Chapter 10

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"You really are crazy smart, aren't you?" Someone speaks, making me jump slightly and grab Tom's hands, almost as a reflex. We both turn around to see Newt standing behind my hammock, smiling as he holds a small lantern in his hands. "C'mon, bed time you two."
"Yes, mother." I reply sarcastically, making Newt's grin grow. After a moment of thinking over everything that Newt did for me today, I get up and hug Newt tightly to my body. Him and Alby must be under a lot of stress, trying to figure out what happened with me and Thomas and when that note came up in that box and they must be trying to keep the other Gladers calm. "Thank you." He whispers, noticing his grip tighten slightly.
"I had no idea how much I needed that." He replies before pulling away and smiling warmly at Thomas and I again. "Big day ahead of you two. Get some rest."

I find myself in a completely white room, with one of the walls being a large, plain window. I've been sitting at the table for a long time now, endlessly doodling on the peace of paper they gave me. I just finished drawing the little farm area, which means I'll need a name for it. After thinking it over, I write in curly letters: The Glade. An abrupt noise makes me look up from my drawing, to see the woman with blonde hair and the white lab coat walk into the room. She's the person I've seen the most since I was taken from my family.
"Kaya, this is Thomas." The woman says, and I notice boy behind her. He looks around my age - maybe a year older - and has dark brown hair, with matching dark brown eyes. His skin isn't too pale, and slightly freckled - though not on his face. He does have a lot of beauty marks on his cheeks though. "He's going to be your friend here at W.I.C.K.E.D." Chancellor Ava Paige continues.
"Why can't I pick my own friends?" I inquire, my voice soft and shy.
"You can, my dear. But we think you and Thomas will get along just fine." The Chancellor's voice doesn't sound caring - just demanding.
"Why?" Thomas speaks up, and we finally make eye contact.

"Because the both of you are special." She elaborates slightly, before noticing my drawing. "What is this?" Chancellor Paige asks, holding the paper up.
"I don't know, I just drew it. I call it the Glade, because that's what an open space in a forest is called. And I drew a little forest - there." I point to the trees I drew and the Chancellor looks it over.
"I will be keeping this." She states, not even asking for permission. "Now. I have a little task for the both of you." Chancellor Paige continues. "I need the three of you to think. Think of a place where we can test the human mind - and still track its brain power."
"What about a desert?" Thomas suggests. "The harsh environment will offer multiple tasks and troubles for the human mind. Minimal shelter, water will evaporate and there definitely won't be enough supplies to last for a long time."
"That is a good idea, thank you Thomas." Chancellor Paige says, though she looks interested in what I have to say. "But for our first phase, we need something simple. Something... solvable. Or at least escapable. Kaya, any ideas...?"
"What about a maze?" I speak up after a long moment of silence.

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