Operation Get Information from Grandma

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     "Where is the phone?" Joel asked as he looked around the kitchen. "Right here dumby." Crystal said as she held the phone in her hand. "Don't call me a dumby!" Joel protested. "Fine, but Marie is taking her afternoon nap. So we have to do this on our own." Crystal said as she went upstairs to her room. Joel followed her.

     Crystal dialed the number and put the phone on speaker. It rang and rang then it was picked up. "Hello?" A voice said over the phone. "Hey Grandma!" Crystal and Joel said together. "Hey you two! How are you doing?" Grandma said with joy in her voice. "We are doing good." Joel said. "How are you doing?" Crystal asked. "I'm doing good too." Grandma said. "Hey grandma?" Joel asked. "Yes sweetheart?" Grandma said. "We need your help on something... It's really serious to us..." Crystal said. "Tell me what it is and I'll see what I can do." Grandma said as she prepared to listen. "We want mom and dad back together. They were so happy before they had to get a babysitter and now... mom hardly ever smiles anymore... Dad hasn't talked to us since the court session..." Crystal said. "We just want to make things right again." Joel said. There was some silence on the other end.

      "How do you plan to get mom and dad back together?" Grandma asked curiously. "Well... We want them to at least see each other. So I was thinking that we make them "meet" at the park or where they first fell in love?" Crystal said as she tried to think of more ideas. "I think it would be nice for them to meet at their old school. It would show them where it all started." Grandma said. "But when do we do it?" Joel asked. "On a day when mom and dad aren't busy at all." Crystal stated. "Your father is just really trying to find another girl. From what I understand... It's hard for him to replace the spot your mom put in his heart." Grandma said. "Good, dad still loves mom." Crystal said. "Do you know what day your mom is free?" Grandma asked. "Saturday." Joel said as he looked at the calendar. "Perfect. Is 12 okay?" Crystal asked. "I'll call your father and tell you when I get off the phone with him." Grandma said as she was about to hang up. "Make sure you say nothing about the plan. We want it to be a surprise." Crystal said. "Alright. Love you two. Talk to you in a few." Grandma said. "Love you too." Crystal and Joel said and they hung up.

     "I can't believe this plan might actually work out." Joel said. "I hope it does too..." Crystal said. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Crystal said and Brianna walked in her room. "Hey, what would you like for dinner?" Brianna asked. "Leftovers? We got planty of them." Joel said. "Sounds good." Brianna said as she was about to leave. "Mom, are you still free Saturday?" Crystal asked. "Yes why?" Brianna asked. "I was thinking that all of us go see your old high school." Crystal said. "I haven't been there since I graduated... What time should we be there?" Brianna asked. "12 would be nice." Crystal said. "Alright. Saturday we go visit my high school." Brianna said as she left. "You must have a very good chrisma skill." Joel said. "Hey, I can sass who ever you want me to sass." Crystal said with a chuckle. "I'm so happy that I have a sassy, tough sister." Joel said with a smile. "Awww you're so sweet little bro." Crystal said. "Let's just say I've picked up a few flirtatious skills from dad." Joel said with a slight smirk. "For a 9 year old, you are already good. Imagine you picking up high school girls when your in high school." Crystal said as she giggled. "I'll have 10 girls on each side of me." Joel said.


     "Logan are you free on Saturday at 12?" Grandma asked. "Yeah why mom?" Logan asked. "I was wanting to spend some time with my son, is that so bad?" Grandma asked. "No, no! It's not!" Logan said. "Good. I'm glad nothing is wrong with it." Grandma said with a little chuckle. "Where do you want to go?" Logan asked. "I would like to visit your high school actually." Grandma said. "Really? Why mom?" Logan asked. "I just want to see if anything has changed since you graduated." Grandma said. "Oh okay." Logan said. "Love you Logiebear." Grandma said. "Love you too mom." Logan said as he hung up. "Oh how I hope this works..." Grandma said to herself as she called Crystal and Joel back.

      The phone rang and Crystal quickly answered it. "Yes?" Crystal asked. "It's all good." Grandma said with joy in her voice. "YES!" Crystal said with happiness. "I hope you know what your doing Crystal because this is a risky plan." Grandma said. "Grandma... If daddy was determined to find mom when she would get kidnapped, then I'll be determined to fix this relationship." Crystal said. "Even your standing all alone?" Grandma asked. "Even if the world is against me." Crystal said. "You are going to be an amazing adult when you grow up Crystal." Grandma said. "Thanks grandma. See you Saturday. Love you." Crystal said with a smile on her face. "Welcome sweetie. Love you too." Grandma said and hung up. Crystal smile with loads of joy in her heart.

     Joel walked in with Marie. "Is everything set?" Joel asked. "Yep! Now we just have to wait for Saturday!" Crystal said happily. "I actually get to sees daddy." Marie said with a giggle. "Yes you do little sis!" Joel said as he hugged Marie. Marie giggled. "Now Marie, we have to keep this a secret Just between you, bro, Grandma, and me." Crystal said. "Okay. What's a secret?" Marie asked. "A secret is something that you have to keep hidden from everyone, but only a few or none. That is the basic definition." Crystal said. "Ok." Marie said with a smile. "I can't wait for Saturday..." Joel said as they all had a little party.


HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE! I hope you guys had an amazing 2014 and many new adventures in 2015! Let's see what challenges 2015 has for us!

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