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1st April, 1892

Morning arrives as a mother's gentle hand, inviting the dreams of night to enter the day.

Igniting the world anew with such brilliance, the sun rose with casual elegance. Each day she shone and the world shone back, joyful to reflect those warm rays.

The countryside lay before her like a divine fingerprint, curving and changing, no two parts the same. In all the world this view was unique, such is the way of the organic world. The dip and sway of the land, the patterns and species of flora, the ever changing sky and wind. Every day was a new snapshot in time, for even this one place, this view from one fine oak tree on a hill, could never be exactly the same two days in a row.

Warm rays kissed the pale skin of the young girl, perching on the edge of an overhang surrounded by dense forestry. From here she could see for miles, quite a rare view from inside the isolated woods. Katherine watched as deer's roamed round in large herds -the young fawns fumbling around clumsily in between their mother's legs, completely unaware of the dangers of life. An eagle sawed down from the clouds plucking an unlucky bunny from it's family.

Seems all the world is about is living and then dying.

It was early morning, even the birds had yet to wake. Katherine hadn't been out of her tent much since they'd moved nor had she eaten much, her grief over her mother was consuming her. 

It hadn't helped that her father still hadn't returned, all she knew was he'd gone to inform some people close to her mother on her death, at least that is what Hosea said.

Many people at camp were concerned for her well-being, especially John and Hosea, whom them too were stuck in this bottomless pit of grief. Determined to stop feeling sorry for herself and to make her mother proud, she'd decided to get back to her old routine.

Watering and feeding the horses in the morning, taking out a couple of her projects throughout the day. Help gathering wood for the fire or hunting for Pearson. Then taking out her two horses Bear and Fox, alternating which one everyday, before making it back just before the stew had been eaten.

However she got distracted quickly, getting annoyed at herself for thinking to much as a few tears started to shed. Luckily no one was awake, so she'd taken a few moments on the edge of the new camp, admiring the view below, trying to clear her mind.

Unbeknownst to her Arthur had been sat out all morning, lent against a tree with a journal in his hand, these early mornings were his only moments of peace. Seems he's now got to share this time with his leaders daughter.

Katherine looked over when she heard a noise from the undergrowth, seeing that it was only Arthur with his face practically buried in his journal as his hand moved his pen round freely. She'd always wondered what he did in there, everyone did, but unlike most she never prodded him about it. Especially after the telling off she'd witnessed John receive when he dared to look.

She gazed over at him, his boots were muddy as were the dark brown jeans he wore everywhere. His hair was quite long and beard rugged, both in need of a trim. Surprisingly his blue shirt looked as clean as the sky, though the tan coat probably had something to do with that.

Suddenly his eyes looked up, staring straight into her's. Her cheeks flushed pink as quickly looked away, subconsciously fixing her hair behind her ears. Glancing back over, he hadn't said anything or moved just back to scribbling in his journal. Then she got an idea, getting up she brushed the specks of mud of her black jeans, adjusting the corset under her expensive white shirt -which had coloured detailing round the front half.

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