Life lessons

20 1 0


December 9th 1892


The trio cantered slowly down the dusty dirt path, the cry's from coyotes and hawks could be heard from the surrounding forests. Large looming trees surrounded their every direction, dark spruce wood and sharp pine needles, the strong smell of forestry filled their noses.

Katherine held the supple leather reins in one hand as the other pushed her long messy plait back, that she tied back as they were leaving camp delaying the journey, much to Arthur's annoyance.

"Right we'll dismount here tie the horses up to these trees over 'ere, " Hosea swung his legs off, walking his grey gelding towards a tree.

Arthur and Katherine followed in suit, however Katherine tied Bear to a different tree nearby lightly patting her mane as she finished tying her up.

"Our horses not good enough company for the little nag, " Arthur started. 

"Unless you want to come back to your steed with half it's backside havin' been battered in, " Katherine quipped back.

"Right you two take these, " Hosea handed them both a bow and a few arrows, ignoring their little comments.

"You know, Bear doesn't really do well with standing round tied up for ages, " Katherine continued. 

"Well she can do that or go play with the wolves, lets just hope that old pony of yours ain't stupid, " Hosea replied as he headed off into the dense shrubbery.

"Wolves? " Katherine paused.

"What you've never dealt with 'em before? " Arthur questioned, "no, they don't exactly just roam round outside of peoples homes. "

"Well, better get used to livin outdoors princess, " Arthur mumbled as he held his arm out gesturing for Katherine to walk in front.

"I ain't a princess, " Katherine, spat back walking behind Hosea.

Rolling his eyes, Arthur started walking muttering to himself about all the other things he could be doing right now.

Hosea lead the way stopping every so often to evaluate the tracks he'd been following, Katherine remained close behind trying to analyse everything he was doing. She held her bow and arrows tightly occasionally using them to move the precarious branches that came flying towards her face, Arthur remained behind them doing his job of looking out for anything or anyone. His bow rested on his back beside his repeater while his arrows found a home in his gun belt, "Why can't we just use a rifle or somthin Hosea, it's a lot easier, " Arthur complained.

"Yeah that's what I've always done with John, " Katherine chimed in. 

"Unless you two want to scare the entire forest away or obliterate whatever small animal you may be hunting we use a bow. It may be old fashioned to you young-en's, but it's practical. " Hosea halted them in their tracks, putting a finger to his lips he pointed ahead to a herd of deer, then to a nearby boulder a few paces away.

They caught on to what he was inferring crouching as they quietly made their way behind the boulder, it was quite a squeeze, but they fit none the less. "Who's shootin first? "

Both Arthur and Katherine stared at each other blankly, Arthur shrugged clearly would rather be anywhere else than here, "fine, " Katherine rolled her eyes as she notched her arrow.

"Wait, wait, " Hosea spoke in a hushed tone, he adjusted her stance and her hand placement on the bow.

"Right focus on a target aim for the head or heart, " he spoke, "how am I supposed to know where it's heart is? "

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