1: Sweet 'n' Sour

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1: Sweet 'n' Sour

(a/n: my best friend wrote this, not me. @laughingcoolness on wattpad)

Lauren and Eris had come up with a plan: Lauren would work and save money for a bus ticket to get Eris home, and Eris would sit on her fat ass all day and wait for Lauren to get enough money but Eris had grown impatient.
Without telling Lauren, she stole 20 bucks from her mom, some of her brother's weed and up and left. And due to her impulsive nature, she forgot the basics: water, food, extra clothes, and enough money to get her to Placerville and last more than a week.
Within 2 hours of leaving her house, she was robbed while pooping at a gas station when she foolishly left her bag outside. Plenty of screaming and crying ensued, most of it in front of some poor cashier, who could do nothing to help her as she refused to call the police out of fear of being caught and sent home. All Eris wanted right now was for Lauren to hold her scream pillow while she cried her heart out.
And so here she was, stranded in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with just the clothes on her back, walking along a road with her thumb sticking out, praying to the gods she'd be picked up by someone who wasn't a serial killer/Ted Bundy wannabe. When a little blue Prius slows down and comes to a stop next to her, Eris got low-key sketched out... but then again, she was in a sketchy situation.
"Hey, you lookin' to go sssomewhere?" Eris stopped walking and turned to face the voice. A plump, blonde woman with a seemingly kind face smiled at her. Eris didn't smile back.
"I'm headed towards Sssacramento, I can getcha anywhere in that direction," the woman said, smiling still.
Creepy hoe, Eris thought to herself, feeling guilty as soon as it popped into her head. This lady hadn't done anything wrong - but still, there was something off about her. So she stood silently, looking at the woman, biting her lip and considering her options. Option One: leave with this creepy woman, and maybe get murdered. Option Two: decline the offer and die out here in the cold. It would begin getting dark within the next hour.
She made her decision. "I'm going that way actually."
The weird lady smiled harder. "Hop on in darlin.'"
Eris cautiously opened the store and slid into the passenger's seat. She closed the door, shook as fuck and trying not to show it.
After a short uncomfortable silence, the woman said, "My name is Jessssica."
Eris didn't respond.
"Not much of a talker, aye? That'sss alright, I prolly talk enough for the both of usss!" She gave the most annoying laugh Eris had ever heard in her life. It sounded the lady in that "haeh haeh haeh" Justin Beiber Vine. She noticed her prolonged pronunciation of her s' and assumed she had some sort of speech impediment.
Without another response, Jessica turned on the radio to break the silence. She flipped through stations for a solid 10 minutes, and just when Eris thought she might throw open the car door and fly out, Jessica landed on some shitty country station.
Eris had been looking out the window for about 20 minutes, before she realized that they were taking a strange route. "Umm, where the fuck are we fucking going?"
"You'll sssee," she said with a smirk.
They stopped on an empty little road that was clearly the bad part of town.
This crazy bitch-
"We're here," Jessica said with that creepy smile.
"Um, why?" Eris asked skeptically. Jessica's lack of a response was worrisome. "Uh... Jessica?"
She looked at the woman, and would've screamed at what she saw if not for the massive snake the size of a large python began constricting around her neck.
A Scythian Dracaena, Eris realized. But why's this hoe going after me?
Jessica, if that was even her real name, was now missing a leg, and the other one had become the lower half of a snake as well, now trying to pin her arms down. Eris began flailing her arms and legs in panic. She heard that annoying fucking laugh again, and looked over at Jessica's face, still smiling, taunting her.
In a surge of anger, she kicked at the windshield as hard as she could; and to her surprise, actually broke it. The noise and the fear of shattered glass falling and cutting her caused "Jessica" to loosen her grip just enough for Eris to throw open the car door, and run out sprinting.
While running, she turned around and saw Jessica's creepy scoot walk, which was shockingly fast considering how fat she was. And just as she turned around and watched the slithery bitch lunge at her, a shadow that seemed like darkness itself spawned in between them, punching the monster square in the jaw.
Eris stood in shock, and the shadow that had manifested into a pale, handsome boy looked her in the eyes and yelled "RUN!" So she did what she was told and ran in the opposite direction.
She didn't see or hear their struggle, but knew it must've been brutal. After a shit ton of running, Eris spots one of her favorite places: a McDonalds.
I could sure use some nuggies. She made it to the door before remembering how completely and utterly broke she was.
"I'll pay," said an unknown voice. Eris turned and saw the boy from earlier looking at her. His hands were in the pockets of his oversized brown leather coat, and he looked like he hadn't slept in years.
God he's hot. Your legs started quaking. Sister shook.
