
26 1 4


7th March 1892


The morning started as any other, the people on the late night watch headed back to their respected areas to rest until noon as the morning pair got up and took their positions. Pearson woke nice and early preparing food to fuel the gang for the rest of the day. Some got on with their jobs like Karen and new comer Mary-Beth had already started making their way through their sewing piles. Other's like Javier and John were chopping wood, moving feeds or any other manual labor that needed doing. 

Katherine on the other hand had this morning to herself, but normally she was up before the others; getting ready, feeding and watering the horses. But today was her special day so on orders from her father she is to have the entire day off, slightly annoying the others who have had to temporarily take over her jobs, however tonight's evening party was worth it to them.

 Although having the morning to lie in the bosses daughter grew restless, throwing on a simple light blue shirt, small brown vest and blue jeans. Grabbing her black boots and signature hat as she suck out of the back of her tent.

The morning air was crisp, whipping her long raven locks behind her. Early morning cries from the single rooster was stirring the peacefulness of camp as crickets serenaded the horses. Making her way over she grabbed 4 apples from Pearson's storage, hoping he wouldn't notice. First of all she made her way over to the Count, her fathers most proud possession feeding him one of the smaller apples. Soon enough her mothers American Paint Ace showed up earning a morning treat for doing nothing except getting fatter in her old age. 

As she walked further from camp she noticed Arthur was already starting on her usual jobs. Neither of them spoke much in the few months since Katherine and her mother arrived, they seemed to find each other quite irritable. Katherine would get jealous over how much of her fathers attention went solely on Arthur, often disrupting plans she had with him. 

On the other hand Arthur also has felt he's lost time with his father figure, and how he has to risk his life to get any sort of recognition or praise from the leader where as all Katherine has to do is simply give him a hug and he would flood her with complements. Seemingly all their issues were routed through their bond with Dutch and their eagerness to please him.

Over all Katherine got on with everyone else at camp, her and John fought less seeing as they had other people to distract themselves with. Her parents had finally stopped arguing about the incident that brought her here in the first place and actually seemed happy to be together again.

Katherine made her way over to her beloved pony Bear, grabbing a halter on the way she tied her up to the nearest hitching post. Just before the entrance to camp is a small shack, converted into storage and two stables. The only horse in there is the chestnut thoroughbred that dutch stole from a high quality stud farm. It continues to be stubborn, despite working on this mare for over half a year, and having sold and produced many others in that time, Katherine found a soft spot for this difficult horse. Perhaps she saw herself in it, how poetic.

Feeding the final apple to her unofficial steed she headed into the tack room fishing out her saddle and bridle, not being hard to find when you have the only pony. She hummed quietly to herself remembering one of the campfire songs Karen taught her how to sing, much to her fathers disappointment. 

 Walking out with a saddle in front and bridle resting precariously on her shoulder she gave a light kiss to the chestnut mare, seeing as she was in a strangely nice mood this morning, before turning back around not watching where shes going.

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