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24th March, 1892

"Dutch are you sure 'bout this, I mean we've been takin a lot of his scores recently, don't y'think that we should let up a bit, " Hosea spoke quietly into Dutch's ear, the other gunslingers were scurrying round, grabbing guns and tacking up horses.

"We need the money Hosea, there's more of us now and besides it's a solid plan. Sending John, Davey, Javier in first killing off a few of the guards, then havin Mac and Bill set up the dynamite ahead where Arthur will take the shot blowing up the coaches, " Dutch explained, completely confident in their third big robbery of the month.

Hosea sighed as he watched a puff of smoke leave the leaders mouth, "it ain't about the plan, you saw what happened when we pushed Colm to far, your daughter saw it first hand and your wife. I think we should just distance ourselves from the O'driscals before things get more heated. " 

Dutch waved off his closest friend, "what's one little stagecoach robbery gonna do, I mean he was just asking for it leaving those plans out on his desk, " he shrugged his shoulders without a care in the world.

"That's what I'm afraid of, " he mumbled to himself. "There really ain't any talking you outta of this is there, " he pinched the bridge of his nose as the younger leader finished checking the leather straps on his horses bridle.

"Not really, I trust you will take care of camp in my absence. Make sure Colm doesn't try a repeat of the incident on the ranch, " he looked up to Hosea a cigar poised between his lips.

"Of course, but I want Arthur to stay, " Hosea blurted out, catching Dutch of guard. 

"What! he's our best shot I can't do this without him. " Normally Arthur came out to almost every outing they had always stuck right by his father figure's side, never missing a shot.

"I don't have a good feeling 'bout this and it would make me feel better if you left him here in case anything were to happen. I can't single handily protect everyone here, " he spoke calmly, carefully trying his best to sway Dutch to at least leave him some protection for the camp mates left behind.

"Ya got Annabelle, she's got an even better shot than myself. Don't tell'er I said that, " Dutch whispered the last part, "and Pearson and Uncle. "

Hosea snorted, "those two girls are useless, but Annabelle can't defend us all if something were to happen, what about your daughter Dutch. "

They both glanced over to the young raven head stood talking to her brother and a few other men, she was smaller than them all, even making young Marson look tall. They seemed to be talking normally, but as usual a slight kick to one another slowly turned into something more violent, not that the other's weren't used to that behavior by now.

Dutch sighed finally seeing Hosea's point, "fine I'll let Arthur stay, but you can be the one to tell him. He's been in a mood with me ever since I've made him take Katherine with him to go and do those errands for Strauss. "

"They don't get a long do they... " 

Hosea hummed in agreement, "no. What do ya expect Dutch, both of'em are used to gettin your full attention now your asking'em to spend more time with the other than with you, " Hosea spoke calmly.

"How come my lack of attention doesn't affect Marston, " Dutch quipped back. 

"Cause he never got it in the first place, plus there ain't much point him trying to compete with'em two, they'd squash him quicker than he could open his mouth to argue back. "

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