Chapter 10 - Emergency Delivery

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Let me guys know if you guys like the different points of view, or would rather have one or just Mya's and Ray's or something, I need to see more comments for me to further uploading.


Brandon's point of view


"Not again.. She can't do this again." I snapped.

"Brandon stop, she's been under a lot of stress you can't start freaking out now." Allen tried to calm me.

"She's pushing everyone away! And Ray is waiting for Jake to wake up! What am I supposed to do?" I growled out.

"Be there for her." Was all he said.

I groaned and covered my face with my hands. It's been two months, and Mya won't let anyone near her. We were lucky we were getting her to eat. We knew she wouldn't let Levi starve. I stood up and walked out of the living room and up to our room, which I never sleep in anymore. She won't let me comfort her, she just keeps herself locked in her room. She wouldn't leave unless to go to appointments or to see her brother, alone. I knocked softly on the door.

"Mya.. baby, let me in. Please?" I practically had to beg.

I heard nothing, no movement. I tried the door and was surprised it was unlocked. Opening it slowly, I walked in and found her sitting on the floor leaning against the bed clutching a pillow. She looked like she was holding her breath in pain.

"Mya.." I said softly before running over to her.

"He's coming Brandon.." She said her voice filled with fear. I found my strength then and picked her up clutching her close to my body. "Shh it gonna be okay." I said softly, trying to calm her of the same thoughts I was having. The chance of losing him.

"Allen! We need to get to the hospital!" I yelled out as I carried her down the stairs. I could hear her sobbing against my chest and hear her blubbering about something. It took me a minute to understand what she was saying till I heard her say it louder.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you away." She continued to repeat the same words.

"Mya.. It's okay. It's not your fault. But right now I need you to stay calm." I said kissing the top of her head.

Allen met us outside and I put Mya in the back seat, sitting next to her and holding her hand. I prayed quietly, hoping our son would be okay. The thought of losing him, I know would devastate the both of us.

We pulled up to the hospital in record time, helping Mya out of the car and getting her into a wheelchair. We entered the E.R. and I told the nurse of the issue, surprisingly she knew who Mya was and had been friends with her mom and helped us get in.

After Mya got settled into the bed I went and got her some ice water and ice chips to keep her cooled down. Walking in she was on her side with Allen rubbing her back.

"Her back hurting?" I asked Allen who nodded his head yes. Setting the two pitchers down I went into her bag and took out one of the heating pads that stick to your back. Walking over, Allen moved out of the way and I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Mya, baby, I'm gonna put a heating pad on, okay?" I heard her whimper an okay back. I knew she was in a lot of pain and I wished I could take the pain away from her. I broke the heating pad so it would heat up and placed it on her lower back. I heard her whimper something softly, "What's that baby?" I asked her to repeat it.

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