Bittersweet life

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Panic filled the air stealing the young girls breath. Her body shaking and mind racing. Frozen in a complete trance. Arms held her tighter with every step back. Her legs pawing at the ground barely getting her footing. Fumbling round in the dirt a sharp object cut the edge of her finger. Arthur's knife. Shakily clasping her hands round the weapon. Katherine thrusted it with all her strength back in the general direction of her captors throat. Instantly the bone crushing grip loosened. The man slumped back holding his bleeding throat. 

Not taking anymore chances she gripped the blade tighter. Stabbing again and again. Completely engulfed in fear with no room for rationality. Lifeless eyes bore into her's. Scrambling round she stood. Almost falling over as she tried to run back. Still clutching the small blooded knife. Her throat too coarse to scream. 

The outline of camp was near. The familiar warm smoke. The gentle chatter from round the campfire. All she had to do was climb over the bank, walk passed a few large rocks and trees then she would be there and safe. 

Katherine's blooded self left a trail over the rocks she scrambled over. And on the tree she used to steady herself. Almost there. Just a few more yards till she would be in sight. But what if everyone at camp had been captured. Is she just running into a trap?

Every scenario possible ran through her mind at such a short period of time. That she barely noticed a second pair of footsteps approach her. A leather glove cuffs her round her mouth. The other grasping tightly round her wrist. Forcing her to drop the knife. Her only defense gone. He pulled them both behind a large boulder. Using the hand grasped round her mouth to pull Katherine into a large chest.

She began squirming round, but calmed down at the gentle shh-ing. "Kath, hey, it's me. It's Arthur in need you to calm down before anyone else see's you."

Slowly, Arthur released the grip around her mouth allowing her to turn round. However keeping hold of her arm to keep her in place. 

Stuttering a stream of letters the scared young girl is unable to voice her concerns for the gangs safety, "he erm gr-grabbed me and, and then," was all Arthur could gather between her accelerated breaths.

"Look it's all right I'm gonna sort this, alright," his grip on her tightened as he look over for anymore unwanted people in their proximity.

Looking down at the glossy eyed girl. She spoke quickly after getting her breathing under control. "That was an O'driscoll I recognize him from the attack at the ranch, but Arthur I killed him. I-I don't know if I should've I erm, got blood on your knife. Oh god it's all over me," her breathing became more erratic, as she began to panic again.

"It's all right, I'll sort this. Ya'good girl killing him, we'll sort the blood out later," he reassured her. Not the usual treatment she'd received from him in the past.

"Now I'll take you round to the horses, there's no-one there. Then once your out I'll help everyone else," he looked down firmly at the girl. As she scowled in response, "I'm not running away not whilst everyone else and my mother is there, who knows how many more of'em are here."

Determined to say and help, she stared back up at him. Arthur opened his mouth to protest as a gunshot silenced the pair. Screams came from the camp. By the sounds of it Dutch and the men still haven't returned. Arthur could either stay hidden and keep his bosses daughter safe. Or risk both of them and save the entire camp. Stuck in a rock and hard place. 

Deciding for him Katherine wordlessly slipped out of his grip. Crouching as she ran forward nearing another set of rocks. For the first time in a while worry stained the gunslingers face. Not knowing why he's so concerned for his rivals safety. Real fear -more than just not wanting to get into shit with Dutch. 

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