Chapter 8

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(I'm sorry I haven't updated just i kinda forgot Abt this and had no motivation. But TYSM FOR ALL THE SUPPORT WHILE I WAS AWAY! <3)

Sonic pov

I would help tails down from the fence. "Where are we.." tails would look around as we could barely see ahead due to the fog. "I don't know..but it's getting" I would shrug. Tails would let out a sigh. "So..let's go?" I would grab tails shoulder. Tails would just nod as I would then walk forward as tails would trail behind. "But...tails?" I would look over at him. "Yea?" Tails would look over at me. "Is knuckles or cream in this place too?.. since Amy and you are here.." I would ask. "...uh...I don't think so!.. I haven't seen them.." tails would smile. "Ah...I hope there home safe and sound." I would smile back. "Yea, same.." tails would chuckle.

End Sonic pov

Tails pov

I felt like panicking. I can't let him know or he would become even  more worried. I don't want him to feel worse. Sonic would turn his head and keep walking forward as I could feel the slightest guilt but I couldn't let him know. Never. We would then keep walking, the abonded feild starting to make me feel more and more on edge. We would keep going and going until I would notice something in the distance. "Hey see that, right?" I would point at the shadows in the distance that seemed to be in the shape of a blob of sorts. "Uh...yea.." sonic would stop moving and nod. "Should we investigate..?" I would look over at sonic. "Sure...make sure to get ready to fight, just Incase." Sonic would run toward it as I would follow behind him. We would then get to see a blob of sorts dripping what seemed to be almond water. "EUGH.." sonic would gag. It would look over and it would seem to smile before resuming to move forward. "I mean It seems harmless." I would chuckle. "I mean yea...let's just ignore it." Sonic would then run forward and I would then resume following after him.  We would keep running until we would notice a town and run over to it. "Hey! We might be home!" Sonic would look over at me and smile. "I mean it might..let's ask the locals." I would go up to a person roaming the town. "Hello sir? Do you know where we are?" I would ask. "Level 10." The person would respond in a monotone voice as they would smile before walking off. "...were not home. Let's just go deeper in the town." "Alright.." sonic would let out a disappointed sigh as we would keep running deeper and deeper into the town until it would become more and more modern as we ran deeper.

End tails pov

Knuckles pov

I would look around as waves would crash over the island, everything breaking before my very eyes. "Haha knucklehead...seems like you couldn't save your island this time..." I would look over to see eggman, laughing. I would then lung at eggman as it would miss, terribly. "And you've became weaker...your nothing." He would laugh. "This is why your island is gone!" He would continue laughing. I would look over at him, I felt weak but I needed to get my island back. I would keep to try and hit him but I kept missing OVER AND OVER AGAIN. "Your island isn't coming back this time...dunce." he would snicker. I would then jump up and hit him to see my hand phase right through him as everything around me started to fade around me. "Wha.." I would then pass out.

End knuckles pov

Amy pov

I would wake up in a dark feild, I would look around seeing a red sun's of wort on one side and the other nothing but fog. I would get up and run my head. Wondering where to go. The red thing felt barely trustable so I would turn and run towards the fog. I would keep running until I would see a light as I felt the urge to follow it and we'll, I did. I would follow it until I would end up in a red looking forest. I would look around, the forest seemed nice yet eerie. I would keep going until I would stop to see a road the went up to another part of the forest. "..huh." I would walk up to it before being turned upside down and being put on the roof. "A-" I would shiver a bit. I would then keep going before I noticed a town full of people. I would run over to them as they would wave and greet me. "Welcome! Are you here to stay?" "No...I'm here to get back to my home in reality.." "I'm sorry won't be able to get about you stay here? It's safer and it can be your new home. We can give you a new home." They would smile, offering for me to stay. "I...but my friends.." "'s about you right now. Your friends should be ok anyway...knowing your safe here." They would smile. "I...alright."

End Amy pov

Cream pov

I would look around, confused as I would touch these paper machete looking walks as the smell of strawberries would fill up my nose. It felt nice, the scent was somewhat refreshing. It made me feel safe as I would walk our of the room, more scents filling the air. I felt calm and at peace. But I needed to get home. I would walk around, the bright colors making me feel like I was at a birthday party. It was oddly comforting. I would keep walking until I would notice a group of people, cats stitched on their shirts as they would all talk and eat sweets. "Hello?.." I would approach them. They would look over at me. "Why are you here?" One person would approach me. "I got lost...I just wanna try and go home." I would sniffle a bit. "Well I know a exit out of here...if you wanna leave." They would point at a dark staircase going up. "But you can always stay here if you want to! I mean we would love new members!" They would all smile. "I'll consider it...thank you all." I would smile and wave bye as I would walk up the stairs into a attic.

Word count: 1104

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