A Little Crazy Thing Called... That One Fan...

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     She starred into the pixelized television. She watched an interview of her favorite man, Logan Henderson. "He will be mine..." She said. "They won't believe me if I told them that I've been looking at him since day one." She said to herself.


     I was sitting in the caferatiera. Just casually eating my lunch. I looked over at the corner at half of the school's hottest and most popular couple, Avery... She hated everything and everyone around except, of course, Logan Henderosn. She ecpesially hated that Brianna girl. No one saw this, but me... When we were all little... Brianna was under a tree, with her knees to her chest... Looking down... As usual... Logan walked over and sat beside her. Cutestness overlode, with Logan only. They started talking and then Logan leaned in and kissed her cheek. Then he got up and left. BAM! I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Avery down on the ground beating Brianna up. I stood up right as security gaurds and teachers came running. Before I knew it, Logan came running in and he threw Avery back and followed the paramedics to the ambulance. Everything was happening so fast that it scared me.

~*~End of Flashback~*~

     Nicole... The stalker of Logan Henderson. 'Guess what everyone?! Logan Henderson is back together with his ex-wife, Brianna! Yes, after 3 years of that court session, they decided that they needed to be with each other. Crystal, Joel, and Marie actually convinced them! Funny right? THe three masterminds came up with a plan to get their parents back together. ''I'm so happy that we were able to get back together because no other girl was wife material like Brianna.'' Logan said at an E! Interview. Does Logan plan on setling down again with Brianna?' Said the woman on the screen. Nicole clutched her pillow. "HE CAN"T!" Nicole screamed at her TV. She threw the remote at the television and broke it. She quickly got up and left her apartment building and went to the beach to help herself cool off.


     I was sitting in the corner outside the hospital. Lots of fangirls were screaming. Why you ask? Well, Crystal was suppose to be born today. One of the room's curtains opened, revealing Logan holding a baby. He smiled as he looked down at all those crazy screaming fans. I saw him look at little Crystal. I smiled as I imagined that was our child. What kind of name is Crystal anyway? I bet Brianna named her. Stupid Brianna...

~*~End of Flashback~*~

     As the evening beach breeze surrounded Nicole's body, she imagined as if she was with Logan. "I will make him mine if it's the last thing I do..." She whispered to herself as she remembered more things.


     I was watching the news and saw that news of Brianna and Logan had gone missing. I do admit... I felt sorry for little Crystal and Joel because they were so young and they couldn't wrap their little minds around the thought of their parents being gone. Of course they all suspected that Avery and her older brother Lloyd did it. I mean like, when don't they do horrible stuff? I honestly wish that Avery would stop messing with my Logan! HE IS MINE! Anyway,they showed a picture of Crystal and Joel crying. I swear they both looked like Logan in their own way. I don't know why they showed them crying, that broke millions of hearts! I hope they find my Logan soon...

~*~End Of Flashback~*~

     Nicole walked along the shore, feeling the sand come through her toes. Water gently touched her feet as she walked, as if nothing in the world was going on around her. "Why do I just keep sitting around and say Logan Henderson is mine when I need to get off of my lazy butt and do something about it." Nicole said to herself as she looked at the sunset. She then walked away from the beach and started to drive to her apartment.\


     Mr. and Mrs. Henderson fighting?! No! They would never! But they are! Romurs have started that the two might possibly be getting a divorce! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, you ask? Well, let's just say that Logan blew up when he saw Brianna kissing the babysitter. "I knew form that point on that I needed to get away from Brianna." Logan said to us. "It was my mistake and I wouldn't blame Logan for wanting to leave... He even told me that he wanted a divorce that evening..." Brianna said to us. "This is going to hurt the kids to much because Crystal won't have he father, whom she loves ever so dearly, Joel won't have a male figure to look up to all the time, and Marie... She won't truely know her father..." Brianna also said to us. Can these two work things out or... I hate to say this... Is it the end of the Hendersons'? I was so happy. I jumped up and down on my bed. Noah did his work perfectly! I hope they divorce, but then again... They conquered all their tragities with love... Love Conquers All and Never Give Up because life itself... It's A Journey... I still hope that they divorce...

~*~End Of Flashback~*~

      Nicole picked out some formal clothing. She knew exactly what to do... Break their hearts before it's too late. "First I need a plan... How am I going to break them apart?..." Nicole asked herself as she tried to match her pants and shirts. "Ugh... This is harder than what I thought..." Nicole thought to herself. Then she remembered Logan and Brianna's first date... Avery shot Logan... Nicole smiled to herself as she looked around for one of her guns. "The next date will surely... be a dosey... Only for them of course..." Nicole said as she loaded her gun and cocked it. She smirked to herself and waited for another date... That would bring back memories... Sweet memories for her and her only...

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