Prove it

7 0 0

April 5th 1894

"See I told ya, foolproof, " Mac slammed his hand down on the paper map, looking up to his brother.

"So we need another three men, right, " Davey confirmed, "more like two and one of the women. "

Davey gave his brother a confused look, "unless you plan on sweet talking the guards, any of us lot will just get a bullet between our eyes, " he turned round, leaning back on his elbows against the wooden table.

His brother followed in suit, "alright whoever it is must be able to handle themselves. Who are you thinking? " 

Mac scanned the camp looking around until his eyes rested on someone, guestering his head in their direction. 

"Katherine! " Davey exclaimed. 

"Look I know it's a long shot, but out of all the women she's the best shot. Apparently better than some of the guys, " Mac commented. 

"Hm, yeah right. Anyway there's no way Dutch'll let her go. You know the rules, " Davey continued, not convinced about his brothers plan.

"I've got it all figured out brother, see Katherine's the most stubborn person going, so once she knows she has the opportunity to go out she won't stop pestering her father about it. Now we need two extra men anyway so we'll bring Arthur, as a form of insurance if you will, and it'll help persuade Dutch to let her go. " 

"Seems like a lot of effort, we could just shoot it up like old times. " 

"Well, on Dutch's new order we gotta start being more careful. Some of our bounty's are gettin' too high and the law seem to be swarming everywhere. "

"Alright fine we plant the idea in Katherine's head, tell Dutch we're bringin' Morgan, might as well add Javier as well, " Davey, concluded.

"Sounds like a plan. "

The young cowgirl stood in the open fields, a long stick in one hand and a rope attached to a trotting horse.

"I can't see a problem she seems fine other than a bit fresh. "

"Just wait till ya pop her into a canter, it's like a fucking bronco, " Javier spoke, sitting on a large rock nearby.

"Alright, " Katherine mumbled to herself. Clicking her tongue and flicking the makeshift whip she stirred the active horse into a canter.

Sure enough the mare spurred off into a frenzy, but after a couple circles she calmed and Katherine brought her in to change leads. Before she could continue the Callander brothers walked over.

"What'd you two want? " Javier rose from his seat, patting Boaz's neck.

The pair grinned Davey speaking first, "how'd you fancy doing a stage job tomorrow? "

"Depends, is the pay good and have ya actually thought it through this time. "

Katherine switched the lunge line round, listening intently to their conversation.

"Yeah why not, need anymore men? " He asked the brothers.

"Actually we might need a lady. " Katherine's face lit up, hoping they'd come to ask her as well.

Javier followed the Callander's gaze, but knowing better than the pair he suggested someone else, "what about Karen? "

"She's good, but we need someone who can handle themselves, not just long range shooting. We need a distraction, someone who can kill quietly and quickly. "

RDR2- New HorizonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora