50 3 0

August ??, 1996

Dear diary.

man im sleepy. writing soothes me though, no matter what i feel at the time, school has started. all my classes are with larry, ash, and sal.

me and larry have p.e together, ash and i have english, math, and social studies, me and sal have science and music together. todd hasn't shown up for the past two weeks, he's been sick. hopefully he'll get better. in the mean time the rest of the gang have been hanging after school at the park.. doing nothing but chitchat.

robert and i are actually getting closer, he bought me a phone, and we watch movies together every night. mom visits in about 4 weeks.. fun.

i also have developed a new feeling for sal, it's weird and i do not like it.. i mean sure ive dated people before and ive had crushes before but not like this. it makes me feel sick, speaking of sick- i think im gonna be sick, this classroom smells, im nauseous as well.. i need fresh air.

You slammed your journal shut, it making a loud bang as you did so, the room started to spin, the desk seemed to shake, you raised your hand high

"M-Mr Ale can i go to the restroom? i dont feel good.." you said your voice just below a whisper, "sure go ahead take your time." he smiled, you groggily got to your feet, the feeling of dizziness washing over you.

cold air smacked you in the face, you grabbed the desk, sal looked at you concern filling his eye. he grabbed your arm and led you out of the classroom. "i'll take her to the nurse" he reassured the teacher who just nodded and continued the lesson.

breathing heavily you itched at your skin, sal quickened his pace as he made it to the nurses hallway, he knocked on the door. the nurse opened it slowly, "hello?"

"hey my friend isn't feeling too hot- can you check her?" he asked, handing you over to the lady, she nodded and brought the both of you in.

the woman took your temperature, "do you have any allergies?" she asked as she read the thermometer, "none other than the usual grass and stuff" you responded weakly.

"whats your guardian's names? you could have gotten her sickness." the nurse marched over to her phone, "oh.. robert silva is my uncles name" the nurse nodded and grabbed the phone book, she glanced at sal, an eyebrow raised, "h- henry fisher" he muttered under the lady's questioning glare, she nodded once more.

after calling both of your guardians, robert explained he couldn't come and get you, he was out of town for some concert for the weekend, the nurse cringed as she heard about his teen-like antics, she just mumbled an "mhm thank you mr silva. we'll figure something out thanks."

"you both live at Addison apartments- right?" she asked and sal nodded, "so mr fisher can pick the both of you up?" she interrogated, "i doubt he would mind" sal reassured, she picked up the phone again and entered the phone number that the phone book told her.

while the nurse called henry sal ran to get both of you two's things, telling the teacher that you guys were leaving, when he came back he heard a voice, "oh yes im on my way!" henry could be heard rustling on the other side of the phone. a few minutes passed before henry arrived at the school who picked you both up.

as henry drove you laid your head on sals shoulder, struggling to keep your eyes open- might it be the cold or school tiring you out, nonetheless sals ears were bright red as he stared outside, henry hummed a toon on the radio. finally arriving back to the apartments you fumbled with your key as you tried to open the door, sal glanced at you, "do you need help?" he asked, you nodded, embarrassed, walking over he grabbed the keys from your hand and unlocked the door. you smiled at him and his eyes squinted slightly, meaning he smiled.

he bid you goodbye and you repeated his actions, locking your door behind you- you passed out on your bed, sleeping peacefully for about 5 hours or so it felt.


you jolted awake, a cold sweat welcoming you. the air from the slightly cracked window making you shiver, "fucking addison." you cursed under your breath, noting how he never seems to fix anything in this complex.

the time read 7:45. a saturday morning could never feel better

you grabbed a pair of plaid pajama pants along with your worn out chucks and ventured out to the basement, thankfully having a couple dollars on you.

"hm.. maybe just some chips.." you muttered.

"what kind?" a voice loomed, startling you.

lifting your arm slightly to smack the figure behind you as you turned around— you saw it was just sal, you breathed out.

"fuck sal you scared the shit outta me." you warned, placing a hand on your heavily rising chest. "what're you doing awake so early?"

he shrugged, "visiting larry."

"Larry? you think larry will be up at this time?" you scoff.

"no, however, im bored." he explained. you nodded and walked off, "well im going to the park if you wanna join."

"oh okay.." he glances around.

"mhm.." you shrug as you walked over to the elevator, pressing onto the button aggressively.

"uhm.. i guess i'll go— with you-" he mutters calmly.

you turn to him with a smile, "great!" stepping onto the elevator, you noticed that sal was fidgeting with a safety pin on his hoodie.

"..you okay? you're more fidgety than normal" you chuckle as he glances at you then at the floor.

"sorry, i just zoned out" he whispers lowly, you frown and look at him.

"dont apologize, you did nothing wrong" you remind as you rub his back reassuringly he just nodded and muttered something under his breath.

the elevator was rickety and slow, putting your nerves at an all time high, when the elevator stopped you for sure thought it was just gonna fall down into the pits of hell but once the doors opened a breath of relief exited your mouth.

you both quickly made your way out side of the apartments, and walked quickly to the park.

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