8: Tummy Tickles

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8: Tummy Tickles

It's about 3 am, and Lauren wakes up in a bed for the first time since she came out of her coffin, to find that Eris had rotated 90 degrees overnight, and her foot was inching closer and closer to Lauren's stomach. To protect her tummy-wummy, Lauren put up an elbow to stop the foot, and when Eris's foot met her elbow, he kicked as hard as she could, knocking the dead body off the bed with a loud thud, and yelled "Shut up!" in a slurred, tired voice. Oh, the memories this brought back.
"Did I moan in my sleep again?" Lauren asked.
"Yes, you did, you asshole," Eris said with her face smushed into the pillow.
"Well you were talking in your sleep."
"Omg, I had a dream Nico choked me to death 'till I looked like you. Then I dreamed about shoving my tongue down his throat the way I did with that little Mexican boy when I was three, but I had turned into a snake. Probably because now that you're dead, I associate dead people with snake tongues."
"I know right?"
"Happy birthday."
"EEEEEEEEEEEEE IT'S MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!" she screamed, waking up everyone in the cabin who hadn't already been woken by Lauren's body hitting the floor. "Because it is my birthday I maintain the right to do whatever the fuck I want and everyone still has to be nice to me and give me gifts."
"Of course."
"So you're staying on the floor and I'm going back to sleep."
"Okay fam."
Someone yelled, "Go back to sleep, you have too many roommates to pull this bullshit!"
"And they were roommates," Lauren couldn't help whispering.
"Oh my Gods, they were roommates," Eris whispered, and then cackled really hard.
There was a loud, "SHHHHHHHHHHHHH."
So Eris just had to go "SSSSSSSSSSSSSS," as loud as she could before saying, "Rest in peace, fam," loudly, just to piss everyone off further because it's her birthday and she can do whatever the fuck she wants.
"Hentai," Lauren said quietly, then scooted under the bed, and promptly fell asleep.
She woke up again at around 9:30 due to Eris's squealing and giggling. Eris ran and jumped on the bed and Nico jumped on after her. She could tell it was Nico because she'd grown familiar with his laugh in her many phone calls where Eris tried to teach her how to laugh and talk and be sexy like him.
Lauren knew what was happening above her based on the sounds made; the giggling and running meant they'd gotten excited outside, and before being disgusting and doing nasty PDA in front of everybody, they ran and Nico playfully chased to her back to her likely empty cabin to be gross. And if it wasn't empty before, then upon their arrival, it soon would be. (Eris was down for PDA just to publicly claim him as hers on a daily basis, but it made Nico uncomfortable.)
There was a brief silence where Lauren knew that Nico had caught her and was hugging her, then he looked her in the eyes for a few seconds, and kissed her. Before this got too out of hand and he started choking her or something, Lauren crawled out from under the bed like a spider and ran out the cabin door just as fast as one while yelling, "EWEWEWEWEW."
They didn't stop kissing. It was a good thing she left before she got too traumatized. Nico sat on the bed with his legs slightly bent, and Eris sat with her legs over is thighs, holding him in place. He had his arms wrapped around her waist, and her's were over his shoulders, one hand running her fingers through his hair. (omgomgomg i'm so bad at fluff this feels so weird to write about other people omgomg)
He pulled away, but their faces were still only about six inches apart. "Have I told you that you're a really good kisser?" her asked, smirking.
"You didn't have to, I know I'm a good kisser. It's from all the practice." She took her arms off his shoulders and crossed them under her chest, leaning against the wall behind her.
Nico let go of her waist and leaned back on his forearms, still smirking, and teasingly asked, "Oh yeah? With who, zombie girl?"
Eris scoffed. "I wish. She's too fucking straight to try anything, and she says she's in a 'comitted relationship' with Leo or something," she said with finger quotes. "She just bothers him every day while he tries to get work done."
"Then who did you get your kissing practice from? Are you just a natural?"
"No, I got my practice when I was like three from some weird little Italian boy. So passionate, so steamy. I'll never forget it."
"First kiss?"
"Duh, you're the only game I've ever gotten after that."
"That's sad."
"Please. How many tongues have you sucked? Bet it's not any more than just me."
"I actually kissed a girl when I was about three, too. Some annoying little blonde girl." Eris started looking a little triggered so he tried to reassure her, saying, "Don't worry, she was ugly."
"I'll still jab an ice pick into her windpipe."
"I know."
They sat in silence for a moment.
"Do you ever wondered what happened to her?"
"I found out, actually. Asked my dad once."
"What did he say?"
"He said she was vibin' in Cali. His words exactly."
"When was this?"
"I dunno, like a year ago."
"You know I'm from California, right?"
"Yeah, but I doubt you know her."
"HAHA, I just got and idea. What if we call her so I can threaten her?"
"Eris, no."
"Doing it."
"You're broke, you don't have any drachmas."
Eris held one up that she'd stolen from his pocket, smiled, and ran to the bathroom, Nico following her. She did the whole "Call Nico's first kiss in California" thing, and one of those weird screen things showed up above her face. A weird image popped up. It was the back of someone's head. "Yo, hoe," she called.
A "Yo, hoe" echoed back at her from behind. She turned around and saw the same image of the back of someone blonde girl's head. "What the fuuuuhhhhh-"
"Wait, it's you?" Nico said, confused.
"HAHA HOLY SHIT IT IS! Omg you called be ugly a minute ago."
"Well, you're hot now."
"Shut up, don't lie."
"I'm not lying, you're cute."
"NO U!!"
"I'm paper white and look anorexic."
"You don't look anorexic, you're fit and skinny."
"I'm anorexic."
"Are not."
"Am too."
"That belly is so sexy," she said, poking it.
He giggled and said, "Stop it," in a weak tone.
"Stop what? Stop... this?" she said, tickling his sides a little bit.
"Yes, that!" he said, laughing now. She kept tickling him until he was on the floor dying. His shirt lifted in the process, and he didn't bother pulling it back down.
Nico was now laying on the ground, exhausted. Eris sat criss-cross-apple-sauce on the floor beside him. Breathing somewhat heavily, he asked, "How did you know I liked tummy tickles?"
"Just a hunch." It wasn't just a hunch. Lauren and Hades were chillin in the Underworld, and when they started talking about his son, who's the actual Death Prince, Hades mentioned that Nico always liked tummy tickles as a kid.
When the subject turned into Eris and Nico's relationship, Hades had asked, "But is she good enough for my boy?"
"One thousand percent," Lauren had replied.
When Nico caught his breath, he asked Eris, "Are you ready for your other present?"
"There's more? Kind of hard to top an adorable skeleton dog."
"I don't know if it tops it, but it's pretty good."
"What is it?"
"You've gotta close your eyes and come with me."
Nico lead her out the cabin. "You can open your eyes now." She opened them "Ta-da!" he said, spreading his arms out like he was presenting something great.
"It's just the lake."
"I know, and I know how much you hate the water nymphs..."
"Water whores," he muttered under her breath
"Because they keep flirting with me..."
"Because you're so irresistible."
"I know. So, to assert your dominance and stick-it to the-"
"Bitch-ass bottom feeders."
"...I'm letting you make out with me in front or them."
"For... reals, yes."
"NICE." She turned to the water and stared a group of river thots in the eyes. "HE'S MINE, LAKE LOSERS." She grabbed him by the neck of his cute skull shirt and started tongue-ing him immediately.
Best birthday ever.


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