chapter seven

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--------------------------------------------------------------Jim and you were training

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Jim and you were training.

Blinky: Always be afraid. Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive.

Jim screams due to him getting hit in the back. With you just looking at him.

Blinky: Arrogance gets you killed.

Jim: [groans] Yeah, I'll have to remember that.

Blinky: Draal, however, does not Fear you. That will be his weakness, but not you.

Y/n just picks up Jim and places him to stand up.

Blinky: You'll be wetting your Armor. That will be your strength.

Jim begins to defend himself. With you just now standing next to blinky with a dotted eye face.

Toby: Oh, yeah. Looking good, jimbo. Feel the burn! If Jim's getting fit, I'm getting fit. Don't want to be too big.

AAARRRGGHH looks at himself with a frown.

Toby: Not that there's anything wrong with being big. But it I'm gonna have Jim's back, I gotta be nimble.
Toby: Yeah, baby! Hit a benchmark. I've run total of... a hundred feet. Five calories burned. Nice!

Jim was still defending himself.

Jim: You know, I think being afraid is the one that I-- oh! [Screams and ducks]

Jim: [chuckles] ...I Excel at.

Blinky: No, Master jim. You must excel at all three. If trolls are ever to going to embrace you as a trollhunter, you must ignore your humanly instincts.

Jim just throws the sword at the dummy troll.

Blinky: do that, and I have no doubt you will defeat draal.
Everyone begins leaving with random troll and draal coming.

Draal: look.. it's training. [Growls] Cute. [Laughs]

Y/n: [looks to jim] Let your fear keep you alive. Let his Arrogance lead him astray.  Defeat him... and you'll make history.
Nomura: I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal.  I assure you, the truth is far more interesting, and there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era pottery.

Everyone there begins to sigh annoyed and bored by that but not Eli and y/n for some reason.

Strickler: Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own. Don't you think.

Everyone begins to go on their own.
Both you and Eli were together and you just told him things that he haven't even learned nor seen, but he left you to show someone about something.
And then Steve came up to you and he began to flirt with you and you begin the dense person you are, you just blanky stare at him.
Toby: Voila!

AAARRRGGHH: Not voila. Goblin.

Jim: Goblin?

Blinky: Ruthless tricklers. Pretty street vandals who leave a wake of destruction. This is not good.

Jim just stabs up after poking the dead goblin.

Jim: Well, Justice was served. We should go back and train for draal.

Blinky: [shakes head no] Oh, no, Master jim. Where there is one, there is many. And, as for the Unfortunate soul who ran over this small fellow, may Skaargen's swift blade have mercy!

Y/n: o_o

Jim: And why is that?

Blinky: Naturally, goblin payback is ten-fold.

Y/n: wait, so you are saying whoever ran this goblin over is in serious trouble?

Toby: A delivery driver left a sticky note on Eli's house. Wait for it. The goblin might have gotten squashed by the delivery truck!

Y/n: [takes the sticky note from toby] "Hey, let me see. So, if the driver's returning at eight, we need to be here, too. We're not gonna let some poor guy become goblin food on our watch."

Blinky: master y/n, answering the trollhunter's call.

Toby: So cool. Shakeout! [Chuckles] Past my curfew!

Jim: um, hey sis, can you go home, we'll be doing the job, okay.

Y/n: [sighs] if you say so. See you at home, nisan.
You and Claire were walking and talking with each other and you two went inside the gym, but then you sense something. You let the Dodge ball hit your arm.

Y/n: •-•

Coach lawrence: Ooh, armshot! Y/n can shake it off!
You were home, just doing your homework.
Jim: She agrees with me that this was nothing more than reckless youth run amok.

Toby: I mean, who else do you think is hiding am evil troll face? Coash Lawrence? Steve? [Gasps] What if Strickler's one of them?

Y/n: -_-

Jim: Strickler's been teaching history at Arcadia Oaks High since the dawn of history. If he's one, I'm one. I know where I've seen this bridge. It's the same one that blinky was talking about.

Toby: What? The Killa-thingy Bridge? That's, like, ancient history, right?

Y/n: oh no, they're trying to get Gummar out... This is bad, Toby and nisan. Like, "Goodbye, Arcadia" bad. As soon as we get home, we're going to blinky.

But then they heard Barbara's voice and quickly tries to pretend that nothing happened.

Barbara: You really didn't have to go through all this trouble, Mr. Strickler.

Strickler: Please, "Walter." I'm sorry we had to meet under this unfortunate circumstances.

Barbara: there must be some way I can repay you. Coffee? Dinner? Appendix removal?

Strickler: I... Coffee would be a delight. And a rain check on the appendectomy.

Barbara: Looking forward to it, Walter.

Strickler: Watch yourself, Young Atlas. Next time, the consequences could be more severe.

Y/n: Did you actually just ask our teacher out on a date?

Barbara: Don't make this about me, y/n. Jim and toby broke into a museum! And for this?

Barbara just hold up a tubby tracker? (I think it's what it's called)

Barbara: Jim, you're grounded until you apologize to that woman.
End of chapter seven
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