chapter 3

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Sonic pov

I would look around the very narrow and tight hallways. "What even is this place.." I would try to see how long the halls stretched on for but I couldn't tell. I would let out another annoyed groan. "God damn it.." I would stretch once again and turn to the left of me and start running forward.

a few hours later

I swear I've been running forever,and I swear Im hearing something behind me but I look behind me to see nothing. "This place is driving me insane.." I would keep running,I couldn't stop now. I would resume running and I would hear something behind me and I looked but instead of being met with nothing I saw a shadow in the shape of a human. "EUGH.." I would then boost forward getting away from that thing as soon as possible. It was already out of my sight but I knew something was behind me. I needed to keep going. I would keep running and running until being met with a door. "FUCKING FINALLY!" I would scoff. I would then hear a low growl behind me. "YEA OK-" I would then burst through the door and be met with what looked to be the inside of a factory as the door behind me would disappear.

End Sonic pov

Tails pov

I would walk around this endless office,holding onto creams hand while knuckles would rest on my back. "What happened to knuckles Mr tails?" Cream would look up at me. "He drank some mysterious red liquid from the walls.." "...blood?" Cream would look,confused. " knuckles Dosent think so." I would look over at him,he was out cold. "Will he be ok?.." cream would look at me,worried. "Yea!.." I was lying. I wasn't sure if he wasn't going to be,but I didn't want to worry cream. "Alright Mr tails!" Creams worried expression would wash away as a smile would appear. Cream would then skip a bit ahead,but still being close. It was nice seeing her happy,but the worried thoughts were still there. They wouldn't go away,I knew we needed to get help. I would start looking around and then notice a group with shirts that has M.E.G stitched right on. I would run over to them in a hurry. "Uh hello.." they would look over at us,shocked. "Woah...are you guys entities?" A random person would look at us. "...what?? No..were mobians!" "Mo...bians?" Another person would raise an eyebrow. "Yea yea...but can you please help my friend? He hasn't been feeling well after he drank this red liquid." "Why would he drink liquid pain.." another person would glare at me. "Liquid pain? What's that..?" I would look at them confused. "You guys must be new here.." one person would emerge from the crowd. They seemed to be the leader. "OF COURSE WERE NEW HERE! WE DONT KNOW WHERE WE ARE! WHAT IS THIS PLACE?" I would yell. "Calm down sir..your in the backrooms." "Backrooms?" Cream would look up at them confused. "Your not in reality anymore....well atleast yours." "So...this is a alternate reality?" "Bassiclly." "Do you know how we can get out?" I would ask as they would look away. "We're not sure..your etheir gonna have to find out or find a level to stay in." " you know how long this goes on?.." "uh.." "it ends at level 922372036854775807." A random person would say. "I..oh." I could feel myself already wanting to give up. "DAMN YOU REMBER!?" "Yea. Loser." The person would laugh. "Anyway. About your you have any super almond water or normal almond water?" "No...what even is that?" I would look at them confused. "Well it's the best thing I the backrooms and if you have none your friend might die if you find none soon...thank the Lord there's tons of almond water on this level." "Oh..then I need to get going." "But btw...almond water won't always heal it. Maybe try to use super almond water instead." "Alright." I would grip onto creams hand and run off,in search for almond water as I would hear a distant "GOOD LUCK!" I would run around and see almond water scattered what seemed to be everywhere. I would pick up every bottle I could Incase for later. I would then see a door. "This should be the exit." "But Mr tails..we haven't found any super almond water.." "we might find some the more we stay close cream." Cream would nod as I would walk through the door into a 90's themed ballroom.

End tails pov

Amy pov

I would look around the room. "Aw...this rooms so cute!..but where could I be.." I would get off the bed and leave the room Into what seemed to be a whole house. "Did I teleport into someone's house?...does that mean I'm back at Mobius?" I would look around the house. "Well the place is desgined very cutely...I love the pink!" I would giggle. "Now best I leave." I would walk over to the door and open it to be met with a empty black void. "...I'm not home." I would close the door. "Then where can I be.." I would look back at the house. I would start walking around aimlessly. Wondering. I would then just walk into the kitchen and sit on the counter. "Am I supposed to here now?" I would start to feel sad. I didn't want to stay here the rest of my life. Like I know,the house is nice but I wanted to go home. I could feel myself start to cry. I would place my head between my knees and softly cry. I would then poke my head up and in the blur of my tears I saw a pitch black figure approaching me. I would imdeantly jump back,making me fall off the counter. I would then spring up to see it right on the other side of the counter. I imdeantly thought it was a trap as I would pull out my hammer,ready to fight. But it just stood there. Dead silent. I started to feel somewhat uneasy. I would just stare at it,the silence began to feel un-nerving. "What are you.." I was meet with even more silence. "What do you want from me." It would slowly raise it's hand and point at my pocket,where my duckie was. "" I could barely see but it seemed to nod. "Ok...just please don't hurt me." I would take the duck out and pass the duck to the creature as the creature would grab it,I could feel it's ice cold hand touch mine. I could feel myself shiver. It would then disappear. "So its off my back..I guess I need to stay here." I would walk over to the fridge and see nothing but almond water. I would take three,thought I would keep them on me. I would feel tired,I wanted to rest. I trusted this place enough so I would walk up the bedroom and fall asleep.

After she woke up

I would then wake up on a couch in a fancy ballroom.

(Sorry,no cream or knuckles pov this chapter.)

Word count: 1242

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