Goddamn plan

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"So, you understand the plan. " The gunslinger spoke, as a puff of smoke left his lips. 

Katherine rolled her eyes, leaving her reins to rest on the chestnut's neck, "err, yes. I made the plan! "

"About that... " Arthur threw the used cigarette to the ground, "it's good and all, but we're switching positions. I'll head down first after you draw them out, you can shoot the stragglers and I'll clear the house. "

"Now why change a perfectly good plan, it's my plan, which means I'm in charge. " She looked over to the older man, tilting her head in a challenging manner.

He copied her movements while he spoke, "cause ya know the rules. When Dutch or Hosea aren't 'ere I'm the boss, so actually I can change the plan, because now I'm in charge. "

"You're such a dick you know that, " Katherine gave up, wasn't really worth fighting over something so petty, so she changed the subject. "I stole a letter from Daddy the other day. " 

Arthur practically choked on air, "you what! " 

Katherine smirked, "ya heard me, wanna know what was on it... "

She was going to tell him anyway, but was interested to see whether he'd stay loyal to his mentor by snitching and reprimanding the girl or whether curiosity would take over.

"Dutch won't be happy 'bout that now will he. " 

"No, but it was worth it. "

"What's it say? " curiosity peaked the man's interest. 

"I'll tell ya if you promise not to mention it to Daddy, " she stared the man down, her eyes piercing his from under the black rim of her hat.

Arthur sighed, wondering if he was falling into one of her mind tricks again, "fine I won't. But if this is one of your little games again, I swear to god I'll..."

"You'll what, kill me. " The young girl chuckled, "your so paranoid these days. "

"Yeah, you've caused that. Go on, what was so interesting that you had to seal from your own father, " Arthur impatiently replied, leaning back on his saddle as he let the last of the sun rays bounce of his tanned face.

"Fine. So remember a few years ago when my mother died, and how Daddy ran off to go see some people and wouldn't say why, " Arthur nodded along, listening more intently at the mention of her mother's death, which she rarely spoke about.

Katherine re-positioned her hat, blocking Arthur's view of her face. "Well, I think I found them. See this letter was from some place called Barlow's Manor... "

She paused momentarily, expecting him to catch on, but when he sent a perplexed stare she groaned and carried on. 

"Barlow, as in my mother's Maiden name. Which means she must have family still out there, which means I  have family out there and my Daddy's lying about it. "

"Why would he lie about that, that ain't like Dutch, " Arthur pointed out, not wanting to feed into the girls fantasies, sure it could all be true, but he'd hate to see how broken she'll be if it isn't.

"I know, but my mother was like that. Whenever me and John would ask her about her family all she said was she didn't get on with them and left, then they 'apparently' died not long after. "

"So... "

"So, my mother must have lied. But why, and why does my father continue to hide it. Surely there's something there that they don't want me or anyone to know, " Katherine concluded. Glad to finally get it off her chest and tell someone, she'd been meaning to ask her brother about it, but considering his mess she'd assume that he'd blab on to someone else about it or not even care.

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