They walk into McDonald's together, dirty, tired and emo as fuck. Their homeless appearance frightened customers, and they could tell the cashier was considering getting her manager to ask if it was acceptable to serve these freaky ass teenagers. She decided against it before they reached the counter, and nervously asked, "Uh, welcome to McDonalds, how can I help you?" with a gulp.
The strange boy said, "Yeah, I'll have a large fry." He turned his head towards Eris and whispered, "What do you want?" He was looking her in the eyes, which she always took as a confrontation, boosting her confidence.
"Can I get a fuckin uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh," Twenty? No, she didn't want to look fat in front of this cutie, "ten nuggets."
"And twenty nuggets," he told the cashier anyway.
I said ten, dipshit.
As if he could read her mind, he leaned over and whispered, "You seem hungry." She really was.
The order was relayed and confirmed, and he got her a medium sized cup to fill with a drink of her choosing.
"I have to use the bathroom." he said and walked off without looking at her.
Eris picked a little booth in the corner and sat down, silently freaking out. She'd be frantically texting Lauren about this strange new boy—if her mom hadn't found her secret phone and broken both of them, triggering her angst and decision to run away in the first place. She looked through the contents of the food tray, and almost started eating when she realized something.
The boy came out of the bathroom, and noticed that Eris was just staring off into space, food untouched. "Why haven't you started eating?" he asked in a monotone voice.
"You might've poisoned it," she said flatly.
"How the fuck would I have poisoned it?"
"Maybe you slipped the girl at the front an extra hundo with a note attached to it—instructing her to poison me."
There was a dead silent awkwardness between them as she squinted at him accusingly. He was too perfect, this had to be some sort of trick, perhaps an assassin hired by her mom.
He looked at Eris with his jaw dropped and his brow furrowed, a total "what the fuck" face. But he was intrigued, although he couldn't tell if she was joking. She didn't seem to be.
"...Why would I do that when I just saved you?"
"Everyone knows the kill is more satisfying when you do it yourself."
He sat down. "And what would my motive me?" he asked with a "bitch, is you serious" face.
Looking into his eyes with a stone-cold glare, she said, "Because I'm too hot to handle."
He rolled his eyes. "Just eat your nuggets."
"Pinky promise."
"Pinky promise me they're not poisoned."
He looked disappointed in her, and seemed to wonder, is this what my life has really turned into? He lets out a deep sigh. "Fine."
"Say it out loud," Eris said, the same fierce look on her face not wavering.
"Say what out loud?"
"'I pinky promise I didn't poison your nuggets.'"
He sighs again. They interlocked pinkies. "I pinky promise I didn't poison your nuggets."
He put his pinkie down, much to her disappointment. She knew he hadn't poisoned the nuggets, she just wanted a reason to touch him.
"Now, eat," he tells her. She opens the first nugget box, and searches the tray for something. He notices, and asks, "What are you looking for?"
"Where the fuck is my sweet and sour sauce?" she asks, slightly pissed.
"They must've forgotten it."
"Well I'm not eating this shit without my sauce."
Another awkward pause.
"...Do you want me to go ask for sau-"
"DUH," she exclaims.
He gets up, and thirty seconds later he comes back with sauce and hands it to her. "There, happy?"
"No, this is the wrong kind of sauce. This is barbecue, I said sweet and sour."
"Well I'm not going back up," he says calmly.
Eris sternly replies, "Then I'm not eating," initiating a staring contest with him. It goes on for a while, but he blinks first, accepting his submission. He groans, eyes watering, and gets up to get more sauce.
He comes back. "You're welcome," he says sarcastically. She doesn't say thank you. And she dips her nugget in the sauce, takes a bite, and moans into the nugget, thoroughly enjoying herself. The boy puts his head down on the table, buried in his folded arms. Eris hears him mumble "Gods help me."
Mouth full of nuggets, she asks, "Hey, what's your name anyways?"
Head still down, he says, "Don't talk with your mouth full. And it's Nico. Nico Di Angelo."
Eris chokes on her food immediately at the sound of his name, coming from the lips of the man, the myth, the hottie: Nico himself.
Nico lifts his head, eyes wide and asks "Are you okay?"
She gags hard, but manages to get her throat dislodged, and swallows the nugget anyways. She gives him a thumbs up.
He's still concerned though. "Be careful, and chew your food for gods' sake. If you die they'll blame me." He remembers his forgotten large fries.
As Eris finishes all twenty of her nuggets, Nico has only started eating his fries. She longingly watches him eat. He notices, and after that fight with the Scythian Dracaena, he's worn out and hungry. But his mission was to retrieve and protect this girl, and she still looks hungry. He slides the food over to her.
She starts to say, "Oh, no thank-"
"Just take the dam fries."
Eris accepts the food, and smiles at him. It's the first time Nico has seen her smile, and he smiles back at her.
I just want him to fuck me already.


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