chapter 6

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Sonic pov

I would walk into what seemed to be a orange I would look around and see a door and open it to a hallway with cameras and garurds everywhere. "Jesus.." I would pull the gun out from my quills then bolt for it down the hallways as I could hear a alarm. I would then see all the gaurds look at me and try to shoot me but miss every shot. I would laugh and keep running as what seemed to be tons of gaurds hunt me down. I would then see a hatch door on the ceiling as i would flip the gaurds off and open the trapdoor and jump into what seemed to be suburb.

End Sonic pov

Tails pov

I would run Into this room with the same lights,wet carpet,and hum buzz from the lights on the first level. "Ugh...I'm at the beginning." I would then see a door. "Well...atleast I got out quickly." I would smuggly smile and open the door to see a flooded room. "Maybe I'm not back at the beginning?..idk." I would look down at the water and place my hand in it. It was ice cold. I would jolt my hand out of the water and shiver. I would then fly over to a object but just barely. The gravity was holding me down immensely. "What's down there...a damn magnetic force?" I would start staring at the water before going "fuck it...I can swim." I would then pull a scarf out from my tails and wrap it around myself. "This might be my only way out of here so.." I would then dive into the ice cold water,it was like a whole was terrifying. I would start swimming around the freezing cold waters as I would get colder by the second. I then saw a cave. I would then dive to it and start rushing towards it. I would then swim I to the cave as I saw a peace of land I could stand on and swim over to it.

End tails pov

Cream pov

I would look around the bar and look at what seemed to be a stage and things performing on it while people with no face would watch. I would then see knuckles fall from the sky and hit head and look over at me. "MR KNUCKLES!" I would run over to him. "Ugh.." knuckles would groan. "I don't..I'm.." knuckles would then limp over and rest his head don the counter. "Uh.." I would pat knuckles head until I noticed someone on the other side of the counter,they had a apron on. "..are you ok sweetie?" "Hello you know anything that could help my friend Mr knuckles? He drank this thing called liquid pain and he's been feeling sick ever since.." the woman's eyes would then widen before she would pass me some super almond water. "You need it more then we do." She would softly smile. "Just give your friend a drop and he should be up and going in no time." "Thank you so much miss!" I would grab the super almond water and look over to knuckles. "Open up your mouth mr knuckles." Knuckles would just nod and open his mouth as I would give him a drop of the water as he would get up imdeantly.

End cream pov

Knuckles pov

Next thing I knew I was ready to go,I felt perfectly fine. "I...thank you. Both of you." I would look over at the lady as the would just smile. "Now c'mon cream...let get out of here." "But Mr knuckles...can we stay a little longer?" Cream would look up at me with big old puppy dog eyes. "...fine." I would somewhat smirk. "Yay!!" Cream would grab my hand and run over to a table as she would watch the show happening on the stage as I would sit and watch too.

A bit later..

After a bit we got up from the seats. "Now can we go cream?" Cream would look over and nod and jump into my arms. I would the walk into multiple areas of all sorts of foods,drinks and etc. "Wow.." cream would gasp. "Don't get carried away...were just trying to find a way out." Cream would then pout a bit. "Don't get pouty with me." "But Mr knuckles...think about it! There's so much food we can take with us!" "...fine." next thing I knew we took tons of food tot ake with us as i would then finally see the exit. "Finally..let's go cream." "Ok!" Cream would smile,nomming on a taco. I would open the door to see a city.

End knuckles pov

Amy pov

I would then start exploring the dark caves as I could see what seemed to be almond water dripping from the stalagmites. I would keep walking and walking until i would see tons of small brown spiders making what seemed to be eggsacks. "EUGH.." I would then slowly walk around the spiders and keep going until I would then see tail right next to what seemed to be a lake of water. I would glare at him as he noticed me. He seemed to be drying himself off as he would then jump up and bolt over to me and give me a hug. "IM SORRY.." tails would sniffle. "..fine...your forgiven...I didn't wanna explore here alone anyway." I would then grab tails hand and keep running before I imdeantly tripped and fell through the ground and next thing I knew I was falling from the sky.

End Amy pov

Sonic pov

I was just sitting there,collecting my thoughts. "That was alot to take in.." I would take a deep breath and then look up to see something in the sky. "Wait what the?.." I would then was tails and Amy. I would then see tails start flying and grab Amy and start flying toward the ground. I tried to get there attention.

End Sonic pov

Tails pov

I would then see sonic and fly towards him and place Amy next to him and I would land next to amy. "TAILS! I MISSED YA! what are you doing here?" 'i just ended up here.." "me too.." Amy would sigh. "Well since we're all here now we might as well explore this place.." sonic would smile. "Yea.." I would look over to then see tons and tons of enteties. "..and we might want to hurry."

End tails pov

Word count: 1123

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