Chapter 1

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(chapter might be quite long since km gonna do all the charters introduced in the proluge. Also there gonna be some Gorey stuff in this.)

Sonic pov

I would jump up and rub my head. "Ow.." I would groan. I would look up as the lights would fill my vision as I would imdeantly look away,as the buzz would already get on my nerves. "I already hate wherever I am.." I would shake my head a bit. "Best I get outta here." I would then run for it as I saw nothing but the same mono yellow office over and over again. I would try to rush but no matter what I couldn't find anything until I would trip on a bottle tilted "almond water". I would grab the bottle "maybe best I keep this.." I would stuff into my quils then I would hear a screech. I would look behind me to see a skinny figure running up to me,it's voice would echo. I would then get ready into a spin dash and spindash right through it as blood flew everywhere. The top half of it falling right Infront of me. "Ew.." I would cover my mouth as I would gag,it's face looked melted. "Looks like the scream.." I would then jump over it and continue running until I saw a door. I would run up to It and open it up and be met with what looked to be a staircase. "My best shot I guess..." I would close the door behind me and run up the stairs.

End Sonic pov

Tails pov

I would look around,confused. I would then reach into my tails as i pulled out my arm canon. I needed to be careful,I don't know what this place is. "Maybe this was set up by eggman? would he be able to set up a whole office below my workshop without me noticing?.. but yet again..not the point! I need to escape." I would shake my head as I would start running around,what seemed to be an endless office. I would then smell something rotten. "Ew.." I would cover my nose as I would follow the smell. Once I had found it,I saw it was this monster looking thing cut in half. "Oh my god.."

End tails pov

Knuckles pov

I would jump off the wall as I would look at my hands,it had...blood on it? But It didn't smell like it. "What could it be?.." I would then lick it off my hands. "Tastes terrible..belugh." I would then feel weird. "Wh...wha.." my vision would go blurry. I started to tear up as I felt sick. I would fall onto the ground as I would punch it slightly making it fall underneath me. I would hit the ground onto wooden floors. I would look up to see wooden walls..atleast I think. I could barely see. I would lean again one of the walls as I would puke everywhere.

End knuckles pov

Tails pov

I could hear something break in the distance. "Huh?.." I would run over to it as also a smell of puke mixed with smell of the dead creaure would blend together,it's started to make me sick. I would then finally reach where the sound had came from to see a hole in the floor,I would look down into the hole to see knuckles,puke all over him,his eyes red and what seemed to be blood on his hands. "KNUCKLES!?" I would jump into the hole,as I would run up to knuckles and quitely panic.

End tails pov

Amy pov

I would get up and wipe my face. "Ow...where am I..?" I would get up and dust my dress off. I would look around as the lights would shine brightly. I would squint my eyes as I would continue looking around as my eyes would adjust to the light. I would then walk around as I started to run around. I would run around this maze until I stopped dead in my tracks Infront of what seemed to be just pitch black. I would listen as I could hear weird noises coming from the darkness,but the way things were going it seemed I had no choice. I would pull out my hammer and walk into the shadows as the temperature would drop. I could feel myself shiver as I kept walking around,as the sound of the buzz would fade away. I would then hear stuff come from all sides as I would start swinging my hammer around,as it kept hitting whatever things were in the dark. I would then see a dimmed light as I would run to it in a hurry as I could then hear the buzz again. I would then walk into the light,blood all over me and a trail of blood behind me. I could then hear what seemed to be..jazz music? I would follow the sound and I was met with a door. I would open it to see what seemed to be a like pool that went on forever put this time only went up to your knees with a tile flooring and lights hanging above,making the same buzz. I would then jump into the water as the blood would wash away and the door would close behind me.

End Amy pov

Cream pov

I would get up and rub my eyes. "Ow.." I would groan and look around. I felt weirdly light. "What's this place...someone?.." the scent made me sick as I could smell what seemed to be something rotten in the distance. I was scared and worried. I felt oddly queasy. I would then walk over to where the smell had came from, curiosity took over me,and I wish it didn't. I would walk over to see a monster cut right in half. I felt like crying. The monster was 10x taller then me. I know it was dead but looking at it alone made me terrified. It was creepily skinny. I would then hear "KNUCKLES!" I imdeantly thought knuckles was nearby and I would run over to where the sound was and I saw a hole right in the floor. I would look down into the hole to see nothing. "But I know I heard something.." I would jump down into the hole.

End cream pov



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