chapter 11

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(Ty for 300 reads!!)

Sonic pov

I would wake up to see tails curled up on the bed as I would get up,hungry. I would yawn and pull out a apple from my quils and start eating it. "Ugh..tails.." I would poke tails as he would open his eyes. "Oh..morning..I think." Tails would get out of bed and look at his clock. "It's can we go." I would nod as we would get up and go out into the hallway and start looking around for an exit.

End sonic pov

Tails pov

I would keep looking around until I saw a stair case and I would walk up the stairs as sonic followed behind me.  we would Go down the stairs and walk Into a main lobby. Me and sonic would look around, as we would see a pale white figure in a suit behind a desk with keys,all aligned neatly. "SO this must be the lobby.." I would look around, the lobby giving remenacense of back home. We would then see two big screen doors, the lights blacked out. "Huh..that might be our ticket out of here." I smirked as sonic perked up his ears and ran over to the doors. "Cmon cmon then!" Sonic chuckled as he gripped onto the door handle. I would then walk over to the door as sonic would swing open the door and I would see a labyrinth of sorts, pipes every and a light coming from the ceiling. I would sigh and walk in as sonic appeared right in behind me, the door closing behind us.

End tails pov

Knuckles pov

I would then look around, to see a dark abonded parking lot, the ground felt like it was going to break under me. I would look around, every car seemed utterly broken into pieces. I would then look forward, the father ahead the more the ground looked like it could barley kept itself together. I would let out an annoyed sigh and start walking forward. I would keep going, jumping over cracks as pebbles would make me almost trip, more then once. "This place is gonna kill me.." I would sigh, the cracks only becoming bigger the more I ventured forward, feeling like the ground was gonna break underneath me any second. "OK ok...I need to find another way out..but how.." I would start looking around until I saw a stair case, barely keeping itself together but I saw a light in the distance. Gave me a bit of hope as I would walk up the stairs, and kept going until I got to a library, bookshelfs going on forever up and down, books of unknown langues everywhere.

End knuckles pov

Amy pov

I would be sound asleep until I was shaked awake. "SO uh I forgot to wake you's been a bit.." the person would chuckle and I jolted awake and jumped off the couch. "Alright..well thank you for letting me stay at your place atleast.." I smiled as the person smiled back. "Now I gotta go.." I would then walk towards the door until the person would ask "actually before you go..I have a question.." I would then turn to face them. "Someone says there looking for someone...well by their description..sounds like you." "What did they look like?" "Well the poor thing was flying around the town...their legs were gone..theh were a little rabbit creature kind of like you..." they murmured. The rabbit could've been cream..but no legs? "Well...where did they go?" "I told them to stay at the bakery or something...mean they seemed so young..but it could be a skinwalker that infiltrated this level..but the little thing seemed so scared,lost,and confused.." the person sighed. I wanted to ask more questions but decided to shrug it off as I waved bye and left and started looking around for a bakery. I would then notice the bakery and walk over as I opened the doors and started looking around. I would then notice tons of people flooded around a table, very few sitting at other tables but yet, most still looking over at all the commotion. I would hear whispers like "there so cute!" "What happened to there legs?" "What is this thing?" "Is it like a real rabbit?" I would then walk over to the table, I still couldn't see what they were looking at but from what they were saying I'm assuming it was the person looking for me. They kept speaking, moving closer in as I heard quiet cries from the middle. I would let out an annoyed sigh as I then pulled out my hammer and said "move." Everyone suddenly turned to me and widen their eyes and moved out of the way quickly.

End amy pov

Cream pov

Suddenly the crown of people moved to the side, flooding back to different tables. I would then turn behind  e to see amy, as she would widen her eyes. "CREAM!?" Amy then picked me up and tears filled her eyes as a smiled crossed her face. "IM SO HAPPY TO KNOW YOUR OKAY! DO YOU KNOW HWRRE KNUCKLES IS?" Amy pulled me in tight. "Uh..I don't know where mr.knuckles is.." I murmured. "Wella tleast your ok.." Amy then pulled me out of then hug as her smile then faded as she noticed my once legs, nowniust nubs wrapped in bandages. "Oh my god.." tears start streaming down her face as if they were a waterfall. "I didn't notice..i..what happened to your legs?!.." Amy looked me in my eyes. "..they got ripped off.." "WHAT..BY WHO!?" amy looked at me with concern. "..a rat.." "..a rat? even.." Amy then just sighed. "You know what..let's try to find the others..ok?" Amy smiled warmly as I smiled back as she put me on her back a si held on and we left the bakery and started walking down the street, the more we walked, the more modern it had became.

Word count: 1024

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