The Engagement

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Brianna woke up to the smell of coffee brewing from the kitchen. Soon she heard little, almost silent giggles also coming from the kitchen. Brianna smiled as she got up out of bed. She made her side of the bed. The other side was once Logan's side, but when they divorced, she never slept in the middle of the bed. It just felt right for to her always sleep on her side of the bed.

"Hush Joel! She's coming!" Brianna heard her daughter whisper yelling to her younger brother. "Both of you be quiet." Logan's hushed voice said. Brianna was right around the corner trying not to let a giggle escape her mouth. Once she was able to contain herself, she slowly walked into the kitchen and saw a tray of food and a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Next to her fruit bowl was a note. She slowly picked it up and it said:

For being the best mother and wife

Here is a wonderful breakfast cooked by Crystal, Joel, and Marie (With the help from Logan)


Logan, Crystal, Joel, and Marie J

Brianna smiled as she read the note. She sat it back down and turned to look behind her. She could see three little figures squirming and trying to be as still as possible. She smiled. "I see you three." Brianna said with a soft giggle. "No you don't!" One voice said. "It's just your imagination..." Another voice said. "The act is up guys. I see you guys hiding under the table." Brianna said as her smile grew larger. "Fine..." Crystal said as she crawled out from under the table followed by Joel and Marie. "Hey, it was worth the try at least." Joel said as he walked up and wrapped his arms around Brianna's waist. Crystal and Marie followed his gestures. Brianna hugged all three of them back. "So Logan helped you guys cook?" Brianna asked as they all pulled away from the hug. "Yep!" Marie said with a giggle. "That was sweet of him." Brianna said. "Did you like the note we wrote?" Crystal asked with excitement beaming from her eyes. "Of course I loved the note that you all wrote. It made my morning even better." Brianna said as she took her tray to the dining room and sat down in a chair. "We have to go and get dressed now. Love you mommy!" Crystal said in hurry and she quickly picked Marie up and grabbed Joel's hand and went upstairs in a hurry.

Brianna had finished her breakfast and placed her dishes in the kitchen. "Good morning sweetheart." A familiar voice said. Brianna turned around to see Logan leaning against the door frame. "Good morning." Brianna said with a smile. "Did you have a good night's sleep?" Logan asked as he walked toward Brianna with a slight smirk on his face. "Yeah... But this morning has been one of the best mornings' that I've had in the longest time." Brianna said with a smile. Logan gently held both her hands in his. "Well, I'm glad because this is only the beginning of a hopefully wonderful day for you. Today is all about you Miss Brianna Riley Henderson." Logan said as a smile grew on his face. "Logan, we aren't married." Brianna pointed out. Logan smirked and kissed her cheek. "I hope you like the outfit I picked out for you that is laying on your bed. Don't wear too much make up because you are beautiful without any." Logan said as he left Brianna in the kitchen. Brianna shrugged it off and went upstairs to get ready for the day.

Brianna looked at herself in the mirror and smiled at Logan's choice of clothing. He still knows what will make my look flattering. Brianna thought to herself as she sat down at her makeup table and look for her neutral colors. After she applied all her makeup, she smiled at herself.

There was a knock on her door. "Are you almost ready sweetheart?" Logan said through the door. Brianna opened the door. "Just finished." Brianna said with a smile. "You look amazing Brianna. You always do look amazing." Logan said with a smile. Brianna looked down as she felt herself blush. "Are you going to be flirting with me all day?" Brianna asked. "Well, of course I am. It's my job to as a boyfriend to flirt with his girlfriend and make her feel special." Logan said proudly. Brianna rolled her eyes and smiled.

~*~Skipping to Evening~*~

Logan, Brianna, Crystal, Marie, and Joel were all walking through the park, hand in hand. All of them laughing and giggling about old memories. "Can we go on the playground over there?" Joel asked. "Sure. Just be careful and watch out for each other." Brianna said with a smile as she watched her children sprint to the playground. As Brianna watched them sprint, she felt a hand hold hers. She looked up and saw Logan smiling. Brianna smiled. "Have you had a good day today?" Logan asked. "It has absolutely been the very best day ever." Brianna said with a large smile on her face. "Good." Logan said as turned his body to face Brianna. Brianna looked up at Logan and starred into his dark brown eyes. Logan looked down and starred into Brianna's hazel eyes.

"Brianna, can I tell you something?" Logan asked. "Logan, you can tell me anything." Brianna said as she continued to smile. "Brianna, I regret divorcing you 150%. I'm so sorry for not believing you when you said that... 'He' was the one who started all the divorcing crap. You are the love of my life and you are the only woman that is perfect for me. You are the one who helped me bring Crystal, Joel, and Marie into this world and I couldn't ask for a better mother for my children. I honestly love you with everything I have and more in my life. I love you more than I did then and I want to be with you again. And this time... I want us to stay married. I want us to be together for Crystal, Joel, and Marie's sake and... I want you back in my life. I love you more than anything Brianna." Logan said as he got down on one knee and pulled out the little black box. Brianna covered her mouth as she felt tears start to fall from her eyes. "Will you be Mrs. Henderson again?" Logan asked as he opened the box. Brianna smiled in tears as she looked at the ring (picture above) and then back at Logan. "Y-Yes." Brianna said as she smiled. Logan smiled as he felt tears start to form in his eyes. He placed the ring on Brianna's ring finger and looked into her teary eyes. Brianna looked back. Logan slowly leaned in and kissed her. Brianna kissed back. As they pulled away after a few seconds, they could hear their children cheering. Today was certainly a magical day, but if only they knew what was to happen next...

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