3 Years Without Him

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     Crystal sat in her room, looking at the necklace that her father got her several years ago on her birthday. "I miss you daddy..." Crystal said to herself as she felt tears in her eyes. It's been 3 years since Brianna and Logan got a divorce. Since then, things have been extremly different. Crystal sits in her room for countless hours, Joel hardly smiles anymore, Marie doesn't know who her father really is, and Brianna just can barely get by with her and the kids.

     Every now and then, Brianna would see Logan on the news with another girl. Brianna's heart broke every time. No one really talked to her anymore. She gots tons and tons of hate on twitter because she was accused of cheating on Logan. Crystal always heard her say, "If I could go back and change the past... I would." She even remembers tweeting 'I know that I made a huge mistake that can't be easily fixed...'

~*~After The Court Session~*~

     Brianna had tears forming in her eyes after the divorce was finalised. Logan walked to Brianna. "I guess this is it..." Logan said sadness in his voice. Brianna could only nod her head. Brianna slowly took of her engagement and weddings rings of her finger. She slowly brought Logan's hand up and placed them in the palm of his hand. She closed his hand and made a fist. "I know that you probably don't ever want to get married to me again, but... Do whatever you want with these rings... I can't keep them... They'll bring back too many memories... Memories that I spent with you and only you..." Brianna said as tears started to fall from her eyes. Logan put the rings in his pocket. "Do me a favor, Brianna." Logan said. Brianna looked into his eyes. "Find yourself a guy that will treat you like the queen of his universe, find yourself a guy that will be an amazing influence to Joel, find yourself a guy that will help you raise Marie, find yourself a guy who Crystal can protect her..." Logan said with tears forming in his eyes. Brianna looked at him. How can she find a guy like Logan?

     Crystal walked up to Logan. "Daddy, please... Don't leave us..." Crystal said with tears in her eyes. Logan looked down at her and his heart broke. He bent down to her size and looked at her. "Don't cry princess... I'll always be in your heart..." Logan said as he whipped Crystal's tears away. "But you'll only be a memory after today... A memory that can be forgotten..." Crystal said as tears kept falling from her eyes. Logan looked at her in shocked. He never expected that to come from Crystal's mouth. "I may be a memory, but if you keep memories close to your heart... You'll never forget them." Logan said as he hugged Crystal tightly. Joel walked up to Logan and joined in the hug. "Never forget this... I love all three of you. Crystal... I want you to tell Marie that I love her..." Logan said as he stood up.

     "Do you want to hold Marie for the last time?... She'll never be this small ever again..." Brianna said as she held Marie. Logan took Marie and looked at her. She looked back at him and started to say something, but couldn't. "Come on baby girl... Say something..." Logan whispered to Marie. "Da-da..." Marie said. Her first word. Logan felt tears fall from his eyes. As he looked down at Marie, he saw her smile... Her smile was just Like Brianna's smile. "I love you baby girl..." Logan said and kissed her head. He gave Marie back to Brianna and left. He left everything he gained with Brianna. "Is daddy going to come back?..." Joel asked Brianna. Brianna looked at him and tried to smile, but there was nothing happy about this at all. "I hope that one day he will... And that day will be the happiest day in our lives..." Brianna said. "Mommy?" Crystal asked. "Yes?" Brianna asked as she awaited for Crystal's question. "Remember when you said that what ever happens now... Will be rough at first, but at the end of every dark tunnel, there is the beautiful, bright light with new adventures." Crystal said. Brianna looked at her and smiled. "I needed that Crystal... I really needed that..." Brianna said as she kissed Crystal's head.

~*~End of Flashback~*~

     Crystal wiped her tears away as she remembered the day that her father left her. "At the end of every dark tunnel, there is the beautiful, bright light with new adventures..." Crystal said to herself. "And at the end of the tunnel, will be mom and dad married again and happy..." Crystal said to herself as she kept looking at her necklace.

     There was a knock on Crystal's door. "Come in." She said. Marie came in. "Hey big sister. Can I ask you something?" Marie asked as she sat on Crystal's bed. "Anything little sister." Crystal said as she tried to smile. "Did daddy ever say that he loved me?" Marie asked. Crystal looked at her and smiled. "On the day that he left us, he told me to tell you that he loved you. The last time we saw him was when you said your first word." Crystal said with a smile. "I wish he would come back... I want to see him in real life and not in a picture." Marie said. "I know he will eventually come back." Crystal said. "How do you know?" Marie asked. "Because... He loved us all so much... I can remember when mom got kidnapped once and daddy did everything to rescue her. He will come back." Crystal said as the thought made her happy. "That is a good point." Marie said. "We are going to get him back, no matter how long it takes us." Crystal said. "But how?" Marie asked. "Grandma will help us. We just have to break daddy up with his new ugly girlfriend and get him back together with mommy. Simple as that." Crystal said.

     Soon Joel came into Crystal's room. "Okay, what are you two planning now?" Joel asked in a sleepy voice. "Planning to get mommy and daddy back together." Marie said. "So we are basically picking up the pieces and putting them back together?" Joel said. "Exactly my little bro!" Crystal said. "So? When do we start?" Marie asked. "Tomorrow after school. Mom can trust me well enough now to let me be home alone with you two so we have to take action then." Crystal said. "When did you become the brains of the group?" Joel asked as he crossed his arms. "Just now. Let's get some sleep, we are going to need it." Crystal said and they all went to bed.

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