Chapter 2

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Sonic pov

I was running up the stairs,excepting to get out of this place when I had reached the top,excited. I would then run over to this door and open to see what seemed to be a..warehouse? I would walk into the warehouse,it seemed to go on forever. "Another endless..thing..I'm guessing." I would let out an annoyed groan. I would stretch and start running forward. "Where even am I.." I would look around this what seemed to be abonded warehouse. "It's honestly starting to creep even me out...I haven't seen anyone.." I could feel concern start to wash over me. "But it's gonna be fine...I'll get out of...whatever this place is." I would keep running until I saw a crate. "A crate?-" I was worried but valuable items could've been inside so I walked over to it and opened it to see berries,weapons,and more of this...almond water. "..I'll take it." I would pick all the stuff up and stuff them into my quils. I would then turn and resumes running forward. I would be running and I would notice a door and stop in my tracks. "Finally.." I would walk over to the door and open it to a narrow hallway that went left to right,pipes aligning the wall. "...yay." I would groan as I walked into the narrow hallway.

End Sonic pov

Tails pov

I would walk around these halls,knuckles on my back,making it quite hard to move quickly,so I needed to just take my time. "Knuckles...what happened?" "I..licked this red liquid from the walls.." knuckles eyes would tear up. "So blood?.." "it's not blood..." Knuckles would wrap his arms around his stomach. "Well is everything ok? You seem sick.." "my stomach.." "what about it?.." "it hurts..." Knuckles would shake a bit. I would try to hurry to drag knuckles around until the light had turned off. "WHAT THE-!?" knuckles would start panicking. I would then hear a sounded like cream. "Uhm knuckles..stay here a bit." I would lean knuckles against a wall. "Wait..PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME.." I had to go. I would get up and run off in a hurry,following where creams voice came from as I pulled a flashlight out one of my tails.

End tails pov

Knuckles pov

I would panic,I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. Tails was gone,I didn't know where I was. I don't like admitting weakness but I was in a weak state,I was scared, whether I like to admit or not. I would grip onto the walls and wait.

End knuckles pov

Cream pov

I would try to look around in the darkness,I would hear weird growling and I was scared. I would back up until something picked me up,I went into pure panic mode. "WAI-" I would then get a mouth put over my mouth. "Stay quiet..." The voice would whisper. I could barely recognize in the heat of the moment as I just closed my eyes, I was just scared. I would start quietly crying as I could feel myself moving at rapid speeds. I would then suddenly stop and hear " that you?.." I could recognize that voice,it was knuckles. "Yes knuckles. And I have cream. Now...wait- a door!" I would open one eye to see knuckles,and him leaning against a door,he looked sick. "Wait...Mr tails?" " c'mon guys." Tails would pick up knuckles and open the door and enter into what seemed to be a huge office.

End cream pov

Amy pov

I would walk around this pool like maze,as the music would calm me down. I would hum along to it and skip around in the water. This felt like a nice breather after...that. I would walk around,until I would bump into something. I would then imdeantly pull out my hammer until I noticed,it was just a rubber duckie. "Awh!" I would pick up the duck in awe. "I'm keeping you!" I would put the duck in my pocket and keep walking around,as light would shine in from the outside. It's felt nice and comforting here. But I couldn't stay forever,I needed to get home. I would walk around more,lost in the music. I would keep walking not getting anywhere. I wouldn't mind though,I don't mind saying here. Then I would notice 2 glass doors. I would walk over to them ,as I was drenching wet from the knees and below. I would then open the doors to a elevator? It was weird but I walked in,duck in hand. As i would start the elevator and it would go up. But I would tleport out of the elevator onto a bed and to a pink room.

End Amy pov

Sonic and friends appear in the...backrooms.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora