceful as any other, birds singing, campfire crackling. The perfect serene environment... Except for the crying baby.

"John! Will you just hold your son for a moment, please. " The sound of tired woman cried.

"And what if he's not my son, " an irritated man retaliated, storming out of the tent.

"How many times have we been through this, " Abigail shouted back, fed up of the constant excuses and digs about her past. "I assure you, he's your son. Now take him so I can clean his bed up... "

"I got work I need to do, " John started to walk off, he wasn't ready to be a father he barely even felt like a man. Deep down he was just scared, being tied to these two people for the rest of his life, having to care and provide when he could barely keep himself alive.

"Ya you do. Looking after your son. " Abigail desperately shoved the small bundle into the man arms, "no. No I ain't doing this, I never even wanted this in the first place. " 

John pushed the child back into the young maidens arms, shocked at his reaction she followed after him as he headed towards the horses. Although he never felt a bond or connection to the child eventually he'd help in some form or another, never simply shoved the innocent baby back.

"You think I did. " The brunette rocked her arms trying to quiet the young child, "what! Are you just going to run away, like the coward you are... "

By now the whole camp was awake, some annoyed, others concerned. The young raven head walked towards camp upon her mare Fox, halting the thoroughbred at the sound of the couples argument.

"I ain't no coward... " 

"Yes you are John Marston and you know it. Your running away like a scared little boy. "

Katherine dismounted the chestnut mare, before glancing over to her brother who guiltily avoided her. As the pair argued some more, the girl quickly chucked her saddle off. She looked off into camp her eyes locked onto Arthur's, both sending the same worried and confused look.

Wordlessly, they decided to both step in, Arthur strode over from the center of camp as Katherine walked around, her loyal steed simply plodding along behind.

They met at the same point, Arthur questioning the horse following behind so obediently, but the raven head shrugged him off. As they reached the arguing pair, John was already clambering on his horse.

"Where the hell do you think your going, boy! " Arthur shouted over, catching them off guard.

Katherine gave a soft smile to her nephews mother, gently stroking the crying babies arm.

"I'm leaving. I ain't dealing with this shit, " John slurred, clearly he went out drinking again last night.

"What do ya' mean, leaving ," Katherine left Abigails side, joining Arthur by his. "You can't permanently leave. If ya' do rules are you ain't allowed back. "

 "What a shame... "

Arthur along with everyone else had, had enough of John's attitude -except the few that benefited by having a constant drinking partner at hand. 

"You are gonna make a big mistake leaving, ya don't know how lucky you are to have this. A family, a chance to a happy life, you have a healthy woman and son right in front of you and your throwing it all away. " Arthur, firmly spoke.

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