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A groan sounded from Ashley's mouth as she awoke. A kink in her neck reminded her of last night's events. She laughed to herself as she thought of the debates she and F/n had last night whilst painting each other's nails, 'No, I'm telling you that George had the tail!" "You're crazy!" She then thought back to Sal and Larry being quiet last night, talking amongst themselves. She thought it was suspicious. She decided to take it into her hands, rather than wait it out. As she stumbled over to Larry's spot on the floor, she retrieved his phone from his pockets, dragged it out, and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

As she placed the toilet seat down, she began to think of the password, four digits, It had to be his birth year, he's not smart enough for it to be something more complex, she typed in the four numbers 1976, the phone vibrated showing it was wrong. She sighed on herself, trying once more she typed in the numbers 4200, and boom shaka la ka the phone unlocked, she rolled her eyes, scrolling through the phone for a minute before clicking on the messages icon.

Ashley scrolled down to Sal's contact, labeled "Sally Face" she scoffed to herself as she clicked on the icon, she scrolled for a while to no avail. She sighed, "Maybe it's nothing" she clicked the phone off, slamming it shut as she stuffed it into her pocket and ventured out into the living room, to her relief no one was awake yet, she dropped the phone to Larry's side once more and went into the kitchen to check the time.6:04 read the microwave. "God PM? It's late." She rubbed her neck.

"F/n, hey you awake?" She beckoned, you opened your eyes ever so slowly, already missing the warmth and comfort of sleep. You groaned and stretched your back as you sat up, 'Hm?"
''Last night he and Sal Larry were talking, did you catch what they were saying?" She asked, your eyes opened wider than before, "Yeah- they were Uhm talking about some" You snapped your fingers trying to remember though that was quite difficult when a pounding headache banged at your skull. You snapped "Right yes they were talking about you, I only heard your name a couple of times though, so it could very well be something else." you yawned out, Ashley nodded as she began to grab her things, "Where are you going?" you asked in a curious tone.

"It's 6;10 in the afternoon, i have to go watch my brother" Ashley said as she ran out the door, slamming it shut, 'It's six?" you gasped, getting up out of your spot, careful not to trip over the sleeping bodies on the floor. You looked around, everyone but Todd was there, he must have woken up early and left.Gathering your things you stumbled out the door, vision still blurry from sleep.

As you stumbled into the living room of apartment 401, a sleeping Robert was found on his mattress in the living room, you sighed and looked to the pathway of the kitchen, making a beeline to your new destination.

You took some microwaveable noodles from the cabinet and began to cook them. Quickly taking them out before it beeped, you added in the flavoring and headed off to your room shutting the door tightly.

When you finished gulping up your noodles, convinced you were just starving, you decided to get rady, no matter how late. You hopped into the shower quickly, washing up and then getting out, you lathered on some lotion and finally lathered on some comfortable clothing.

"Kid? F/n? You home?" Robert asked through the door, gently knocking on it, you opened the door, "Hey Uncle Rob, whats up?" You asked, "Where were you last night? I was worried!" He shook your shoulders dramatically. "Sorry I stayed the night with some kids I met last night." You spoke honestly, not realising how weird it would sound if you hadn't been there yourself. He rose an eyebrow, "Uhm kay? Anyways your mom called, said it's gonna be ten weeks instead of 4 till they next see ya, real bummer huh?" He mumbled the last part almost as if he had been expecting it.

You nodded sadly, "Oh.. well tell her i said hi and i miss her alright?" You grabbed your shoes, "Mhm will do.. i uh- where are you going?" he interrupted himself. "Sal's, i'm going to see if he's home yet cause Ash already went home and i'm super bored" You admitted, "Okie dokie artichokie, call me if you decide to spend the night or something again" He spoke directly. You nodded in response.

Venturing over to the apartment next door, you knocked on the door slightly, not wanting to cause too much noise. Some rustling came from the other side, the door opened a few moments later. "Hey" Sal panted, "Uhm Hey? Are you okay?" You asked, "Oh yeah i'm fine just a nightmare thats all." He waved you off before continuing to speak, "What's up?"

"Uhm i just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out..?" You asked worriedly. He nodded, "Sure come in" He said, opening the door wider and stepping aside to let you pass through, "So school's starting soon" You sighed as you sat down "oh right" he groaned, slugging onto the couch.

"Mhm" You fiddled with your hands, "whats wrong?" he asked while looking at your hands, you laughed slightly "god you're observant"

He nodded silently, watching as your hands shifted to your sides, "Are you nervous or something?" he questioned again, you shrugged "Dunno.. can we change the subject? What do you like to do for fun?" He complied, "Uh i like to play video games" You nodded, "I like to read."

He giggled, you raised a brow "what?" he shook his head "You look like you read" he answered "there's a certain look for reading now?" you inquired, "well no- yes?" he fumbled, looking for the right words.

"I'm fuckin with you" You giggled, "thanks though, i guess" you looked at him as you spoke. "Yeah-"

August 15th 1995

Dear diary, fuck this shit.

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