Chapter 8- The Results

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Figured I'd give you guys an early chapter!   Hope you like, and don't forget to Comment and Vote!

Fyi as far as pregnancy and doctor apointment stuff, I don't know much, so I'm going off of what I know and learned.. if something is wrong please tell me in a private message, thank you.

Picture to the side is their baby >>> so check it out!


Chapter 8- The Results

Mayanna's Point of View (Mya) 

Mya at 20 weeks.

"Brandon.. We're going to be late.." I said standing by the door and tapping my foot as I checked my phone once again to see if Raylynn texted me back. I jumped when I felt someone wrap there arms around me and hugged me tight against there body. I sighed and fell into the embrace as I knew it was Brandon. 

"We're fine, if anything we're going to be early like usual." He said taking the keys from me and pulling me out the door. As we got into the car and started towards the doctor's office I felt him grip my hand in his as he drove. My other hand rested on my little baby bump and I smiled at him. 

"You excited to find out if its a little boy or girl?" I asked him as I squeezed his hand a bit liking the feeling of his hand in mine. We had gotten closer in the last 7 weeks, though we did have a fight, it was about my calorie intake. Aparently he had read somewhere that I needed a certain amount of calories and I was under that amount. He ended up sleeping on the couch for half the night but came up in the middle of it and apoligized and I gave in and cuddled with him in my bed. I couldn't help it, I missed having his arms around me and hearing him sing lullabies in my ear as I fell asleep.

"Yeah, I am. I'm pretty sure its a boy though, I mean its got to be.."

I laughed as he parked the car and we got out heading towards the building holding hands. We checked in with the nurse at the front desk and I went to go find my baby magazine I had started reading last time we were here that I hadn't finished yet. I was so focused on the magazine that I didn't hear my name being called, and Brandon had to squeeze my hand to get my attention. 

He was smirking, and I could feel my face heat up as I set the magazine down and grabbed my purse before taking his hand in my free hand as we followed the nurse to the exam room. The nurse had me take off my shoes so she could get my weight. After that I sat on the exam chair as she took my blood pressure. 

"Good, your at the right weight and your blood pressure is normal. Are you guys looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby?" The nurse asked as I couldn't stop smiling and so Brandon answered her. 

"Yeah, we have a little bet on whether its a boy or girl." He said shifting in the chair, which I heard his phone go off. 

"Baby? Gonna get that?" I looked at him with a courious look. 

"Its your dad and brother, they've been texting me to see if we know yet on the sex and to see who won the bet." He said chuckling. 

"Mya, can I get you to fill this?" I had the nurse ask me as I rolled my eyes, the one thing I hated was taking the urine sample, but I took the cup from her and went into the little bathroom that was in the exam room. Coming back with the cup filled to the line I handed it to her before going back into the bathroom to wash my hands once more. I came out to see my doctor Ms. Keana Jean, she's a family friend of ours and was shocked to hear that I was pregnant at only 17 but was happy to be my doctor. 

"Keana!" I said exctied and sat back in the chair. "You ready to find out if I'm having a boy or girl?" I said giggling as Keana got the ultrasound machine ready. I pulled my shirt up exposing my stomach and watched at she put the gel on my stomach. We watched the screen closely, eagerly waiting to see who was right. 

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