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a week had passed since the last incident with travis, there had been a few altercations with travis at school however— none that were big enough to start a fight like the one from seven days ago.

now you were sitting in the basement with ash, larry, and sal, playing never have i ever whilst siamotainously being high.

you breathed in heavily, scratching your neck "okay okay- never have i ever.. got into trouble with the police"

Larry and ash im immediately raised their hands, "of course you two have" sal said taking a long drag out of the blunt.

"Dude i have no clue how you got Robert to roll this but shit-!" Larry huffed, you just chuckled.

ash passed the blunt to you, you politely denied, you began to stretch your muscles and got up.

you walked into the bathroom, splashing your face with water, feeling a bit drowsy you laid down on the floor that resided next to the door.

you placed your head into your head, taking a long sigh, a knock on the door erupted from the other side, "mm yeah i'll be out in a minute" you reassured the mysterious person on the other side.

"are you okay? N/N? its been thirty minutes.." it was sal, of course he had come to check on you.

oh shit, did he say thirty? you jumped up and slung open the door, "thirty or three?" you gasped.

he walked in and shut the door, he walked you over and sat you on the toilet lid, he sat on the floor, on his knees under you.

"hey man are you okay?" he grabbed your knees softly, he looked up at you with a worried expression.

"well this is an interesting position." you thought to yourself, you nodded slightly brushing your hair behind your left ear, "yeah im fine" you gulped slowly but surely.

he clearly wasn't convinced.

he sighed and looked at the floor, "you know you can tell me anything, right?" he looked back up at you.

you nodded, "im fine, i think" you tried to answer and suffice his questions.

"you think?" he inquires, your lip quivers.

"mhm. i dont know, maybe there is something wrong with me, there's something wrong with everyone right?" you uttered, chuckling at the corniness of your sentence.

sal sighs, he scoots back from you, resting against the wall, he opens his arms as if you tell you to "come here" you chuckled as you sat up and laid on his chest.

"this is unsanitary." you told matter of factly.

"well, would you rather go back out there with Ash and Larry?" he reminds,

"no not really, but theres a couch.. which is probably cleaner than sitting on a floor?" you state.

"its up to you"

you sigh, "lets just lay like this for a while, its quiet."

he nods and rubs your back, "thank you" you utter through your teeth, "for being here"

"of course." he lays his head on top of yours. slowly, you doze off, suddenly its all dark.

who knows how long it was because when you woke up next, you were on the couch, a blanket covering you, you stumbled to the kitchen, the clock read 2:31 AM. "wheres sal?" you mumble, scratching at your now uncomfortable jeans.

you walked into Larry's room, Larry was on the end of the bed laying horizontally while ash laid vertically at the top. you grabbed some shorts from your bag, scanned the room and decided to change since ya know fuck it, no ones awake.

grabbing a band shirt, from your bag as well. you changed your pants first, those being the most uncomfortable, then your shirt- you were about to unclip your bra and then- "HOLY SHIT SORRY" someone whisper yelled. you gasped and looked over at the door, of-fucking-course it was sal, he rushed out the door, you laughed to your self embarrassingly, thankfully you've learned that Larry was a deep sleeper, wish you could say the same for Ash.

hoping ash wasn't awake you unclipped your bra and put on your band tee. hurrying out of the room, welcomed by sal sitting on the couch bouncing his leg up and down.

he was in plaid pajama pants and a grey short sleeved shirt, you say next to him, "im sorry." he utters

you chuckle, "its fine, i was kind of looking for you anyways, besides it was dark- you couldn't see anything" you brushed your hair behind your left ear once more, almost as if you were convincing your self he didn't see anything more than him.

"right" he laughed.

"so where'd you go after i fell asleep?" you wondered aloud, laying down, draping you legs over his thighs.

"well i took you to the couch and went into Larrys room, they were both passed out but i couldn't sleep, i laid there for a good couple hours and then went to the bathroom- came back and then— now!" he giggles.

you nod, "why couldn't you sleep?"

"oh, nightmares ya know. they're always pretty bad nowadays." he hums to himself.

he yawns, "go to sleep" you tell him, he shakes his head

"cant" he shrugs "or i would've by now."

"sleep with me" you say, his eyes widen as he looks at you. "not like that you sick fuck!" you laugh loudly.

"i know i know im just messin" he sighs and lays down besides you on the couch, facing you.

you run your fingers through his hair, he shivers slightly at your touch, making you smile. "does it ever get uncomfortable? your mask?" you ask quietly, he was close enough for you to hear either way.

"sometimes, in the summer, when i sleep with it on, stuff like that." he avoids eye contact.

"is it bothering you.. now?" you twirl a strand in his hair, "a little." he says.

"do you need to take it off? i can close my eyes or turn around" you offer, he shakes his head and chuckles.

"you're too kind.. i dont think you would like it, im- not exactly an eye pleaser" he laughs at his own joke.

"i wont look- you're not some hideous monster sal, but if your uncomfortable, i wont make you." you flash a smile at him.

he stares at you, a soft look in his eyes, "can you.. do it for me?" he says almost reluctantly

"you sure?"

he nods.

you nod with him, reaching behind his head to grab the lower buckle, once it clicks you do the top one, you take it off completely and sit it to the side, on the end table.

you stare at him and he looks around, "an eye sore i know" he cracks a smile through his words. you frown at him before opening your mouth.

"you're the most beautiful, prettiest, gorgeous, handsomest person i've ever seen, Sal Fisher." you feel a toothless smile tug at your lips.

his eyes go wide as his eyebrows raise, his face turns red and he looks away, "shutup" he mutters.

a surge of boldness passes through you, "make me."

DUN DUN DUNNNNN okay ya uhm now you have to wait for thr next chapter hehe have fun !!!

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