Wedding Time

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Before I start, I just want to say that there aren't very many chapter left until this book series is finally over! I want to thank each and every single one of you who have read this book from the beginning to now. I love all of you and you're all worth it! I hope you enjoy the chapter!!!


"Mommy?" Marie asked as she gentle tugged Brianna's wedding dress. "Yes sweetheart?" Brianna said as she bent down to Marie's level. "Can you tell me about when you and daddy first got married?" Marie asked. "Of course." Brianna said as she sat down on the couch that was in the dressing room. Crystal slowly walked in. "What you all doing?" Crystal asked as she sat on the other side of Brianna. "Mommy was going to tell me when her and daddy first got married." Marie said. "I wanna listen!" Crystal said with excitement. "But you've heard the story more than 100 times." Brianna said with a chuckle. "But I love listening to it..." Crystal said with a giggle. "Fine..." Brianna said as she started telling the story


 Logan took a deep breath as the wedding started. As the music started, Brianna walked with her father down the aisle. Logan remembered when he first met Brianna's father. He was scared at first, but he was better after he spent a few hours with him.

     Brianna and her father were now up to where the pastor was. Brianna's father put her hand in Logan's, then they walked up the stairs. (I'm going to make this part short) The Pastor said, "Logan Phillip, do you take Brianna Leigh to be your lawful wedded wife, to have, to hold, as long as you both shall live." Logan nodded and said, "I do." Then the pastor turned towards Brianna and said, "Brianna Leigh, do you take Logan Phillip to be your lawful wedded husband, to have, to hold, as long as you both shall live." Brianna paused for a few seconds and said, "I do." Logan put the ring on Brianna's finger and she did the same for him. "You may kiss the bride." The pastor announced. Logan lifted the veil and starred into Brianna's eyes. He leaned in and kissed Brianna. Everyone cheered at the new Mr. and Mrs. Henderson.

 After the wedding and the reception, Brianna and Logan headed to their new house that they bought for each other. "I love you Mrs. Henderson!" Logan shouted as he swung Brianna around in his arms. "I love you too Mr. Henderson!" Brianna laughed as Logan placed her back on the ground. "Where are we going on our honeymoon?" Brianna questioned. "It's a surprise sweetie." Logan said while smiling. "Please tell me Logiebear!" Brianna pleaded. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you baby." Logan replied/ "Dang it! When do we leave then?" Brianna questioned again. "This Saturday." Logan answered. Brianna moaned, she really wanted to know where they were going on their honeymoon.

~*~End Of Flashback~*~

"I love listening to that story." Crystal said. "Is the wedding going to be even more special?" Marie asked. "Of course it will be even more special. I get to spend this one with my family." Brianna said as she kissed Marie and Crystal's head. They both giggled. Brianna looked at the clock. "It's almost time to become a family again." Brianna said as she watched Crystal and Marie got off the couch and went to where they were suppose to be ready. Brianna slowly got up and followed them.

~*~After wedding~*~

Logan and Brianna were sitting at their reserved table. Logan looked over and starred into Brianna's eyes. "You are even more beautiful now than you ever were before, Brianna." Logan said. "Awww. You are too sweet." Brianna said as she looked back into his eyes. "Always will be towards my one and only, Mrs. Brianna Henderson." Logan said as he kissed her cheek. Brianna felt herself blush. Logan looked at the dance floor and saw Crystal, Joel and Marie dancing around. "I love you so much Brianna." Logan said with a huge smile on his face. "I love you so much too." Brianna said as she smiled. "They look like they are having so much fun." Brianna said as she watched their children dance on the dance floor. "Well, at one point you were a dance teacher." Logan said. "Yeah, like during our first few years of marriage." Brianna said. "I love what you're doing now. Being a business manager and all." Logan said. "I love it too. I honestly still can't believe that my business went to London and Japan." Brianna said with amazement in her voice. "I'm so proud of you." Logan said as he kissed her lips.

~*~After Reception~*~

Brianna was in her and Logan's room trying to undo her corset back. Logan walked in their room and saw Brianna struggling. "Need help?" Logan asked as he walked towards Brianna. "Please..." Brianna said and laughed a little. Logan quickly undid her back. "That was fast." Brianna said as slid her dress off and quickly got into her night clothes. "You didn't have that many loops to undo." Logan said with a slight smirk. Brianna looked down and blushed. Logan took his hand and placed it under her chin and made her look him in the eyes. "I love you." Logan said. "I love you too." Brianna said as she wrapped her arms around his waist and gently placed her head on his chest. Logan smiled and wrapped his around her. "I promise to stay with you, Crystal, Joel, and Marie for now until the day I die." Logan said softly. Brianna looked into Logan's eyes and smiled. "Are you willing to keep that promise?" Brianna asked. "It's one of very few that I want to keep close to my heart." Logan said with a soft smile. Brianna smiled as she felt tears grew in her eyes. One of her tears fell and Logan whipped it away with his thumb. He kissed her head and they both smiled. "I love you." Brianna said. "I love you too. I love you more than words can ever explain." Logan said with a smile.



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