Chapter 12

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(I shoved a whole bag of jellybeans up my ass.)

Sonic pov

We would both enter as the door closed behind us, now it being pitch black. " you have any lights?" "Of course I do." Tails would then pull out a flashlight and turn it on. This labyrinth of pipes and everything seemed to go on forever, everything here seems to never end. "Oh god.." I sighed as Tails started to walk forward, me following behind. "Let me have the flashlight,we can get out of here faster." I looked at tails. "Sonic we don't know where we are, let's take our time." Tails looked very at me as I let out a  disappointed sigh. "Fine." I rolled my eyes as we kept going forward. Then, a bit later we found a stair case, so we went up it and it lead us to another part of the labyrinth, expect this time more lit up. Tails would then turn off his flashlight. "Cmon, I think we should hurry up now!" I looked at tails as I shook him a bit. "OK ok." Tails sighed as I gripped onto his hand and started running around the place, trying to keep an eye out for any exits out of here. I would keep running until I saw a door, a grey door seeming to be made of bricks. "Our ticket out of here!" I smiled as Tails sighed. "Ok,cmon." Tails would then open the door as we both walked through.

End sonic pov (srry no Tails pov today)

Knuckles pov

I would look around, feeling kind of overwhelmed. I would then grab one of the books. Every thing was untelligable, nothing made sense. I then put it back as I would look around, confused. I would then walk forward, the halls somehow letting off a light, a orange light coming out of nowhere. "DudeEe.." I let out a groan, I wanted out of this hell hole and just to find cream to see if she was ok. But I have no clue where she is,where I am and how long it's been. I was losing track of time, nothing made sense, and I just wanted home. I wanna know how long I've been here. I kept looking and looking for an exit, but to my evail I couldn't find the exit. This place was getting on my last nerve. I kept just going and going until I heard whispers, the closer I got the louder they became. I kept going until I saw a chair, facing towards a whited out window. I would approach the chair,thinking they didn't hear me. "Hello?" The voice said. "..hello?" I backed up from the chair a bit, kind of worried what was sitting in that chair. Then,three Tails would pop out from the side. I looked in confusion as they suddenly turned the chair to face me. They looked almost exactly like Tails except they had sunglasses blacking out their eyes,black tar of sorts dripping from their face,big black claws,clothes,and the three Tails. I could feel them staring right at me. They then got up, and looked me up and down. "Huh. You look..look..look like a animal mutant,like me." They chuckled. "Why do you look like tails?.." I raised an eyebrow as they chuckled. "How do you know my name." They gave me a cold stare. "Cause of your multiple tails." "Fair..but don't call me that,got it?" They glared as I just nodded. "Now let me be." They would sit back down. "Wait." They looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Can you please help me out of here, I'll Do anything. I just want help." "Well sorry to break it to you,I don't work with people." They would turn back around in there seat as a sunflower formed in there hand. "Not again." The flower then faded away. "We don't need to talk or anything, just tell me a way out." "Well run down that hallway and run face first into the bookshelf, you have a chance of no clipping into another level." "Well do you know an exit out of this whole entire place?" "Oh! You mean an exit that leads to reality?" "Yes." "That's too far away...just don't attempt it." "But I need to go back home.." "No you dont." "..what?" "Trust me. It isn't worth it. Think about it. This place, reality can't limit you." They then chuckled. "..I still have a duty at home." "Duty-shmootie. Its all not worth it I tell you. No one really notices your gone." "..they would." "Yea ok." "..just tell me an exit." "You can take your chances, on a level like a hospital except all red lights,entities chasing you. But the hallway being past 12 miles. Try to find stairs, take your chances and go up them."  "Uh..ok." "now leave me alone." I then just walked off and down the hallway,sad I couldn't bring them with me but I needed to get home,and quick. I kept going and. Going until I saw a bookshelf a bit away as I then ran full speed and ran right into it as I then no clipped Into a cinema.

End knuckles pov

Amy pov

I then looked around the city, not seeming to notice most people didn't have faces. But they seemed harmless so I didn't really care. Cream then started looking around, hoping to find something. "Cream?" I looked at cream as she seemed to snap out of it. "Nothing...nothing." cream murmured. "Uhm ok.." I felt somewhat worried but just looked over it. "How about we find somewhere to rest. You seem tired." I asked as cream just nodded. I would then explore a bit as I saw a hotel and walk in. "Let's just find a room..cause I don't see anyone.." "uh..okay." I then walk to a room as we rested there for the night.

(No motivation,this is getting stale. I'm prob never gonna continue this. Most likely not. I might start another backrooms fiction with diff charters but I don't know which charaters.. considering genshin.)

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