Accord-ing to who?

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A month has passed since the mission, at Avengers HQ, Stiles and Steve were watching as several news outlets reported once more on the mission that happened in Lagos. 

"4 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria last month." The reporter stated as a video played showing Stiles holding of the explosion as debris fell from the building inciting panic from the crowd below. "The traditionally reclusive Wakandas were on an outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred." 

Stiles lets out an exhausted sigh as he once again had to witness this experience. He hated what had happened and the whole team regretted what had happened that day. None more than Wanda though. 

When the team came back from the mission, Wanda gave Stiles one more check over before retreating to her room and shutting herself inside. When Stiles tried to reach out to her Pietro just pulled him back and told him to let her have some time. But Wanda stayed holed in her room for 3 weeks before Stiles finally convinced her to see him. Not even Vision could enter as she had put up walls around the entire room. 

When Stiles entered her room he was shocked, the room was destroyed, Wanda looked heartbroken and looked like she hadn't slept, the only things left untouched were the TV, where repeated reports on the incident played out all of them highlighting how Wanda is the main one responsible, and a photo frame, where inside is a photo of herself, Stiles and Pietro. As Stiles slowly walked closer to Wanda he could feel her magic getting stronger the closer he got. As Wanda stares straight at the TV Stiles uses all of his power to fight of the magic pushing him away, so much so that his nose starts to bleed. 

Finally reaching Wanda he crouches down beside her, he brings his hand up to cup her chin; it seems this snaps her out of her frozen status. Wanda's head  snaps towards Stiles' as her eyes glow full of magic. Her magic disappears however when she sees who's in front of her. Wanda's eyes widen as she takes in Stiles face, her hands instinctively move up to wipe the blood running from Stiles nose. As she does her eyes take once glance towards the smear of blood on her hands before she just breaks. A small whimper escapes her mouth and before Stiles can comprehend what's happening, Wanda is in his lap, bawling her eyes out on his shoulder. Stiles comforts her by rubbing small circles on her back while he lets her get everything out, while doing this he uses the Aether to fix all the broken items in Wanda's room while simultaneously using his negation to stop her slight magical flares from breaking even more things. 

Around an hour later, the crying stopped. Taking one look at the beautiful figure on his lap. Stiles lets out a small smile as Wanda's sleeping frame is cuddled into his shoulder. Being careful as to not wake her,  Stiles lifts himself of the ground, Wanda still in his arms, and moves towards the bed. Moving the covers and laying her down, Stiles tucks her in and moves to sit on the armchair beside her bed. The creak of a door attracts his attention as he spots Pietro standing there. Offering each other a sad smile and a nod of acknowledgment. The speedster takes on look at his twin before taking his leave and allowing Stiles to watch over her. 

Back to the present day, Stiles and Steve watched with stoic faces as King T'chaka appeared on air. "Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil . Not only because of the action of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent, is no victory at all." King T'chaka stated. As the reporter came back to finish her statement the video suddenly pauses and Steve places down the remote and lets out a sigh. As the two men don't say a word and just sit in silence. A noise can be heard from down the hall. Knowing what it is, the two share a look and Steve gives Stiles a sympathetic smile. Giving small nod in return Stiles stands and moves towards Wanda's room.   

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